As Andrew Ray discovers in The Yellow Balloon, terrible things happened to boys who played on bombsites in 1953. And his friend's death is only the start of his troubles. William Sylvester, who makes a beguiling and dangerous villain, blackmails him into stealing from his parents and taking part in robberies and then, because he was present in one that ended in murder, seeks to silence him for good. So frightening is its finale, in which Sylvester hunts the boy through a bomb-damaged tube station, that The Yellow Balloon became one of the first British films to be awarded an ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A woman in her late 50s whom I worked with a long time ago was forced to leave for being 'near retirement age'. Before she left she told me to 'never grow old'. The fear of becoming an older woman is something that I carried within me for a long time as a result. It ... The post Female ageing is a story to be told appeared first on A Midlifer in London .

Posted by Jane on A Midlifer in London

Six principal authority council by-elections went ahead this week, of which three were for the City of London Corporation. Last night's Rumworth (Bolton) council by-election result: CON: 55.0% (+44.1) LAB: 37.6% (-35.2) GRN: 5.3% (-2.6) LDEM: 1.2% (-0.8) REF: 0.8% (+0.8) No UKIP (-6.3) as prev. Chgs. w/ 2019 Votes cast: 2,928 Conservative GAIN from Labour. — Britain Elects (@BritainElects) September 16, 2022

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Now there is a headline I will not be using often as the Council still lurches from crisis to crisis! However, credit must be given where credit is due. In the way the Council is now handling the long-hidden Internal ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Baroness Floella Benjamin has paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in the House of Lords. Floella talked about the late Queen as someone constant in the lives of young people : She gave them that sense of pride which is so important for the human soul and spirit, which young people need. She also talked about her own meetings with the Queen - something which as she said is something she could never have dreamed of as a child growing up in Trinidad in the 1950s and singing "God Save the Queen ' at school. I first met her in ...

Posted by Simon McGrath on Liberal Democrat Voice

Embed from Getty ImagesOnce again the Shropshire Star walks away with our Headline of the Day Award. It turns out that the woman and her edgy neighbours live "on the Shropshire border", as the paper often terms it. Other people say "in Wales".

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The latest issue of Liberator has been posted on the magazine's website. You can download as a pdf free of charge - look for Liberator 414 at the top of the list. I always turn first to Radical Bulletin, the section that tells you what's really going on in the Liberal Democrats. This time you can learn, among other things:how Richard Foord's path to selection as the candidate for the Tiverton and Honiton by-election was easedall about the row over the LGB Alliance being sold a conference stall and then having the booking cancelled because of an "administrative error"the dropping ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Liberator 414 can be downloaded here (click on the 414 icon). This is the free September 2022 online-only edition of Liberator and we hope you enjoy reading it. You can sign up here to be emailed each time a new bi-monthly Liberator comes out. What's inside this issue? Alongside Radical Bulletin, Commentary and Lord Bonkers' Diary, Liberator 414 includes: THE LOUSE AND THE FLEA. The Tories have made the worst of a bad choice of leader, Nick Winch looks at how to beat them LOOK AT THE ELEPHANT. There's one in the political room, it's called Brexit. Labour ignores it ...

Posted by Liberator Collective on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 16th

Long to reign over us

This is the second post using the material I presented at the Sunniside History Society meeting on Wednesday looking back at the events during the 70 year reign of Queen Elizabeth II. We have now arrived at the 1960s.1960 Birth of Prince Andrew Princess Margaret marries Anthony Armstrong-Jones Beatles perform for first time in Hamburg Penguin Books are found not guilty of obscenity in the

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Fri 16th

Sunniside Leek Show

I paid a visit to the Sunniside Leek Show last week in Sunniside Social Club.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

The new Health Secretary has got off to a flying start with a memo that gives the impression that she is all style and no substance. As the Guardian reports, a memo from Thérèse Coffey to staff at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), urged officials to "be positive" in their missives to their political boss, who is also Liz Truss's deputy prime minister, to avoid jargon when communicating with her, and not to use Oxford commas: Health officials told the Financial Times, which first reported on the memo, that they ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Here's the latest tally of seats changing hands in principal authority council by-elections held since the last May round of local elections.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

For some time, residents have raised concerns about the deteriorated state of the Elliot Road playing field's tennis courts. We had raised this with the City Council and, yesterday, Fraser took part in a very useful meeting including representatives from Dundee City Council, Harris Academy, sports clubs representatives and WECSH, the West End Community Sports Hub. As an immediate step, Neighbourhood Services at the City Council will undertake some work to get rid of the weeds and roll the surface. However, the main purpose of the meeting was to have some initial discussions about possible long-term improvements to hopefully create ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End