Embed from Getty ImagesThe death of a monarch who has reigned for 70 years is bound to lead to a solemn time. And it was inevitable that the cancellation Liberal Democrat Conference would be cancelled once the date of the Queen's funeral was announced, as I have already argued. That said, I find the argument put forward by Sarah Teather on Lib Dem Voice - that holding our conference would somehow imperil the peaceful succession of Charles III - bizarre. And this enthusiasm for cancelling events to display our grief - or perhaps to avoid criticism - can go too ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Carlsen has said no more and unless he does this blog will support Hans Niemann. Magnus Carlsen, incidentally, is not a happy bunny these days. He recently announced that he will not be defending his world title. Finally, to return to the subject of the day, here is an article on chess and the royal family.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A national shock of profound proportions is a powerful catalyst for uncovering long-forgotten childhood memories. Over the decades our memories become crammed with supervening events capturing the age related rites of passage such as leaving home, university and having children. The chronology of life takes precedence over remembering momentous moments. When a memory surfaces, you ... The post Why I wore yellow after the Queen's death appeared first on A Midlifer in London .

Posted by Jane on A Midlifer in London

If you went back in time to September 2019 and told the Lib Dem Conference in Bournemouth that members would not convene again in person for over three years, they would rightly be horrified. If you told them that we would be the only party to fail to do so, that horror would at best turn to astonishment. And yet, that is the position we find ourselves in. We are a party which prides itself on its internal participatory democracy, in which members elect party leadership and committees, determine policy, form internal organisations like Lib Dem Women and the Green ...

Posted by John Grout on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 12th

The transfer of power

I am not a historian nor a constitutional expert but I was always a bit smug about the way the transfer of power happens in the UK. The evidence from the USA demonstrates that even in long established democracies the handover period can be fraught with danger. In comparison the changes from one Prime Minister to another, and from one Monarch to another, seem pretty seamless here. The events of the last week have shown me that the processes are not as seamless as I had imagined. On Tuesday, for a short period between the visits of Boris Johnson and ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

Tonight, a meeting of the Constitutional Issues Committee will take place which will start one of the most important steps towards recreating Liverpool as an effective council capable of leading the City forward. It will probably pass unnoticed as it ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Mon 12th

My tweets

Sun, 12:14: Daily #210 1️⃣4️⃣⬛1️⃣3️⃣ 1️⃣5️⃣⬛0️⃣4️⃣ 0️⃣9️⃣⬛1️⃣0️⃣ 0️⃣6️⃣⬛1️⃣6️⃣ 0️⃣7️⃣⬛1️⃣7️⃣ 1️⃣1️⃣⬛1️⃣8️⃣ 1️⃣2️⃣⬛0️⃣8️⃣ 1️⃣9️⃣⬛2️⃣0️⃣ https://t.co/1E46GFXTgD #sedecordle Sun, 14:13: I'm seeing a fair bit of this on pro-Russian Twitter! https://t.co/7Jqjtf3j9c Sun, 15:44: Chicon 8, the 2022 Hugos and the Business�Meeting https://t.co/FvxdWXNWEM Mon, 10:45: RT @Irish_Cookbooks: Gill's Irish Phrase Book. A Conversational Manual for Everyday Use. Circa 1900 The section on 'Meals': 'I see that t... </ul

I very much share everyone's upset and frustration about the cancellation of our Autumn Conference. I'm set to lose a great deal of money on my non-refundable, fully-paid in advance hotel booking, and I've spent many hours and a great deal of angst on a speech that I'm not going to deliver. And, above all, I very much wanted to attend conference in person for the first time since my re-election in 2019 - now nearly three years ago! But I fully support the decision. The death of her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II last Thursday isn't just the death ...

Posted by Sarah Olney on Liberal Democrat Voice

As any student of 'Yes, Prime Minister' will know, it is the civil servants who run this country, and it is the politicians who are tolerated and manipulated. In fact, although it made good comedy, that is very much a politician's view. The civil service in my experience is largely neutral, though conservative with a small 'c', and will work hard to deliver what their political masters and mistresses require. It does not help of course if, instead of working with the existing civil servants for a bit to see how things go, an incoming Prime Minister makes it one ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

In my professional life, I have been expected to answer incoming calls with "Her Majesty's..." and, for most of my thirty-six years of service, that's what I've done, with a degree of pride, both in my organisation but also a reflection of the fact that I serve the monarch, albeit through her government. It is slightly odd to realise that I'm going to have to change that. But change, I guess, is inevitable. And, whilst intellectually it was obvious that the Queen would eventually die, there was that curious sense that she wouldn't because, what it would be like without ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 Miller's Wynd - closed at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. Start date Monday 27 June for 6 months. Hillcrest Road - closed at No 23 until 20 September for redevelopment works on existing house. Closures will be intermittent and each should last no more than several days. City Road (Tullideph Place to Logie Street) - closed for up to one week for Scottish Water emergency works. Cleghorn Street at junction of Rosebery Street - 4 way temporary ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End