A welcome burst of internationalism and compassion in this new polling from Ipsos-MORI about Covid-19 vaccines.
Please find below an update on recent planning applications received in the Holyrood Ward area. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or points to raise. Single storey extension at rear, loft conversion with rear dormer and new porch/bay window at fro... 12 Maple Grove, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 3DQRef. No: 66502 | Received: Fri 29 Jan 2021 | Validated: Fri 29 Jan 2021 | Status: RegisteredVariation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 3 (materials) and 15 (landscaping) attached to Planni... 399-415 Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1PSRef. No: 66456 | Received: Thu 21 Jan ...
The popular Prestwich Carnival, normally taking place in June, is hoping to happen this summer with provisional dates of 21 and 22 August 2021. Hopefully the extra time will allow the event to take place – fingers crossed! More information including information about sponsorship and volunteering opportunities.
New financial support is now available to support voluntary and community groups across the borough to collaborate on tackling loneliness and isolation. A sum of £100,000 is available to fund innovative collaborative projects to tackle social isolation created by the long and varied lockdown measures. The funding will be split by Community Hub area, meaning there will be up to £20,000 to bid for in each of the five neighbourhoods: Prestwich, Whitefield, Bury East, Bury North and Bury West (including Radcliffe). Priority will be given to collaborative bids. If you are unsure about opportunities to connect with other organisations on ...
As of Wednesday (10 February 2021) 28,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine will have been given across Bury's four community vaccination centres. This means that just over 15% of the eligible population (182,100) have been given at least one of the two jabs necessary to protect against the potentially fatal illness. A huge thank you to everyone who has been making this tremendous effort possible. The Council is now supporting GPs to contact any remaining people in groups 1-4 to make sure they are booked in, and a programme of vaccinating eligible housebound people is well under way. The Council ...
Second paragraph of third story ("Ashen Light" by Archie Black):Hartmann was founded in 2448, one of a hundred roughly nucleated villages developed on the IT by the Venusian terraformers. Farms, it had been decided, would most closely mimic the comfortable terrestrial existences that the colonists would be forsaking and create the powerful sense of community the terraformers believed necessary to their long-term colonial agenda: the creation of a self-sustaining second Earth An anthology that seems to have coincided with an exhibition in Greenwich, with stories themed around parts of the solar system - starting with Mercury and working out to ...
The Welsh Liberal Democrats, like all local parties across the UK, are dependent on its volunteers. The Volunteer Awards aim to recognise those "super-volunteers" who are pillars of liberalism in their local communities and have contributed to the successes of the Welsh Party. All members are invited to nominate volunteers who they think deserve recognition in the following categories: Outstanding Leadership, Dedication or Success in Local Government Unsung Hero Best Contribution to Advancing Diversity Outstanding contribution to Welsh Party success by a member of the Welsh Young Liberals Local Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award Any member may make ...
Despite his many years at the pinnacle of British politics, Vince Cable has always managed to maintain an impressive literary output. In 2009, while the party's deputy leader and shadow chancellor, he published The Storm, an accessible analysis of the 2008 financial crash. This was followed in 2015 by After the Storm, a look at the aftermath of the crisis on British economic policy from the perspective of Cable's five years in the Cabinet as Business Secretary. Most recently during his time as party leader, Cable even managed to find the time to publish a political thriller, Open Arms, set ...
St Laurence's wants to partly demolish the Clive Arch on Corve Street and take away another bit of o...
The Reverend Kelvin Price has petitioned the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Hereford for the "recording, partial dismantling and storage of the Clive Arch on public safety grounds." I can't agree with this action. In Ludlow we need to be guardians of our heritage. Towns and churches all over the country have swept away the smaller artefacts of heritage over decades on the grounds of costs of repairs and, worse to make way for easier mowing of grass. Churches must be guardians of our past, as well as guardians of the present and future. The only reason the Clive ...
Government incompetence and u-turns over high school results have perhaps dominated this summer's news cycle, which is no mean feat given the global pandemic, record-busting recession and looming Brexit crisis. The story has hinged upon an 'algorithm' or, to quote the Prime Minister, a 'mutant algorithm.' Sadly, our cousins over at Scientists for Labour have picked up on this theme too - blaming science and algorithms for political mistakes. In a recent blog post, Scientists for Labour highlighted how the algorithm worked (quite useful if you don't want to read 319 pages of Ofqual verbiage) and correctly highlighted how the ...
This is a version of a post, revised by the author, that originally appeared earlier this week. The covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the unacceptable health inequalities faced by people with a learning (or intellectual) disability. This has been brought home by the JCVI decision not to prioritise them adequately during the vaccination programme and has been highlighted in an article in the British Medical Journal on which this blog draws heavily for the benefit of a lay readership. It is estimated that only about 250,000 adults are registered as having a learning disability with their GP's, although there are estimated ...
The year is 1870; the Civil War is over, but its scars remain. Some of the white settlers in Texas are still bitter about the abolition of slavery and consider Native Americans to be vermin. Across that uncompromising territory Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd (Tom Hanks) — who has lost his business to conflict and his [...]
Wed, 14:07: RT @douchebagstrat: Is post-differentiated experience the new open source convergence? Wed, 17:09: RT @davidallengreen: Brexit and the Good Friday Agreement A response to Vernon Bogdanor By me, at @prospect_uk https://t.co/uUd7myBuVu... Wed, 19:42: 330 days of plague: the way ahead https://t.co/C6ZHci4xmP Wed, 20:48: RT @pmdfoster: NEW: U.K. chemicals industry calls for common sense re-think of U.K. post-#brexit plan to build copycat... Thu, 08:59: Brexit's third act gets underway with a familiar plot line — Northern Ireland - setting the scene for the next step in the perpetual negotiation. https://t.co/1LSeyOHZXw Thu, 09:17: RT @CharlesTannock: Even if UK vaccine success ...
You can now read Liberator online for free via our website. In 2020 we took the decision to make Liberator an electronic publication. Why not sign up to our email newsletter so we can keep you in touch? This blog contains historical material covering the previous decade.
It is less than two months since we left the EU and all those pronises of frictionless trade and continued access to European markets get hollower by the day. The latest is a report in the Guardian, which reports on a very comprehensive survey by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). They have found that half of British exporters to the EU are facing difficulties with mounting Brexit red tape and border disruption after a month of the new rules, with 49% of UK-based exporters in a survey of 470 firms saying they have suffered problems with post-Brexit arrangements since ...
Are footbridges like this one built to benefit pedestrians? It allows people to cross the road safely distanced from cars, vans and trucks, so you might think this is pedestrian infrastructure. It is not: it is for the benefit of car drivers. Someone sat down and weighed up the time lost by pedestrians in having to climb all those steps, cross the bridge and come down the other. They decided it was better to inconvenience people on foot – including disabled and elderly people with restricted mobility – than make drivers sit at traffic lights for any longer than they ...
I've written before about how we're expanding the range of party awards at our federal conferences, and it's great to see ways of thanking and praising volunteers spreading elsewhere too as with this news from Wales: The Welsh Liberal Democrats is dependent on its volunteers, and our new Volunteer Awards aim to recognise those "super-volunteers" who are pillars of liberalism in their local communities and have contributed to the successes of the Welsh Party. All members are invited to nominate volunteers who they think deserve recognition in the following categories: Outstanding Leadership, Dedication or Success in Local Government Unsung Hero ...
i) births and deaths 11 February 1989: death of John Bailey, who played the Commander in The Sensorites (First Doctor, 1964), Edward Waterfield in The Evil of the Daleks (Second Doctor, 1967) and Sezom in The Horns of Nimon (Fourth Doctor, 1980). 11 February 1993: birth of Jordan Renzo, who played Matteusz in Class (2018). ii) broadcast anniversaries 11 February 1967: broadcast of first episode of The Moonbase. The Tardis lands on the Moon, near the base which controls Earth's weather. Crew members are falling ill; but it is the Cybermen behind it all. 11 February 1978: broadcast of second ...
Residents recently contacted me about the deteriorating state of parts of the car park and the access road from Riverside Drive into Tesco Riverside. This is not an adopted road but maintained by Tesco PLC. The City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership kindly raised the issue with Tesco following my highlighting it and has received the following helpful response from the company : "I just spoke to the management over at the Riverside Extra, they advise that they have recently finished the internal approvals for the maintenance of the car park, and are expecting work to begin within the next week ...