Budget betrays children, parents and teachers Daisy Cooper MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Education, reacted to the Budget: "It's simply astonishing that the Budget has nothing to tackle child poverty, nothing for children or young people or their early years education or schools. "Tens of thousands of childcare providers are at risk of closure, whilst school finances are at breaking point. "The Chancellor's Statement needed to give children and young people the opportunities to regain the learning time they have lost over the last year. "He has failed to extend free school meals permanently to ensure no child living in ...
Yet again it happened yesterday. Tuesday. A quiet day. Few people out and about in the town centre. But the traffic warden was out and about and he pounced. Businesses are struggling in Ludlow. Some have already closed for ever. Others are making do. Trying to survive. The Buttery is one of those businesses aiming to come out bouncing from the horrors of lockdown. But like so many other businesses it was fined for parking two minutes longer than permitted by the wardens. This was yet another example of how Shropshire Council is anti-business in market towns. It makes money ...
[IMG: Supporting Your Child During A Pandemic (and Beyond!)] Over the last year, parents have turned into teachers, who have been supporting their children both emotionally and academically. It can be difficult to juggle... The post Supporting Your Child During A Pandemic (and Beyond!) appeared first on Ambitiousmamas.
Second frame of third part: Another very successful installment in the series of Thirteenth Doctor comics by Houser and an all-woman team of artists. Here, the Tardis team meet up with none other than the Corsair, subject of a throwaway line about Time Lords changing gender in The Doctor's Wife, here a swaggering part-time criminal who does it for fun rather than out of malevolence. The Corsair is a great creation, a different take on the Doctor's irreverence for authority and tradition, and Houser has the two developing a lovely sparking relationship, convincingly giving the sense of two people who ...
Following the selection in Brecon and Radnorshire, Welsh members have now selected the Lib Dem candidates for the Mid and West Wales Region list: Congratulations! Meet your new Mid and West Wales Regional Team! [IMG: 👏] [IMG: 👏] pic.twitter.com/4giuCOsWru — Welsh Liberal Democrats (@WelshLibDems) March 3, 2021
Tue, 18:11: 350 days of plague: menhirs and Mercury https://t.co/TkmTjQVGDy Tue, 19:03: RT @TheEconomist: Britain is the first big country to show similar results to Israel, where a jump start on vaccinations led to falling dea... Tue, 22:17: RT @dmcbfs: 4 years ago today, we voted in an Assembly Election. Unionism is returned as a minority for the first time ever. https://t.co/a... Wed, 08:02: RT @YearCovid: 3 Mar 2020 "Politicians who think panic is lines at Costco and angry parents when a school is closed, may find out that pan... Wed, 09:30: Whoniversaries 3 March https://t.co/XOCUIcREuR
The Americanisation of UK politics continues with a scheme being mooted to set up a charity to cover the costs of the refurbishment of Boris Johnson's flat which he shares with his fiancee Carrie Symonds, much along the lines of the one used by the White House to raise money for interior design and restyling the building, which is bankrolled by private donors. According to the Guardian, lawyers within Downing Street are trying to establish whether the government can legitimately fund the prime minister's flat through a charitable vehicle using cash from Tory donors. Apparently, there are concerns over the ...
What follows isn't a prediction about what is going to happen in 2024. It's just trying to gauge where the parties are at present and to that end, attempting to take a stab at what might happen if there was a general election that took place in the next couple of months' time. Several things to note: there won't be an election called anytime soon, that is almost certain. Also, things can change drastically over the course of several years, it's so obvious to say it's almost redundant to point out. Boris Johnson could screw up in some manner that ...
'Democracy doesn't happen by accident. We have to defend it. Strengthen it. Renew it.' President Biden said that in his virtual address to the Munich Security Conference last week. He was talking explicitly about threats to Democracy across the world, but implicitly also about the threats within the United States. We should worry that liberal Democracy, open society and constitutional government are not to be taken for granted in Britain, either. None of us should under-estimate the extent to which the US Republican Right has effectively colonised the Conservative Party. Our right-wing media takes its cue from American campaigns - ...
Christine Jardine, the Lib Dem Treasury Spokesperson, has written to members and supporters, setting out the party's four priorities for the 2021 Budget: 1. Small businesses Since the pandemic, big corporations have been able to adapt to the new world by shifting their business online. Meanwhile, many small businesses have been forced to close completely through no fault of their own. From hairdressers to café owners, builders to florists – small businesses are the backbone of the British economy. The government has leaked that they are giving cash grants to businesses – but the amount promised is just a fraction ...
i) births and deaths 3 March 1924: birth of John Woodnutt, who played George Hibbert in Spearhead from Space (1970), the Draconian Emperor in Frontier in Space (1973), Broton and the Duke of Forgill in Terror of the Zygons (1976), and Seron in The Keeper of Traken (1981). 3 March 2004: death of Sheila Dunn, who played Blossom Lefavre in The Daleks' Master Plan (First Doctor, 1965), the computer voice of the Electromatic company in The Invasion (Second Doctor, 1968), and Petra Williams in Inferno (Third Doctor, 1970). She was married to Douglas Camfield, who directed all three of those ...
The Evening Telegraph recently ran an important article that highlighted concerns that hundreds of older people in Dundee are missing out on thousands of pounds of benefits to help with fuel poverty this winter. New statistics from the charity Independent Age has found 1 145 older people in Dundee West are missing out on approximately £160 000 by not taking up the UK Government's warm home discount scheme. This includes folk in the West End and I am anxious to highlight this important issue. You can read the article here - it is particularly useful as it lists a number ...