Of all the myths that were promoted during the referendum and which are still being propagated today is the one about the sovereign nation and our need to become one. There is no such thing as a sovereign nation. We ... Continue reading →
i) births and deaths 25 December 1916: birth of Edward Burnham, who played Professor Watkins in The Invasion (1968) and Professor Kettlewell in Robot (1974-75) 25 December 1984: birth of Georgia Tennant, daughter of Peter "Fifth Doctor" Davison and married to David "Tenth Doctor" Tennant; she has played Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, in The Doctor's Daughter (2008), Cassie Rice in animated story Dreamland (2009), Tanya in Big Finish audio Red Dawn (2000) and Alice in Big Finish audio City of Spires (2010), and was the producer of The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (2013). She and her husband hosted an awfully fun ...
Source the European Union Website. The circle indicates that there are specific provisions in the agreement but not like for like replacement. According to the UK's Office for Budget Responsibility this deal will leave Britain facing a 4 per cent loss of potential gross domestic product over 15 years compared with EU membership Update: This summary by Bloomberg is worth reading as well.