Second paragraph of third chapter:The dull stinging sensation of a numb arm woke Tom Niven. He glanced at his watch. It was still stupid o'clock. What the hell was going on? His head was still fuzzy from last night's trip to the Students' Union. Cheap booze, Ronnie's jazz fags and Freshers... ah. That explained the dead arm. And the blonde head on the pillow beside him. She was lying across his arm. Christ, what was her name again? Anne? Andrea? Anna! Bingo. That's was it. Anna! Anna Whitaker. It was all coming back to him. Anna Whitaker, a Fresher with ...
Wed, 12:25: A favourite place of mine. Was glad to be there. Wed, 12:26: Better pics than I got. (You can see me struggling with my phone in one of them.) Wed, 12:56: RT @meme_ec: No better way to celebrate the Belgian National Day than eating tuna with peaches #PecheAuThon #FeteNationale Wed, 14:06: I do think this was the worst episode of New Who. Wed, 15:06: RT @davidschneider: Not sure why Lord Frost wants to change the NI Protocol. Here's Boris Johnson clearly saying it's a "brilliant deal" an... Wed, 15:30: RT @davemacladd: I see Lord ...
There is understandable and justifiable outrage at the offer of a 3% uplft in pay being made to health service workers today. This is especially so when the Treasury expects inflation to be 3.7%, leading to a cut in pay for an experienced nurse by over £200 in real terms. As others have called for, there is a need for a pay review for all public sector workers who have kept Wales safe throughout the pandemic. But where do Labour stand on this issue? As the Guardian reports, in England, they have attacked ministers' "shoddy, ill-thought through" proposal and described ...
Shropshire Council looks to reopening of biodigester but employment land in Ludlow will remain scarc...
Shropshire Council today said that the biodigester facility on Coder Road could reopen but not for a while. The driver is the government's resources and recycling strategy which, though the forthcoming Environment Bill is expected to insist that councils collect food waste separately from garden waste. If new life is breathed into the biodigester it will be a back to the future moment for Ludlow, when once again we will have food waste caddies and separate collection. Ludlow companies are struggling to find space to expand. It is vital that the proposed employment site south of Sheet Road opposite the ...
Lib Dems have been quick to respond to pay rise of 3% to NHS staff in England. Munira Wilson is our Health & Social Care Spokesperson and here she is challenging the Government in the Commons BEFORE the pay rise was announced: The Govt bottled it today, failing to announce the highly anticipated pay rise for our amazing NHS staff Words and clapping are cheap. A 1% pay rise is not enough to thank our heroic NHS staff — Munira Wilson MP (@munirawilson) July 21, 2021 Only a hour later she was tweeting: * Newshound: bringing you the best ...
This BBQ on Magdalen Green east of the bandstand has sadly seen better days! At the request of residents, I have asked environment management at the City Council if it can be replaced.
The Birmingham Post reports:Work on the eastern leg of the High Speed Two rail line has stopped, the project's chief executive has admitted. Officials are busy preparing plans to extend the HS2 line north west to Manchester, but they have been told by the Department for Transport to halt work on the planned section between Birmingham and the East Midlands, and onwards to Leeds. HS2 Chief Executive Mark Thurston said: "We wait to be guided by the Department on what we do with the eastern link."It has been rumoured for some time that the East Midlands leg of HS2 is ...