Alistair Carmichael has accused the Scottish Government of flip-flopping on vaccine passports for domestic use. Way back last December, when questioned by Willie Rennie, Nicola Sturgeon sounded pretty sceptical about them. Here's the excchange: WR: With the great news about the vaccine, people will want to know how the restrictions will be eased. As a Liberal, I am nervous about talk of immunity passports for getting into shops and restaurants or on to planes. Putting personal information on to large databases means risks to privacy and the possibility of fraud, hacking and theft. The World Health Organization questions the value ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

In her Scotsman column this week, Christine Jardine looks at Hydrogen as a weapon in our arsenal against climate change. She looks at many potential uses – from fuelling planes to heating homes and highlights the work of the European Marine Energy Centre on Orkney: EMEC is supporting a project known as HyFlyer which has already achieved the world's first flight of a commercial-grade hydrogen electric aircraft in September of last year. ZeroAvia's hydrogen-electric Piper Malibu Mirage successfully achieved a 20-minute flight from Cranfield airfield in the UK in which the only fumes it produced were water vapour. The next ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Second paragraph of third chapter:They left the conference center in a Tesla with blacked-out windows, then drove her for half an hour through the trackless, officezoned industrial yards of Seattle. Their destination was an anonymous warehouse with a loading dock and a windowless door. There was nothing to distinguish it from hundreds of others except for a couple of unobtrusive bird-drones soaring overhead like legless, featherless seagulls with telephoto eyes. Inside, it was furnished with office cubicles and, disturbingly, a shipping container tricked out as a motel room—if motel rooms came without windows and had doors that locked from the ...

Last week I asked the Council how many homes for social rent they have built since the Tory Government allowed us, from 2017 onwards, to build council housing again. The response from a supposedly socialist council was laughable. They are ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Any day now, an email will drop into your inbox or one of those old fashioned letters will drop through your letterbox. It will invite you to renew your voter registration for local and national elections. If you don't renew, you will lose your vote. First time voters can also register. You must be 16 years old to register but you can't vote in England until you are 18. It is also time to think about getting a postal vote. No one can predict how fit we will be, what our personal circumstances may me or what the weather will ...

Posted by andybodders on Andy Boddington
Tue 3rd

My tweets

Mon, 17:11: RT @johnb78: RELATED POINT TO SEVERAL DISCUSSIONS: the reason JK Rowling is a terrible person who you shouldn't listen to is because she st... Mon, 18:32: Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick, by Zora Neale Hurston Mon, 18:48: RT @davidallengreen: Have been told that sharing gold medal 'literally defeats the object of having a sporting event' Incorrect: the techn... Mon, 20:14: Well worth a watch, and novelisation is decent too.

The first version of the agenda for this autumn's federal Liberal Democrat conference has been published. I say 'first version' because, continuing the improvements in conference paperwork seen through the last two conferences: An update to this Conference Agenda incorporating Conference Extra will be published online ahead of conference, and further updates incorporating Conference Daily will be published each day of conference. They will contain updates to the agenda including information from the Federal Conference Committee (FCC), changes to session timings, amendments, topical issues, emergency motions and questions to reports. You will be able to find Conference Agenda updates online ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

New Brighton & Perch Rock Lighthouse For some reason, I've long had a fascination with lighthouses and have read a number of books about them and how/why they were constructed. Most recently I've been reading a book by Tom Nancollas called Sea Shakenhouses – A Lighthouse History from Eddystone to Fastnet (published in 2018) – and a great read it has been too. Perch Rock Lighthouse The fourth' rock lighthouse' Tom covers in his book is my local one, Perch Rock in New Brighton. 'Built between 1827 & 1830, it is the fourth-oldest rock lighthouse to survive'. However, the others ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

Many West End residents use the Westgate Health Centre for their GP services. I have received requests that the practice has a handrail added outside the entrance to assist patients with mobility difficulties parking in the disabled parking bays to get from there to the GP entrance. I raised this with NHS Tayside and its Medical Director has helpfully responded as follows : "NHS Tayside is committed to ensuring our sites are accessible for patients and I can confirm that improvements to ramp access have been made and automatic doors have been installed at the health centre in recent years. ...

The Independent has more details on the appointment of one of Boris Johnson's Bullingdon Club chums to the sleaze watchdog, the Committee on Standards In Public Life. They say that Ewen Fergusson, a member of Oxford's infamous dining club at the same time as the prime minister, was handed the role last month ahead of 171 other candidates, with Johnson being given the ultimate say on which of the candidates to appoint following a shortlisting process led by Lord Evans, the chair of the committee: The latest revelation comes after the Council of Europe's anti-corruption and integrity watchdog warned in ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Old newspapers and newsreels can bring back to life tragedies and scandals that have long dropped out of public memory. I remember my shock at discovering that the death of a child on a farm under the Stiperstones in 1945 had driven war news off the front pages and led to changes in childcare law. At least the story of Dennis O'Neill is now known more widely than it was. So here is another forgotten tragedy. In 1966, the day after England won the World Cup, 31 people lost their lives when a pleasure cruise went wrong. The MV Darlwyne, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England