On 3 May 1943 the Daily News reported: Soho has a Mission to the Intelligentsia What is described as "a kind of mission centre for the intelligentsia" is to be opened by the Bishop of London in Soho this week. Its quarters will be in St. Anne's House. Dean Street, the parish house of the famous church of St. Anne's. Soho. destroyed by enemy action. Two wardens. the Rev. Patrick McLaughlin and the Rev. Gilbert Shaw. have been appointed, available for interviews and inquiries. Meetings and discussions with well-known speakers are being arranged, dealing with religion. literature, drama and the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Yesterday I posted on the latest developments in the scandal in Pennsylvania over judges locking up juvenile offenders in return for payment from the operators of detention facilities. This video tells you more about that scandal. There are interviews with two of the (now adult) victims of the scandal and the mother of one who took his own life. Then from 44:50 we hear from a lawyer who helped bring the corrupt judges to justice and from the director of a film on the scandal. A final word from Ethics and Psychology: The psychologist brother-in-law of disgraced former Luzerne County ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Liverpool's Labour Councillors have effectively been stripped of control of the Council after the Government has appointed a new Strategic Futures Advisory Panel to work alongside the Commissioners to run our City and plan for its future. The new partnership will see the elected mayor of the Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotheram, the former Labour Leader of Leeds, Baroness Blake, and Sir Howard Bernstein who worked for years as the Chief Executive to Sir Richard Lees in Manchester effectively set the future direction of the City whilst the Commissioners will effectively run the City. Effectively this means that national Labour ...

Posted by Richard Kemp on Liberal Democrat Voice

There were only two principal authority by-elections this week. However one saw a fantastic Lib Dem hold on Cambridge City Council. Congratulations to Cllr David Levien and the team for making sure Trumpington ward remained Lib Dem with an increased vote-share and a fraction under 50% of the vote. A fantastic result! Cambridge City Council, Trumpington ward Liberal Democrat (David Levien): 1,017 [49.8%, +7.7%] Labour: 472 [23.1%, -8.1%] Green: 298 [14.6%, +1.7%] Conservative: 256 [12.5%, -1.3%] There was no candidate in Thursday's other by-election - in which an Independent took the seat of Preesall on Wyre Borough Council from the ...

Posted by Charles Quinn on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liberal Democrat Newswire #163 looks at the latest on Lib Dem general election plans, how to persuade voters to change their minds, what the polls are saying and more.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Should there be a comma after Y in the phrase "X, Y and Z"? A lot of people say there should - it's called the Oxford comma - but they're wrong. In most cases there's no need for a comma there. Fans of the Oxford comma are fond of coming up with examples where you do need a comma after Y: My heroes are my grandparents, Batman and Wonder Woman. Yes, you do need one after Batman there to make it clear you don't come from a family of superheroes. But this morning I came across an example where adding ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The number of entries for different A Level subjects in England makes for interesting reading. The top subject is Mathematics which is way ahead with 90k entries, followed by Psychology (76k), Biology (66k) and Chemistry (55k). In fact those four subjects have been the most popular from 2018 onwards. STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) have dominated A level teaching for many years. In fact, of the ten most popular subjects, seven (Mathematics, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Sociology, Physics and Economics) are STEM subjects. This is generally to be welcomed, but with a couple of caveats. First, exam entries do ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 19th

Complacency (part 2)

The olde worlde manne buffed up his puffand spoke, mellifluously, but in a strangled voicethat whistled in his breath, through classic English teethnot-quite-concealed below his baccy 'tache... "I voted to turn back the clock. Ourselves alone,the insular, in poverty, you know... And nowI'm in the writers' group! We're such a cosy cliquewhich meets together, every [...]

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!
Fri 19th

My tweets

Thu, 12:56: It's hot and dry out there, but it ain't as bad as 1540 (yet) - POLITICO https://t.co/l3cT8PNG45 How bad could it get? Tremendous historical reporting. Thu, 18:35: September 2017 books https://t.co/hOqaqmMB92 Fri, 07:24: Huge mistake, @TravelGov and @AsstSecStateAF! Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki @Penprince_, one of Africa's leading writers, had a packed schedule for World Science Fiction Convention in Sep in Chicago; denied US visa on a whim by consular official in @USinNigeria Embassy. Please fix! https://t.co/V0RHz7qxbL Fri, 10:45: Why Soylent Green got 2022 so wrong. https://t.co/pvtqBaSLmX It's difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.

On 16 August, Helen Morgan wrote to Greg Clark, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities calling for action to protect those who will not be able to afford to heat their homes this winter. She has also written to Shropshire Council leader Lezley Picton: Places like libraries and leisure centres could easily be adapted to provide a safe space for people to sit and keep warm during the day, at no extra cost to the tax payer. Community Heating Hubs are simple, easily implemented and could be a literal lifeline for some households this winter. In her ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liverpool's Labour Councillors have effectively been stripped of control of the Council after the Government has appointed a new Strategic Futures Advisory Panel to work alongside the Commissioners to run our City and plan for its future. The new partnership ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

They sold Brexit on a promise to divert funds from the EU to the NHS., instead, we have a health service in crisis, people unable to see a doctor or a dentist in good time, huge queues at accident and emergency, and a waiting list that dwarfs anything seen pre-pandemic. And now government ministers are calling for massive cuts in public services and a dismantling of the British state. The Independent reports that Jacob Rees-Mogg has urged the next prime minister to slash back the government's role as a prize of Brexit, suggesting it should not "deliver certain functions at ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Here's the latest tally of seats changing hands in principal authority council by-elections held since the last May round of local elections.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Two principal authority council by-elections this week. Only one has a Lib Dem candidate, though the other has not had a Liberal Democrat, SDP or Liberal candidate since the one in 1976. Trumpington (Cambridge) council by-election result: LDEM: 49.8% (+11.8) LAB: 23.1% (-4.5) GRN: 14.6% (-3.1) CON: 12.5% (-4.2) Votes cast: 2,043 Liberal Democrat HOLD. — Britain Elects (@BritainElects) August 19, 2022

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

In a press release that is receiving widespread coverage in this morning's media, Tim Farron and Richard Foord attacked the huge bonuses received by water bosses while sewerage pours into our rivers and seas. Average water company executive pay and bonuses rose by a fifth compared to last year despite 2.7 million hours of sewage being pumped into rivers and swimming spots Average water company executives paid themselves £100,000 more in bonuses alone. Their average annual bonus now stands at over £600,000 New Lib Dem figures revealed as hosepipe ban is announced for Thames Water who lose a quarter of ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

We have received numerous complaints about the deteriorating state of the road surface in West Park Road at its north end - particularly north of the Beechwood Terrace junction. We contacted the Roads Maintenance Partnership about this and have received a positive response being advised that West Park Road is included in this year's carriageway programme for 'targeted' structural inlay repairs which will greatly improve the road surface. We sought clarity around which part of the road was to be 'targeted' for the repairs and have been advised "... areas at the north end of West Park Road will be ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Fri 19th

The politics of cats

Cats have become political. No wannabe prime minister who would dare suggest they did not like cats, though Rishi Sunak has yet to declare. Budding politicians no longer kiss babies but they do stroke cats. Even Sir Ed Davey kneels subserviently in the presence of cats. Captured in @Guardian. "The Lib Dem leader, Ed Davey, canvassing Kate Allden - and Mikee the cat - before May's local elections." — Newsworks (@newsworks_uk) April 13, 2022 There are people who believe that cats should be locked up to preserve wildlife. Indeed, the majority of American cats are not allowed outdoors, a move ...

Posted by andybodders on Andy Boddington

There used to be a railway bridge that crossed the lower River Severn just above Sharpness. It was severely damaged in 1960 when two tankers laden with fuel oil and gasoline collided in thick fog and then drifted into it. Falling debris or a severed electrical cable ignited the fuel vapours from their cargoes, causing an explosion. Five men on the barges died in the incident, and two spans of the bridge fell into the river. British Railways originally planned to repair the bridge, but further mishaps meant that it never reopened and was demolished in 1970. This short video ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England