I was over at my mother's house this afternoon, continuing to sort through her belongings, when I read on Twitter that the Queen had died. There really are no grown ups left to tell us what to do.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It is a moment that we all knew was going to come at some point in the not too distant future. Even so, the announcement of the Queen's passing comes as a shock. It's hard to take in that someone whose face you have seen every day of your life in some form is no longer with us. Senior Liberal Democrats have remarked on her passing. Ed Davey said: We are all deeply mourning the profound loss of a great monarch, who served our country so faithfully all her life and who was loved the world over. "For many people, ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Ed Davey has accused the Conservatives of bringing in a "phony freeze" on energy bills, after it emerged the average family will see their heating costs almost double this winter compared to last year. Here he is challenging the Prime Minister: Liz Truss' phony freeze will see struggling families and pensioners with energy bills at double last winter's. The Conservatives are choosing to allow this huge hike to people's heating costs, while refusing to properly tax the eye-watering profits of oil and gas companies. pic.twitter.com/QSShCpVjkt — Liberal Democrats (@LibDems) September 8, 2022 The Government has also lifted the ban on ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey said: "This phony freeze will still leave struggling families and pensioners facing impossible choices this winter as energy bills almost double. "Liz Truss and the Conservatives are choosing to allow this huge hike to people's heating costs, while refusing to properly tax the eye-watering profits of oil and gas companies. "This is a deliberate choice and it is the wrong one. People are furious that once again the Conservatives are on the side of oil and gas giants making record profits rather than families struggling to make ends meet." Worth also noting how little detail ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Liberal Democrats have named their candidates for the next general election for the City of Chester and the Ellesmere Port and Neston seats.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The loss of a close friend, the death of a life partner, even a long standing neighbour can hit us all hard. The processing of the loss along with the recollection of times well spent can be emotionally draining. Yet for many as well as being emotional in and of itself, a friend or partner dying can also be a time when people can demonstrate harsh and unremitting cruelty. And unspoken truths about sexuality and identity are used against those mourning. I am naming no-one but I'm sure many of us know stories of a person dying, their life partner ...

Posted by Ed Fordham on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 8th

My tweets

Wed, 12:56: RT @DavidHarewood: I remember when I played Lord Asriel in @PhilipPullman's brilliant His Dark Materials at the National Theatre years ago... Wed, 13:03: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Albania's prime minister announces the severing of diplomatic relations with #Iran after a cyberattack. This... Wed, 14:17: Daily #206 1️⃣0️⃣⬛1️⃣1️⃣ 1️⃣2️⃣⬛0️⃣7️⃣ 0️⃣8️⃣⬛0️⃣9️⃣ 0️⃣4️⃣⬛1️⃣3️⃣ 1️⃣4️⃣⬛1️⃣5️⃣ 0️⃣5️⃣⬛0️⃣6️⃣ 1️⃣6️⃣⬛1️⃣7️⃣ 1️⃣8️⃣⬛1️⃣9️⃣ https://t.co/1E46GFXTgD #sedecordle Got it in 19! Not sure if that last should be an allowable word... Wed, 15:30: RT @suttontrust: 🔎 NEW CABINET ANALYSIS 🔎 📚 68% of Liz Truss's cabinet were educated privately, the highest proportion since John Major's... Wed, 15:39: I was the ...

Thu 8th

Fracking hell

As we wait for the long overdue statement on how the UK Government plans to tackle the cost of living crisis, one proposed meausre stands out, the reintroduction of fracking. Now nobody is disputing the need to find alternative sources of energy but this proposal falls down on several levels. As the new chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng said months ago when he was business secretary in the previous government, fracking will "take years of exploration and development before commercial quantities of gas can be produced for the market and will certainly have no effect on prices in the near term". It ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The country faces an immediate cost of living crisis - requiring drastic action. This needs short term measures which can be funded through taxes on the additional short term profits of energy companies or through increase in debt. Measures which wouldn't be sustainable long term but are needed to address today's issues. But we also need a long term strategy to make our unfair society better, and in particular, to reduce levels of poverty which pre-existed the current crisis. The conference paper and the debate on a Fairer Society address this. The paper covers policies which will make society fairer ...

Posted by Kevin Langford on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liam McArthur, MSP for Orkney, will today lodge a final proposal in the Scottish Parliament for his Members Bill which would enable assisted dying in Scotland if passed. A report detailing the responses to the public consultation on the bill's proposals will also be published. In total, 14,038 consultation responses were received - the highest number of responses received to date for a consultation on a proposed Members Bill. The report's findings include: A clear majority of respondents, 76%, were fully supportive of the proposal, with a further 2% partially supportive. Many respondents gave first-hand experiences of living with, and ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Fraser is pictured in Invergowrie Drive where a parts of the waiting restrictions have become faded - particularly in the cul-de-sacs. We contacted the Roads Maintenance Partnership about this and were given the following positive response : "I have been in touch with Tayside Contracts to have the double yellow lines on Invergowrie Drive - including the cul de sacs - refreshed." We are pleased to say this work was undertaken last week.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End