As I start to write this I realise it has been an age since I posted anything here. I apologise, but even me before last year happened I lost a bit of my blogging mojo. Since I last posted there are 6 drafts that never saw the light of day. In 1904 two of my Great Grandparents were married in the Presbyterian Church in Whitehead. Why is this significant? Today the news is out that the current Minister of Whitehead, Rev Ian Carton is to step away from the ministry later this year because he cannot abide the church's stance ...
Non-fiction 2 (YTD 16) Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens: Exploring the Worlds of the Eleventh Doctor, by Frank Collins Statement and Correspondence Consequent on the Ill-Treatment of Lady de la Beche by Colonel Henry Wyndham, edited by Ann Auriol Non-genre 3 (YTD 10) Schindler's List, by Thomas Keneally The Complete Short Stories of Guy de Maupassant Forrest Gump, by Winston Groom SF 7 (YTD 54) The Evidence, by Christopher Priest In the Days of the Comet, by H. G. Wells Cloud on Silver by John Christopher All the Fabulous Beasts, by Priya Sharma Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton Finna, by ...
[IMG: Tim Prater Ward Grants 2019-21 ()] Folkestone and Hythe District Councillors have up to £3,000 per Councillor they can agree as ward grants during the course of a year. The forms and guidance notes to make an application to a Councillor are online at: ....however, if you'd prefer a Word (so editable) copy of the application form, the Member Ward Budget Grant 2021/22 Application form is available here. There are, clearly, a large number of projects and organisations that could make use of grant funding, and the money is limited. I'd massively prefer if you contact me to ...
As I write this it is clear that rising Covid-19 infections are being to cause serious concern. Albeit from very low levels, the numbers are once again beginning to rise exponentially in some areas. Fortunately, that area does not include ... Continue reading →
Mon, 12:56: RT @DoctorWhoHome1: I find the troubles absolutely fascinating and tragic as a history student in Ireland. It's lovely to see Baker taking... Mon, 16:05: RT @ThatEricAlper: 15-year-old Frank Zappa with his winning illustration for the California Division of Forestry in 1955. Mon, 17:11: Mon, 19:15: 440 days of plague Mon, 20:48: RT @tithenai: Good morning (barely), a few small thoughts about coming to books "late". Tue, 09:30: Whoniversaries 1 June Tue, 10:45: Three 'lost' Charles Schulz strips have been rediscovered. Do they show the adult Lucy Van Pelt? Probably not, and they are ...
i) births and deaths 1 June 1947: birth of Jonathan Pryce, who played the Master in The Curse of Fatal Death (1999). 1 June 1965: birth of Bharat Nairulli, director and executive producer of The New World, the opening episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day (2011). 1 June 1991: death of Milton Subotsky, who produced and wrote Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) and Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD (1966), the two cinema films starring Peter Cushing as Doctor Who. 1 June 2005: death of Geoffrey Toone, who played Temmosus in Doctor Who and the Daleks (Cushing Doctor, 1965) and ...
This is an article I wrote for Liberator on the Welsh Senedd elections: Three and a half years ago, I wrote in Liberator 387 that the Welsh Liberal Democrats were facing an existential crisis. We had emerged from the 2017 General Election without a single MP representing a Welsh constituency, our small but successful Welsh Assembly group had been reduced to a rump of one and our councillor base much diminished. Unfortunately, the time that has passed since I wrote those words has not been well-used. The triumph of the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election proved to be a false dawn, ...
Just a reminder that the Roseangle Kitchen Cafe thrift shop is still open weekdays from 10.30am to 3.15pm until this Friday, 4th June. Items include clothing, bedding, toys, bric a brac, books and shoes! The thrift shop is at the cafe within Dundee West Church's halls at 132 Perth Road.