Hello! I'm Mark Pack, author of both 101 Ways To Win An Election and Bad News: what the headlines don't tell us, along with maintaining the largest database of national voting intention polls in the UK, stretching back to 1943. The next general election is most likely several years away, but political polling of voting intentions for a general election is in full swing. Half-a-dozen firms are polling regularly, with a handful of occasional surveys from others too. Below the table, you'll find the option to sign up to email updates about new polls and also a set of answers ...
A couple of people have asked me if I will return to the staff of DisCon III now that the Chair has resigned. Whoever the new Chair is, I will decline any such invitation. My former position as WSFS Division Head was filled within twenty-four hours of my own resignation, by someone who (unlike me) has actually done that job before, and who does not need me looking over their shoulder. I have no information about the rest of the vacancies, and frankly it's none of my business whether others of the former team decide to return if invited to ...
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the elections in the Local Government Association and the results have now been declared. The biggest change is that Joe Harris , Leader of Cotswolds District Council has been elected Leader of the Lib Dem Group. It was a fascinating election, Howard Sykes the defeated incumbent standing on his record and a barrage of endorsements and Joe standing for change. The final emails from both candidates rather sum up the differences - for Howard it was from Heather Kidd asking for support for him and Bridget Smith for Deputy as "They have proved, ...
The VTT is a think tank established by the LibDem Party in France. Its aim is to deliberate on and make recommendations as it sees relevant to LibDem Party policy and options. Its goal is to contribute to bringing definition to the LibDem Party: what it is; what it stands for; what it is doing. Its modus operandi is to conduct and report on sessions each devoted to a single, predetermined theme. It is therefore concerned with issues as they pertain to LibDems regarding the UK and abroad including, for example, liberty and liberalism, international integration, climate change and inequality. ...
Fri, 12:07: RT @TSEofPB: Is anyone else worried that if Boris Johnson sacks Matt Hancock for having an affair that the irony will be so great that it w... Fri, 12:56: RT @jeffercakes88: It has blown my mind this evening to see how many tributes have come pouring in for my Great Aunt after this news broke... Fri, 16:05: RT @NothingLane: In memory of Jackie Lane. Here's the letter that Innes Lloyd sent to Jackie to thank her for her work and the reply she se... Fri, 16:14: RT @worldcon2021: Bill Lawhorn has resigned as #DisConIII Con Chair, effective immediately. ...
It is the hypocrisy that rankles the most, that and the sight of Matt Hancock tongue-wrestling with one of his publicly paid advisors, a sight I still have not been able to expunge from my mind. Unsurprisingly, Boris Johnson has stood by his health secretary, after all the Prime Minister is hardly in a position to assume the moral high-ground in sacking a minister over inappropriate behaviour with a member of the opposite sex. But there is more to this than an elicit tryst. For a start it is the breaking of social distancing rules, a regime that Hancock was ...
Will he go or will he stay? Can Hancock survive a sneaky snog and buttock fondle that took place at a time when he was telling us all to social distance? Matt Hancock survived Dominic Cumming's torpedoes and hell has no fury like a political adviser scorned. Hancock has the prime minister's backing. Well, Johnson has had his own jolly japes. But the media are howling for Hancock's resignation. His behaviour and his future is bound to dominate tomorrow's political circuit. As Ed Davey said yesterday, the real issue is Matt Hancock's competence in his role as health secretary. Agreed. ...
This is the front page of the booklet produced to celebrate the opening of Kingsway Tunnel in 1971. I've posted a couple of times in the past about the Mersey Tunnels and as the second, Kingway Tunnel, is this week celebrating its 50 anniversary it seemed appropriate to re-run (see links below) those postings:- These are the tickets my family were given when we walked through the new (2nd) Tunnel in 1971, the day before it opened to vehicles. Sadly, I don't have any photos of us walking through the tunnel on what I can still recall as ...
i) births and deaths 26 June 1914: birth of John Bailey, who played the Commander in The Sensorites (First Doctor, 1964), Edward Waterfield in The Evil of the Daleks (Second Doctor, 1967) and Sezom in The Horns of Nimon (Fourth Doctor, 1980). ii) broadcast anniversaries 26 June 1965: broadcast of "The Planet of Decision", sixth episode of the story we now call The Chase; first appearance of Peter Purves as Steven, last appearances of Jacqueline Hill as Barbara and William Russell as Ian. The Mechanoids and Daleks destroy each other; the Doctor rescues captured human pilot Steven, and Ian and ...
The landlocked 420,000 square mile Black Sea straddling the Europe Asia divide is fast becoming a maritime hotspot to rival the manmade islands of the South China Sea. That is why this week the Russians buzzed the British warship HMS Defender, shot missiles into its path and then summoned the British Ambassador to the foreign ministry. The British Type 45 frigate, said the Russians, had invaded Russian territorial waters. Wrong, said the British. Their ship could not possibly have been in Russian waters because it was off the coast of Crimea which was unilaterally annexed by Russia from Ukraine in ...
Last August, I wrote a piece entitled "Layla Moran will kill off the Lib Dems. But I still want her to win" in which I described how I thought that if Layla became leader of the Lib Dems, they would ooze into a progressive alliance sort of space and be killed off fairly quickly – whereas I had greater questions about what would happen under Ed's guidance. I said, "Ed isn't good enough to make the Lib Dems nationally relevant again. I'm sorry to say this, but it's true." I believe that Chesham and Amersham might have proven me wrong ...
DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR WEST END WARD - SATURDAY 26 AND SUNDAY 27 JUNE 2021 Blackness Road (at West Park Road) - temporary traffic lights from Thursday 24 June for 10 days for Scottish Water work. REPORT FOR WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 28 JUNE 2021 Perth Road (at Riverside Drive) - off‑peak temporary traffic control for one week for lining work. Brook Street, Dundee- temporary traffic lights for one week for City Fibre H3G project. City Fibre H3G Project - rolling road closures commencing on Tuesday 15 June for 7 weeks. Rankine ...