Pay squeeze: Families are being hammered by a cost of living catastrophe Lib Dems: As the country floods, water companies are pumping out untold amounts of sewage Pay squeeze: Families are being hammered by a cost of living catastrophe Responding to the latest monthly wage figures which show real-term wages falling by 3%, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: Families are being hammered by a cost of living catastrophe and yet the Government is nowhere to be found. This Zombie Government has no plan and is failing our country. People can't wait any longer for the Conservatives to ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 16th

The Joy of Six 1069

Chris Grey discusses what the Conservative leadership contest tells us about Brexit: "There's a dated feeling to the entire contest, especially in the constant invocations of Margaret Thatcher, perhaps reflecting the age and political reference points of the selectorate that will choose the next Prime Minister. It's reminiscent of the way Conservatives still argue about whether Thatcher would or would not have supported Brexit, still vying for the imprimatur of the Iron Lady, or perhaps just for mummy's approval." Alona Ferber dissects Liz Truss's clumsy attempt to win the votes of Jewish Tory members. "While celebrities like Elvis Presley legitimized ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 16th

Complacency (part 1)

The olde worlde manne buffed up his puffand spoke, mellifluously, but in a strangled voicethat whistled in his breath, through classic English teethnot-quite-concealed below his baccy 'tache... "You know, I marinade my ego in my creative juice(as someone may have said, in 1922);I am a captain in the upper middle class –haute bourgeoisie, by way of [...]

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!

The next general election With a new Conservative Party leader nearly upon us, the range of plausible dates for the general election is wide open. As it now may well be much sooner than seemed likely at the time of our last conference, the Federal Board has been reviewing our general election plans. Preparations are being stepped up across the party. The pre-manifesto document being debated at conference is an important part of that as is Ed Davey's announcement of a major new package to help people with their fuel bills this winter – axing the planned increase in the ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

Would-be Prime Minister Liz Truss agrees with the Homes & Planning Working Group (HPWG) about scrapping the top-down national housing target! "Cakeism"? Could a Sunak Government spend more while cutting taxes? It depends what taxes are cut - and how. Perhaps there is a way, which today's politicians and their advisors have ignored. From John McDonald to Milton Friedman (with David Ricardo, Adam Smith and Vince Cable as classical Liberals) some have supported: the "Tax Shifting" way. Our traditional taxes are almost all "welfare negative": causing a huge "deadweight loss" of real growth. Taxes on earnings, dividends, profits and most ...

Posted by Tony Vickers on Liberal Democrat Voice

Areas of southern England and parts of continental Europe are now in officially in drought. Taps ran dry in Northend in Oxfordshire. The source of the mighty River Thames shrank back to more than five miles from its source near for the first time in memory. Hosepipe bans are in force and people are advised to reduce water use. Although there is now some rain in some areas, the water deficit in the soil is now so great a couple of days rain will do little more than revive those flagging garden plants and maybe perk up the lawns we ...

Posted by Andy Boddington on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 16th

45 years ago

45 years ago I had just returned home after spending 50 days in hospital following a road accident. So I was still on crutches when I heard the news that Elvis was dead. Looking back nearly half a century later, can anyone think of a performer and musician who still dominates the music industry two generations after they have passed away? Elvis was of course The King but he gave us some fantastic

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Tue 16th

My tweets

Mon, 15:15: RT @ypma_albert: @HarrisonSealts Ook interessant. Vgl.: 'Interested to note that the only French-language periodical mentioned by name [in... Mon, 16:05: RT @DougNBC: Great detail in this report from the NBC team - how Trump liked to keep documents to show off - even top secret ones. And ins... Mon, 17:53: Three books from the Hugo�packet Mon, 20:48: RT @ftukpolitics: Michelle O'Neill: 'What I won't allow is the unravelling of the Good Friday Agreement' Tue, 10:45: RT @BestForBritain: From that same Ashcroft polling today, these are awful numbers for Sunak and trully abysmal for Truss. She has ...

Tue 16th

The levelling up myth

As a sound bite, levelling up was effective rhetoric, but the reality has hardly lived up to the hype. Although the UK Government is highly centralised anyway, you would have thought they could have made an effort to redress that issue in designing a department aimed at raising up the wealth of regions in the north of England. Alas, that was not the case. The Mirror reports that 66% of Tory Levelling Up staff are based in London, only 2.4% - 82 people - work for the department in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland combined despite the government's department's mission ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

I was delighted that a policy motion written by myself, and the Young Liberals Social Mobility representative, Emily Baker, passed with an overwhelming majority at Young Liberals Summer Conference in Birmingham. At our winter conference in Edinburgh in February, we passed a motion showing solidarity with the University & Colleges Union. Emily and I thought that in light of the Federal Party's response to the RMT strikes, a similar motion ought to be brought to our Summer Conference in an expression of our support for the union. To be completely candid, the Lib Dem response to these strikes made me ...

Posted by Callum Clark on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Sinderins Community Hub launches this Thursday - 18th August - from 1pm to 4pm - all welcome! It takes place in the Logie & St John's (Cross) Church hall, Shaftesbury Terrace. ➨ A place to meet and make friends➨ A place to chat➨ A place for the retired➨ A place for those working from home➨ A place for people on a day off➨ A place for people who aren't in paid work but who care for their loved ones➨ A place for parents and toddlers➨ A place for people to help shape what happens next➨ A place for everyone ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

From John Rogers' blurb on YouTube: Our hike into the ancient history of Britain starts at Harlington in Bedfordshire and picks up the John Bunyan trail to the Icknield Way which then takes us through glorious countryside around the Sundon Hills to Sharpenhoe Clappers. We then head south for the outskirts of Luton and the source of the River Lea at Leagrave near the Neolithic henge monument at Waulud's Bank, believed to be around 5000 years old. John has a Patreon account to support his videos and blogs at The Lost Byway.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England