Bristol World reports: Pro-Brexit lobby group Leave.EU has gone into liquidation with debts of more than £7m, documents submitted to Companies House show. The body was co-founded by Arron Banks as a support group for Nigel Farage and his campaign to leave the European Union... It made 'serious breaches' of electronic marketing laws by sending subscribers more than a million emails which included marketing for GoSkippy insurance brand. Almost 300,000 emails containing a Leave.Eu newsletter were also sent to customers of the same company. The group was subsequently fined £70,000 – and then lost an appeal against the fines last ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

This nicely presented history of the Ritz, Market Harborough, and the town's other two cinemas appeared on YouTube today (h/t @solarpilchard). On a personal note: I saw both Jaws and Monty Python and the Holy Grail at the Ritz.I remember the rather exotic remains of the Oriental, but the site of the County had already been cleared when I moved to Harborough.At 5.42 there is a photo credit to Dave Alex Riddett. He is the older brother of one of my schoolfriends and has been director of photography on all the classic Aardman films.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Opening doors and saying hello is incredibly powerful. The gesture of being welcoming and having a chat can breakdown barriers, increase understanding and create opportunities. This is why I am so pleased that this weekend is #VisitMyMosque, a chance for anyone to visit their local mosque, ask questions and even make friends. Since the pandemic, the event has been conducted online. Now that we can meet in person again, this is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to make the most of this great initiative. I was proud of a day I arranged for the London LibDems candidates to visit several ...

Posted by Hina Bokhari on Liberal Democrat Voice

BBC News wins our Headline of the Day Award. As the story is on its Northern Ireland pages, we can safely conclude they're not talking about Bangor, Gwynedd, or Bangor, Maine.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Today I published my latest piece for the Institute for Government*, on the UK's continuous failure to grow business investment. The straw man I often imagine myself attacking is a policy wonk with a mental picture of the economy like a boardgame, where the Wonk gets to choose how much Investment to do. Then theContinue reading "My noodlings on business investment, somewhat personal reflection"

Posted by freethinkingeconomist on Freethinking Economist

In response to the huge hike in the energy price cap due in October, Birmingham City Council, along with Councils in a number of other UK cities, is looking into setting up a network of 'Warm banks' across the City. These would be publicly accessible buildings, such as libraries, places of worship and community centres, which would be open for people unable to afford to heat their homes during the coming winter. Clearly we hope that the Government will take action to prevent people falling into such severe fuel poverty (the Lib Dems and Labour are calling for the Government ...

Posted by Roger Harmer on Roger Harmer

Parliament returns from the summer recess on Monday with a new Conservative Party leader and, shortly afterwards, a new prime minister when the Queen gives her approval at Balmoral. The details and consequences of those events will be discussed here on Lib Dem Voice. And just about everywhere else. But the Commons will only sit for 14 days from Monday before it takes a month's break for the party conferences. Some of the conferences. MPs will sit for two days during the Lib Dem conference. The summer recess lasted for 53 days. Nearly two months at a time of growing ...

Posted by Andy Boddington on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 1st

My tweets

Wed, 12:56: RT @EamonWhalen: I wrote about how for all the talk of defund the police in Minneapolis, it's actually the police who are the ones defundin... Wed, 16:05: RT @Kasparov63: I'll have a piece on Gorbachev soon, but this paragraph from Winter Is Coming sums up my thoughts. He was obliged to embark...

"Power corrupts", and I am afraid that what we have seen in the past 2 years is no worse than what went before it. Throughout my adult life not a year has gone by without some political scandal or other being in the news. The simple observation that our leaders are not using their power with our interests at heart is a part of the problem our country faces, for the powers they exert are not theirs they belong to us, the people. From the abuse of power stem all the other problems we face. At elections power switches from ...

Posted by Iain Donaldson on Liberal Democrat Voice

It shouldn't really be a surprise, but Wales on line reports that a Conservative ex-UK Government minister has admitted that the Welsh public were deliberately misled about how replacement money for former EU funds would be spent in Wales. The site says that former Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns admitted in an interview for a new book, that the Conservative Government never intended for decisions on the spending of the replacement EU cash to remain in Wales: As part of their 2019 general election campaign the Conservatives promised that Wales would receive "not a penny less" as a result of Brexit. ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Many thanks to Mr James Stirton of Hyndford Place for sending us photos of his beautiful front garden, which he has again taken part in the City Council's garden and allotment competition. Mr Stirton also takes part in vegetable exhibitions too.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End