Wed 10th

Sunniside phone mast

Residents have raised with me some questions about the new phone mast at the Stanley Road junction in Sunniside. I had to do some digging. The questions and answers are:When was it granted planning permission - June last year.Who gave it planning permission - officers under delegated powers.Who was consulted - the 14 nearest properties.Typically, phone companies install phone masts quickly after

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

A search of the British Newspaper Archive finds W.T. Nettlefold at a meeting the London Branch of the Left Book Club Poetry Group held in Hampstead in the first week of June 1939. Bill Nettlefold was a neighbour of my mother's aunt and cousin in Bexleyheath and turned out to have been a minor poet in the 1930s. I blogged about meeting him when I was 17 - think of it as my homage to Hazlitt's My First Acquaintance with Poets. There were three men reading at that 1939 meeting and the other two - Paul Potts and Randall Swingler ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Wed 10th

Day trip to York

I filmed this on a day off from politics and farming. A day trip to York - the city is packed with history and is only an hour on the train from home. It is a regular host of Lib Dem spring conference. I'm not sure if York is hosting conference in the next couple of years but if it is, I will use the opportunity to visit more of the historical attractions.The video was filmed at Clifford Tower,

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

With windfall taxes back in the news, YouGov has new polling out showing strong public support for the idea: The vast majority of both Conservative (82%) and Labour (85%) voters would support an additional one-off tax on energy and oil companies who have seen larger profits due to energy price rises — YouGov (@YouGov) August 10, 2022

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Our efforts in Shropshire have not gone unnoticed. I'm absolutely delighted to welcome former Labour Mayor and MP candidate Jon Tandy to the Liberal Democrat ranks in Shrewsbury. We met in Harlescott yesterday to welcome Jon to the team. [IMG: 👇] — Cllr Alex Wagner [IMG: 🦁] (@alex__wagner__) August 10, 2022 This week former Labour Mayor and parliamentary candidate for Shrewsbury joined the Lib Dems and was welcomed by local councillor Alex Wagner. From Shropshire Live: Jon Tandy said: "I was a Labour Councillor for 16 years, and served Shrewsbury as Mayor. I even ran to be our Labour ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

We don't need a cosy meeting with energy bosses in Downing Street – we need to cancel the energy price rise to stop a social catastrophe in our country, it is as simple as that. — Ed Davey (@EdwardJDavey) August 10, 2022 Ed Davey has warned that tomorrow's meeting between government ministers and energy companies risks becoming "a pointless talking shop" unless a tougher windfall tax is confirmed. He demanded that the Business Secretary and Chancellor impose a tougher windfall tax on energy companies to fund the scrapping of October's energy price rise. He wants the rate raised from 25% ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Remember when Nick Clegg told us he would defy the law and refuse to register for an identity card? (It was during a Lib Dem leadership election, if that helps narrow it down.) I thought of him when I read this Guardian story: When local Nebraska police came knocking in June - before Roe v Wade was officially overturned - Facebook handed the user data of a mother and daughter facing criminal charges for allegedly carrying out an illegal abortion. Private messages between the two discussing how to obtain abortion pills were given to police by Facebook, according to the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Praise for the Lib Dems' call for October's energy price rise to be scrapped from an unlikely source appears today. The Scotsman leader column says: Labour's party political point-scoring about Johnson being in office but not in government might impress some but hardly offers an alternative solution. Instead it was left to the Liberal Democrats to come up with what sounds like an expensive but effective plan. They called for the energy price cap to remain at its current rate with energy suppliers recompensed by government for rising wholesale prices to the tune of £36 billion, partly funded by an ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Jon Tandy, a former Labour mayor of Shrewsbury and Labour parliamentary candidate for Shrewsbury and Atcham, has joined the Liberal Democrats. He told Shropshire Live: "I'm born and bred in Shrewsbury, I love this town. The Liberal Democrats are providing the community leadership that we need to keep making Shrewsbury a better place to live for everyone. They really care about our town, and I'm going to be backing the Lib Dems all the way to win votes and seats from both the Tories and Labour." His decision is rooted in disquiet at the left's control of Labour in Shrewsbury, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Wed 10th

My tweets

Tue, 12:07: RT @File_770: Whyte: Comments on the 2022 Hugo Awards Study Committee�Report Tue, 21:21: Daily #177 1️⃣6️⃣⬛0️⃣4️⃣ 1️⃣3️⃣⬛2️⃣0️⃣ 0️⃣5️⃣⬛1️⃣7️⃣ 0️⃣6️⃣⬛0️⃣7️⃣ 1️⃣8️⃣⬛0️⃣8️⃣ 0️⃣9️⃣⬛1️⃣9️⃣ 1️⃣0️⃣⬛1️⃣5️⃣ 1️⃣1️⃣⬛1️⃣2️⃣ #sedecordle Wed, 10:45: RT @joshcarlosjosh: I'm no Sauron fan, but here's why forming a fellowship to raid Mount Doom and destroy the One Ring is going to enrage h... </ul


In her Scotsman column week, Christine Jardine takes the Scottish Greens to task. Since they joined the Scottish Government, the future of the planet seems to have taken a back seat to nationalism as they parrot SNP lines on independence. Like their more senior nationalist partners at Holyrood, the party's leadership has declared that if there is no second referendum on Scotland's future within the UK, they will fight the general election solely on the constitutional question. If they don't get their way, they will re-define the General Election to suit themselves, calling every vote cast for a Green candidate ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 10th

A contrast in leadership

With energy bills set to rise above £4,000 by the beginning of next year, it is becoming increasingly urgent that government take action to alleviate the impact on households around the UK. Removing the green energy levy and taking on that investment themselves is one option, as is removing VAT on fuel bills, preferably both. But is that enough? That seems unlikely. If only the government had continued building up alternative energy capacity after 2015, a programme started by the Liberal Democrats in government, then the situation might be more manageable for everybody. There is no indication that the Tory ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Shropshire Live reports: Jon Tandy, former Labour Mayor of Shrewsbury, Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Shrewsbury, and Shropshire Labour Party Councillor of 16 years has today announced his defection to the Liberal Democrats... Jon Tandy said: "... The Labour Party I joined 35 years ago is gone. The influence of Corbyn and Momentum is still present like a nasty hangover, especially in Shrewsbury and Atcham. I can't sit by and stick with them when there are other strong alternatives locally. "I'm born and bred in Shrewsbury, I love this town. The Liberal Democrats are providing the community leadership that we need ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Here's Ed Davey on yesterday's Good Morning Britain talking about his radical call for the Government to cancel the energy price cap rise planned for October, paying for it by a windfall tax on energy companies and increased VAT receipts. 'I think we could be heading for a social catastrophe.' Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir @EdwardJDavey is calling on the government to cover the cost of the energy price rise in October. He is asked where the money to cover the cost will come from. — Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 9, 2022 Ed said "I think we ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 10th

Dundee recycling study

From the Psychology Department at the University of Dundee : Residents are invited to take part in a study aiming to develop a greater understanding of recycling in the Dundee public. Any Dundee resident aged over 18 can take part. To find out more and to take part, go to Any questions - just e-mail

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End