The Lost King sounds as though it should be one of those gentle films in which people take of their clothes for a calendar photoshoot or sing sea shanties and Dame Judi Dench has to appear by law. But it's been causing no end of a row today. Members of University of Leicester Archaeological Services, who are unhappy with the way they are depicted in the film, were interviewed for an article in this morning's Daily Mail. So there you will read: One of the film's worst inaccuracies has undermined the reputation of the lead archaeologist on the dig, Dr ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Liberal Democrat Newswire #164 came out last week, including the role of the Blue Wall in triggering Brexit, why I'm running for re-election as Liberal Democrat Federal Party President, what the latest polls say, and more.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Yesterday, Labour's conference a motion calling for its next manifesto to include a commitment to introduce Proportional representation for parliamentary elections. On one hand, it's good to see the Labour conference finally catch up with us. We have long supported giving voters the Parliament they ask for. Labour have, of course, introduced proportional voting systems before, in the Welsh and Scottish assemblies. Directly elected mayors are also elected by supplementary voting. However, they have stuck with first past the post for Westminster because why wouldn't they when it benefitted them. Yesterday's vote is significant in that it shows that the ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

A planning application to demolish the historic stables at Chase Park, Whickham and build 4 executive homes on the site comes to planning committee tomorrow. The issue is controversial anyway without attempts by the local Labour Party to claim that the site is not in Chase Park! It is actually in the heart of the park. Indeed, Labour run Gateshead Council are selling the site and are flogging off

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Yesterday, the Labour conference voted to replace first past the post with proportional representation in general elections. Those of us who have argued for decades that this constitutional reform is one of the keys to creating a modern representative democracy should not get too excited. The Labour leadership under Starmer have indicated they won't back the introduction of PR, regardless of the

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Tue 27th

My tweets

Mon, 12:56: RT @estherschindler: MARINE CORPS EXERCISE REGIMEN FOR PEOPLE OVER 60 Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of... Mon, 16:05: RT @sforys92: The CIA couldn't even successfully coordinate the invasion of Cuba and yet tankies expect me to believe they're behind the re... Mon, 17:11: RT @ClowderofTwo: Quick Sips 09/23/2022 - back on my bullshit looking at the Fan vs Pro debate wrt the Hugos. Basically, either say it out... Mon, 20:04: Matt Smith: The Biography, by Emily Herbert via @nwbrux Mon, 20:48: RT @adampayne26: This piece from August, which accused Sunak of ...

I am struggling to contain my feelings about the new government and its first budget. Coming as it does after a mandate so limited in their numbers, from an electorate so isolated in their awareness, it is hard to take. Coming as it does, after the loss of the Queen, a great figure of real stability and decency at home, and amidst more threats from an appalling tyrant of mental instability and indecency abroad, I am personally and politically angry and worried. My natural tendency to see the best in people and situations is being tested. I cannot see two ...

Posted by Lorenzo Cherin on Liberal Democrat Voice

For those of us who can see some hope of a more radical and longer term agenda emerging from this week's Labour conference with the vote in favour of a proportional voting system for UK General Elections, there are also familiar signs that we being led up the garden path. Tbe Independent reports that Labour members voted in favour of three electoral reform motions, including to replace first-past-the-post with a form of proportional representation at general elections. They did not appear to specify what system they prefer though and local government was omitted from the resolution. However, despite signs that ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

After a long time, Politics seems to be getting interesting again, so I thought it might be time to restart my blog. With regard to this weeks mini budget, as with all budgets, there are two aspects: the economic and the political. The economic rationale for this package is questionable at best. The problems of the UK economy are structural. Productivity and investment are weak, infrastructure is under-invested and decaying. Small businesses are going to the wall and despite entrepreneurship being relatively strong in Britain, self-employment is increasingly unattractive. Red tape since Brexit has led to a significant fall in ...

Posted by Cicero on Cicero's Songs

Former Liberal Democrat MEP Caroline Voaden has been selected by local members to fight the next general election in the Totnes constituency.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Eastleigh Council has won the prestigious " Council of the Year" award from the Association for Public Service Excellence, recognising its excellent performance in delivering front line council services. The awards receive hundreds of submissions every year and only outstanding councils, that have met the stringent criteria of the expert judges, are shortlisted for Council of the Year. There are 22 Categories of award and as well as Council of the year. Eastleigh's Direct Services team won the award for Transport and Fleet Maintenance and the Council was shortlisted in 4 other categories. Accepting the award on behalf of the ...

Posted by Simon McGrath on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents are very welcome to join Get Out Get Active Tayside at Victoria Gardens on Blackness Road for Zumba with Nazhat - every Wednesday at 12 noon. This is a low impact Zumba class consisting of fun, choreographed dance routines designed to get you moving and make you smile! No sign up required - just pop along and join in.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Tue 27th

My energy bill

I got a letter from my energy supplier last week. I opened it when it arrived and when I saw it was about the new energy prices I will be paying from October, I simply put it to one side and forgot about it until today. So when I read it this morning, I was surprised to learn that my estimated bill was only going up £180 a year for both gas and electricity. And once the £400 from the energy

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace