This article on the prospects for a Progressive Alliance of the non-Conservative parties at the next general election appears in the new issue of Liberator. You can download it (issue 414) from the magazine's website. It was meant to be a review of Duncan Brack's pamphlet 1997 Then and Now: The Progressive Alliance That Was and the One That Could Be, but turned into the sort of review you get in the TLS or London Review of Books. By that I mean that it's one where the reviewer is less interested in the book in front of them than setting ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sat 17th

The Joy of Six 1075

Anne Applebaum meets the Belarusians resisting the threat of Russian imperialism by taking up arms in Ukraine. "Last year, a child in North Wales was kidnapped while abductors held his foster mother at knifepoint. Wilfred Wong, an evangelical Christian and long-time activist behind the group Coalition Against Satanist Ritual Abuse, whose goal is "to increase public awareness and action regarding satanist ritual abuse," was sentenced to 17 years in prison for his role in the abduction." Brandy Zadrozny says Satanic panic is making a comeback, fuelled by QAnon believers and Republican influencers, Jane Chelliah on talking about female ageing. "All ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Residents will recall that we have raised the poor condition of the pathway from Tait's Lane to Peddie Street and yesterday we had a very positive site visit with officers from the council's environment management and a Tait's Lane resident about improving the lane. It was agreed that the dumped items in the lane will be removed, graffiti tackled and over the winter months the weeds and overgrowth will be removed. The resident who met us yesterday had the very positive suggestion of community use of the beds to allow local residents in Peddie Street and Tait's Lane who are ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End