Every week, the Guardian puts out a newsletter called "Green Light". It's a fairly simple summary of the week's climate news stories – good news, less good news, what you'd expect really. But, at the bottom of each newsletter, are a set of weekly averages. And these, well, this is the most recent set: Weekly ... Continue reading Read the numbers. →
Second paragraph of third article ("龙马精神 Dragon Horse Vitality Spirit", by Yen Ooi): Genres are in general difficult to define, but CSF is especially complicated. Both the terms Chinese and science fiction defy any clear definition, yet are used so commonly that every user has their own pre-assumed definition. One popular assumption in the West is that CSF should always be read in terms of political dissent or complicity with state power. As much as that might be true for some, it is an unhelpful generalisation. After all, we do not assume that British SF is only about Brexit, or ...
On 22 April 2021, The Leaders' Climate Summit on Earth Day will bring together leaders of major economies, including some of the world's main polluters. Hosted by Joe Biden, the two-day conference aims to "galvanise efforts by the major economies to tackle the climate crisis". In this month of Ramadan, Muslims globally should think deeply about climate change and steps they can take to address the issue. Ramadan is a time when families and communities come together to celebrate and help each other. Muslims deliver food packages to the needy and recognise the importance of never wasting food, which in ...
Commenting on the news that the Government have made their plan to cut foreign aid offical Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Layla Moran MP said: "Announcing these deep, potentially unlawful aid cuts through a written statement is utterly unacceptable - the Government is hiding from MPs' scrutiny because they know how damaging this is to the UK's reputation on the world stage. We're in the middle of a global pandemic - global problems need global solutions. Instead, the Conservatives are shirking their moral and legal responsibilities. "The Conservative Government's claims that these cuts are necessary are all lies; ODA ...
Yesterday, Liberal Democrat peers helped to defeat the Government a further two times, voting to include crucial protections for migrant survivors of domestic abuse. The House of Lords passed two cross-party amendments to the Domestic Abuse Bill that would end the sharing of survivors' personal data with the Home Office for immigration control purposes. The amendments would also give survivors access to public funds. The Liberal Democrats voted for both amendments, while the Government voted against. The Bill will now return to the Commons for ping-pong on Monday 26th April. Following the votes, Brian Paddick, Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson on ...
Responding to the Green Homes Grant statistics, which show there were just 113,700 applications for the grant, only 10,300 measures were installed and just 6,700 homes actually received the money from the scheme, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for the Climate Emergency Wera Hobhouse MP said: "The Green Homes Grant has been a complete failure, as predicted right from the beginning. The Conservatives have simply failed to take the issue of upgrading our poor quality homes seriously. "From the very beginning the Green Homes Grant was short-termist, poorly thought out and suffered chronic mismanagement. Rather than taking the issue of cutting emissions ...
The County Council elections are not JUST about getting a Councillor who works hard through the year, keeps in touch, and gets things done (although I hope, and think, I am that Councillor). EVERY vote for Tim Prater in the Kent County Council Elections in Cheriton, Sandgate and Hythe East will send a clear message to the Conservatives: this is NOT over. This IS personal. We CAN still Save Princes Parade. [IMG: Cheriton, Sandgate & Hythe East County Election Result 2017] Published and promoted by Tim Prater on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, all at 98a Sandgate High Street, Folkestone ...
Wed, 12:40: Hugely childish. @DanTehanWannon was senior adviser to Aus trade minister Vaile 2002-06, was then director of trade policy and international affairs for Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2006-07. @TrussLiz became UK's trade minister in Jul 2019. Er, that's it. https://t.co/Vb2frrvman Wed, 12:56: RT @UKandEU: What is in the Northern Ireland Protocol the Johnson Government negotiated? Find out in this explainer by @JS_McStravick @ha... Wed, 13:51: Can't they both lose? https://t.co/1jbK4mk0e0 Wed, 16:05: Walter Mondale's paper for Jimmy Carter on the role of the Vice-President https://t.co/ehK9nyFU6m A nice clear read, based on consultations with Rockefeller and Humphrey - ...
Tony Blair understood it perfectly, and Boris Johnson is not much different, the successful exercise of power requires, knowledge, the ability to use that knowledge and access, but even Blair stopped short of giving his mobile phone number out to all and sundry, or at least there is no evidence that points to the contrary. According to the Guardian, Boris Johnson is regularly texted by business leaders and politicians, though a loophole in the ministerial code means only meetings and not text messages need to be disclosed. However, texts to the prime minister concerning government business are covered under freedom ...
The candidates for London Mayor, including Lib Dem Luisa Porritt, will be debating live on ITV this evening. They can be viewed on the ITV London News slot at 6pm. Tonight's the night! On ITV News London at 6pm @charlenewhite hosts the London Mayoral Debate – questioning the four main candidates on key issues for Londoners: @SadiqKhan (Labour), @ShaunBaileyUK (Conservative), @LuisaPorritt (Lib Dems) and @sianberry (Green Party). pic.twitter.com/s0DHgvp77Z — ITV London (@itvlondon) April 22, 2021 #itvdebate * Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames, where she is still very ...
Letter distributed in Sandgate yesterday with revised details of the arrangements for filming of "Pistol" in Sandgate on 1st May. Thought it might be easier for some to read like this than a photo of a letter! NOTIFICATION OF FILMING IN SANDGATE ON SATURDAY 1ST MAY 2021 April 2021 Dear Resident/Business Owner, We work in the Location Department on a new TV drama series entitled "PISTOL" which is a 6-part TV drama directed by Danny Boyle (Yesterday, Slumdog Millionaire, Trainspotting) and produced by Minim UK Productions Ltd. Set in the 1970's, the drama tells the story of the world-famous pioneers ...
Metrolink are trialing more flexible 'Clipper' tickets, which might be useful for people who need to use the tram for less than 5 days a week – perhaps with a phased return to the workplace. The trial offer is designed for flexible workers, part-time workers or anyone who travels regularly but not every day. You can buy online for your get me there smart card and won't need to use ticket machines on stops. Request a get me there smart card now. About Clipper Each Clipper will include 10 identical Metrolink adult 1-day travelcards.You can choose anytime or off-peak travelcards, ...
Bury's libraries are re-opening in a phased way following the most recent lockdown restrictions. Radcliffe Library was the first to reopen its doors, on Wednesday 21 April, with the borough's remaining branches in Ramsbotton, Prestwich and Bury following suit over the coming weeks. Radcliffe will be open from 1pm to 4pm, from Tuesdays to Fridays. In order to maintain social distancing, each library will only be able to allow a limited number of people in at any one time. Customers will be greeted at the library entrance by a member of staff who will explain the new procedures for browsing. ...
Please see below an update on recent planning applications received in Holyrood Ward. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or points to raise. x Lawful Development Certificate for proposed loft conversion with dormer to rear and rooflight to ...22 Henry Street, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1HZRef. No: 66861 | Received: Fri 16 Apr 2021 | Validated: Fri 16 Apr 2021 | Status: RegisteredSingle storey extension at front and two storey extension at side 26 Daneshill, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 2QLRef. No: 66823 | Received: Thu 08 Apr 2021 | Validated: Wed 21 Apr 2021 | Status: ...
i) births and deaths 22 April 1942: birth of Denis Lill, who played Dr. Fendleman in Image of the Fendahl (Fourth Doctor, 1977) and Sir George Hutchinson in The Awakening (Fifth Doctor, 1984). 22 April 1984: birth of Michelle Ryan, who played Christina de Souza in Planet of the Dead (Tenth Doctor, 2009). 22 April 1989: death of Kenny McBain, who directed The Horns of Nimon (Fourth Doctor, 1979-80). ii) broadcast anniversaries 22 April 1967: broadcast of third episode of The Faceless Ones. The Doctor convinces the Commandant to let him investigate the mysterious disappearances. 22 April 1972: broadcast of ...
Just a reminder to residents who have signed up for a postal vote, that these should arrive from Friday. Everyone will receive two ballot papers: – White ballot paper for the local election to choose a Councillor for Holyrood Ward. – Yellow ballot paper for the Greater Manchester Mayor election, to choose who will be the GM Mayor. Don't forget to sign your declaration and put your date of birth – otherwise your vote won't be counted. Ballot papers must reach the Town Hall by Thursday 6 May 2021, the date that polling stations to be open for all other ...
As it so often does, the Shropshire Star wins our Headline of the Day Award.
At the request of residents, I recently sought an update from the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership about future pavement surfacing improvements planned along Perth Road. I have been given the following update : "The section between West Wynd and Springfield (south side) is currently in the 2022-23 Footway Programme. This summer, the footways that receive the worst condition score (5 or 6) are then further detail scored to produce the 5 year Footway Programme There are many sections of Perth Road that will be looked at for inclusion."
Earth Day: One fifth of the country's poultry units are in Shropshire and Herefordshire - are our pl...
Ludlow resident and PhD researcher Alison Caffyn has been scrutinising the outbreak of poultry units across our area of the Marches. As CPRE has pointed out, we have become the chicken shed capital of England - by July 2019, there were 500 farms with a total of 1,420 intensive poultry units/sheds, containing over 44 million birds in Shropshire, Herefordshire and Powys. As a member of the Southern Planning Committee, I know it is almost impossible to turn down a well prepared application for a poultry unit. Moral arguments cannot normally be used in planning decisions. The planning system only asks ...
Embed from Getty ImagesMartin Kettle has a piece in the Guardian arguing that a 'progressive alliance' involving Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens and whoever will not in itself deliver victory over the Conservatives: If a progressive alliance is focused solely on proportional representation and electoral pacts, it will be inward-looking. Why would most people vote for it, even if - improbably - the parties were able to sort all the details? Proportional representation may help, but it is not the key that unlocks the door. He's right, of course. But there is another thing that worries me about the ...