Fiscal statement: Not a plan but "a recipe for disaster" A Budget for the Mega Rich at the Expense of Ordinary Citizens Debt dossier: Five times Truss and Kwarteng warned unsustainable borrowing could cripple the economy Ed Davey: "Billionaires' budget" shows Chancellor doesn't have a clue Fiscal statement: Not a plan but "a recipe for disaster" Responding to the Chancellor's fiscal statement today, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney said: This statement was an admission of failure from a Conservative government that is totally out of touch with the British people. It is not a plan, but a recipe for ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Good news today: Arts Fresco, Market Harborough's free street theatre festival, will take place on Sunday 9 October. For photographic opportunities and sheer fun, this is my favourite local event and its great that it has been rearranged so quickly. It would have been a particular shame for the event not to have taken place this year, as 2022 marks its 20th anniversary Arts Fresco was meant to take place earlier this month but had to be cancelled because of the period of mourning for the Queen. This was the right decision because few would have been in the mood ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

In January BBC News reported a story under the headline Ichthyosaur: Huge fossilised 'sea dragon' found in Rutland reservoir, which is more proof of the existence of a monster than they've ever found at Loch Ness. He wasn't happy about that "reservoir" though. FridayI don't know about you, but I've heard nothing from the 'There's No Monster Brigade' since the skeleton of an ichthyosaur - otherwise known as a 'sea dragon'! - was found on the shores of Rutland Water. What I do read are claims that this great lake is man-made and dates from no earlier than the 1970s. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Fri 23rd

For Bi Visibility Day

Today is Bi Visibility Day, also known as International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. The date highlights bisexuality and the challenges posed by biphobia and bisexual erasure – the tendency for bi people to be misread or have their lives retold as if they were straight or gay based on their public relationships. When it began in 1999, then as International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, there was far less TV and media representation of bi life – and what there was so often depended on negative stereotypes. Media representation still has some way to go but has increased greatly in quantity and quality.In ...

Posted by Jen Yockney on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 23rd


The wasp rages in its belljar; fightingagainst the glass, that warping of the airit would escape, or angrily fracture.Its vehemence consumes the spirit of the place,signalling its will to overcome constraintimposed upon an insect superman... break and fly and hunt and find and stingand harm the world, except for wasps;for only wasps can matter. Ignored [...]

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!

First from Ed Davey: The Conservatives are so out of touch they may as well be living on another planet. City bankers will be popping the champagne while struggling families worry about how they afford the weekly shop. It is not a plan, it's a recipe for disaster. — Ed Davey (@EdwardJDavey) September 23, 2022 Meanwhile Christine Jardine, our Cabinet Office spokesperson, has published a "debt dossier" which highlights five occasions on which Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng warned against government borrowing. She says: Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng both spent years warning about the risks to families and businesses ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

Yes, the Shropshire Star wins my Headline of the Day Award, but the judges felt it necessary to add a rider condemning the Church of England. As the story below that headline explains: The daughter of the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been banned from officiating at a church funeral in Shropshire, because she is married to a woman. Instead the family of Martin Kenyon will be holding the 'service' in the back garden of his country home in the south of the county. The former army officer split his life between London and the county and his family had ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Conservative Councillor defects to join B&NES Lib Dem administration. With immediate effect, Cllr Paul May of Publow with Whitchurch has left the Conservative Party and joined the Liberal Democrats. He was accepted into the Lib Dem Group at a special meeting held tonight. — Tim Ball Twerton LD (@timothyball) September 22, 2022

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

I will start by stating loud and clear that my understanding of economics is at a very basic level. However the concept of trickle down economics is refreshingly simple, so even I get the gist. But does it work? Ed Davey addressed the question in his interview on Sky News yesterday, where he says that the practice of boosting big business with tax cuts will not help the 4 million SMEs: Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Ed Davey says, 'right wing trickle down economics' does not work as it has 'failed before'. He adds that his Party want a fairer country. ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 23rd

My tweets

Thu, 19:30: Mr Britling Sees It Through, by H.G.�Wells Fri, 10:03: Quadruple vaxxed. Fri, 10:46: RT @TansuYegen: When 2 groups of penguins meet on the road, they stop for a short exchange of information. When one of them moves in with... </ul


Four principal authority council by-elections this week, Only two Liberal Democrat candidates, but that is one up on the last time these seats were up. Maresfield (Wealden) council by-election result: GRN: 61.2% (+30.3) CON: 38.8% (-23.3) No Lab (-7.1) as prev. Votes cast: 1,063 Green GAIN from Conservative. — Britain Elects (@BritainElects) September 22, 2022

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Just when you thought it was safe to get back into international politics, the Prime Minister of then UK is revealed as a Trumpista. Flee for your lives. Certainly, one of the most crass, hamfisted and insensitive things Trunp did in foreign relations was to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. It may have pleased Israel and the US Jewish lobby, but it did nothing for peace in the Middle East, in fact it undermined the USA's credibility with many Arab nations. Now, according to the Guardian, Truss is set to follow suit. The paper says that in a meeting ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Labour MP Rosie Cooper who has represented West Lancashire since 2005 has announced she is stepping down as an MP after 17 years to chair the Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. Speaking Kay Burley yesterday, Ed Davey paid tribute to Cooper and said the Lib Dems would not be stepping aside to give Labour a clear run. What we don't do is waste money putting it into elections where we are not convinced we can win. We target our resources. We will always give electors a choice. Of course we will have a candidate. That's the democratic thing to do. ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents and parents of pupils at Blackness Primary School have been in touch following Tuesday's worrying incident at the Hawkhill side of the school where an out of control vehicle hit the barriers on the pavement, shortly after the end of the school day. Police Scotland has traced the driver, who has been charged. One lady was unfortunately bruised although the outcome could have been a lot worse. Thank goodness no-one was seriously hurt. We immediately asked for barrier repairs as the previous barriers were totally mangled. We were assured by the Roads Maintenance Partnership that a temporary arrangement was ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End