The Stiperstones have changed since I first visited them in the late 1980s. In particular, a lot of conifer plantations have been cleared to allow the heathland to regenerate. Here Colin Preston from the Shropshire Wildlife Trust talks about how and why these changes have been made.
Second paragraph of third chapter:Locking the Hypergreen, she made her way up the concrete stairs to the top floor. She knocked loudly on a door painted a monstrous shade of bright pink. After a few moments there was a muffled curse and the sound of movement from inside. The door opened and an attractive blonde in a very short bathrobe appeared, squinting blearily in the early morning light.Sophie Aldred is not the first Doctor Who actor to have written books in the continuity - both Bakers have turned their hand to it, as did Ian Marter back in the day ...
It's been a tough year - not helped by how the Government has handled things. But the pandemic has shown what a caring, and generous country we are.
Welcome to the latest in my occasional series highlighting interesting findings from academic research. Today – the power of using personal experience in reaching those on the other side of a political divide. Evidence showing the power of personal story telling is nothing new. But this new study looked at the political context specifically: We find that sharing personal experiences about a political issue – especially experiences involving harm – help to foster respect via increased perceptions of rationality... Political opponents respect moral beliefs more when they are supported by personal experiences, not facts... The personal experiences most likely to ...
Bairam is a talented little boy in an impoverished Indian village but his chances of a proper education are ruined when he is forced to serve in a humble tea-shop. Nonetheless, he is plucked from this stultifying environment to work as Number Two driver to the family of the area's unscrupulous and arrogant landlord. He [...]
Tue, 12:56: Exploring the People of Middle-earth: Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, an Unexpected Hero Thought-provoking. Tue, 15:00: The Saint Zita Society, by Ruth Rendell A rich white man kills his wife's black lover, perhaps accidentally, and though only the au pair knows about it, the secret tears apart the local social microcosm. #nwbooks Tue, 15:06: RT @worldcon2021: We're pleased to announce that the nominations for @TheHugoAwards are now open. 🥳 #DisConIII #Worldcon2021 #Worldcon #Hu... Tue, 16:00: Streetlethal, by Steven Barnes It's a decent techno thriller set in a degenerated California in about 2020, the protagonists a zero-gravity MMA ...
In a highly attended and engaging Paddy Ashdown Forum / Liberal Democrats Overseas webinar, on Monday, January 18th, 150 participants heard presentations and discussed insights and lessons for Lib Dem campaigning from the 2020 US elections. You can watch the video of the webinar HERE After opening remarks from Nasreen Davidson, Vice-Chair, Liberal Democrats Overseas, and Robert Woodthorpe Browne MBE, Chair, The Paddy Ashdown Forum, John Surie shared insights from the recent study conducted by the LDO North American Branch. John's presentation focused on how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital strategies and tactics by the Biden For ...
i) births and deaths 27 January 1984: death of Douglas Camfield, who directed the third episode of Planet of Giants (First Doctor, 1964), also The Crusade (First Doctor, 1965), The Time Meddler (also First Doctor, 1965), The Daleks' Master Plan (First Doctor, 1965-66), The Web of Fear (Second Doctor, 1968), The Invasion (also Second Doctor, 1968), much of Inferno (Third Doctor, 1970), Terror of the Zygons (Fourth Doctor, 1975) and The Seeds of Doom (Fourth Doctor, 1976). One of the greats. I bought his biography a few years ago, but lost it before I could read it. ii) broadcast anniversaries ...
I am pleased to have been advised that Diabetes UK is running a virtual Q&A panel session tomorrow (Thursday 28th January) between 7pm and 8.30pm to assist parents and carers of children with type 1 diabetes. It will include parents of type 1 children, who will talk about how they've managed their biggest challenges, and they'll reflect on how they keep positive. You can ask them any questions you like, no matter how big or small. This is aimed at parents/carers of children & young people with type 1 diabetes, aged up to 18 years. You can register at ...