Tom Holland explores the possible beginnings, folklore and history of the The Long Man of Wilmington, a scheduled ancient monument cared for by The Sussex Archaeological Society.
Stuart Crawford asks if Scottish independence could save the Liberal Democrats. Jonathan Lis argues that the British public would have more respect for the government if it owned up to its many mistakes and explains why it can neverdo so. ITV never recovered from Margaret Thatcher's reaction to its documentary Death on the Rock, says David Elstein. "School lunches are not just about food and cafeterias. The topic touches upon wellbeing, health, social issues, education, farming and agriculture, the environment, politics, parenting and more." Rebeca Plantier is right. "The main cast is rounded out by two extraordinary child actors, Martin ...
This week the British government announced that it planned to cut its overseas aid budget by 0.2 percent or about $4 billion a year. In 2019 it was $19.3 billion and Britain laid proud claim to being the world's third largest aid donor and one of only five countries which had reached the internationally agreed aid donor figure of 0.7 percentage of GDP. The announcement this week by Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak was an emotional short-sighted political decision by a populist government as a knee-jerk response to the economic difficulties created by the coronavirus pandemic. It had no ...
Identity and ethnicity, how we come to use and need the different ways which we describe ourselves
You're about to read about my ethnic or racial identity; it's personal and I expect it to be treated with respect. If you cannot oblige, please try to stop reading now. For too many any discussion of identity provokes an immediate authoritarian, polarised reaction and that reaction, that thoughtless, immediate, instinctive response is a part and parcel of the kernel of racism. So, please take this opportunity to watch your own reactions as though they were someone else's and reflect on your own reactions too, allowing those with a sense of a minority identity a degree of flexibility and control. ...
The Guardian reports today: Boris Johnson has appointed Dan Rosenfield, a relatively little-known former Treasury official and banker, to become his chief of staff, a key part of a reorganisation process following the departure of Dominic Cummings. Rosenfield currently works for Hakluyt, an upmarket corporate advisory firm that has a number of former intelligence members among its staff. I came across Hakluyt some years ago on sites like WikiSpooks, which tells us: Hakluyt fills a niche in the spook sector by specializing in upmarket business, with which it has been very successful. In its brochure, Hakluyt promises to find information ...
Second paragraph of third chapter:Among the new concepts developed by [Johnny] Byrne were (a) the destruction of Gallifrey by Varnax, combining the climax of [Mark] Ezra's script and Demos's apocalyptic fate from The Time Lord, and (b) the introduction of the Doctor as having become the victim of amnesia, an idea which had only been hinted as in The Time Lord's Version 3, and which had the dramatic merit of enabling the spectator to discover the character and his origins in a progressive, suspenseful fashion.This is the story of several film treatments for Doctor Who written between 1987 and 1994 ...
As far as I am aware, there is only one meeting scheduled for December. It will be held over Zoom, starting at 2 pm. Please contact BTC for a Zoom link if you wish to observe the meeting Tuesday 1st December , 2:00 pm Community Development Committee
A fresh-faced Kurdish rookie policeman (Adam Bessa) and an older colleague are facing death at the hands of ISIS/Daesh in the ruins of the city of Mosul when an Iraqi SWAT team almost accidentally rescues them. The young policeman, just 21 and only two months into his job, is deeply suspicious of his rather wild-looking [...]
This week Scotland brought us the last two council by-elections of 2020, both for Perth and Kinross Council.
I am actually bursting with excitement right now. Brilliant news! Liz Barrett has won the Perth City South by-election [IMG: 🔶] [IMG: 💥] — Scottish Lib Dems (@scotlibdems) November 27, 2020 * Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
No-deal Brexit could lead to increase in dogging in Kent lay-bys, cabinet minister warns
Kent Online wins our Headline of the Day Award. The judges noted that, while the cabinet minister is not named in the story, it does provide direct quotes from him: "Do Europeans even do dogging? There is something deeply British about dogging."
There are a couple of upcoming road closures to be aware of: Firstly, Lincoln Road North will be closed from its junction with The Avenue to the service road at 135 Lincoln Road North. This is to renew the pavements. The closure will start at 9am on Tuesday 1st December and is scheduled to end at 3pm on Friday 11th December. The second affects Severne Road, for its entire length and is also for pavement renewal. The work will start at 9.30am on Monday 7th December and will carry on until 30th March 2021. The official diversion route will be ...
Thu, 12:35: Thursday reading Thu, 12:50: RT @francescaelston: Amazing article by @anneapplebaum (via @nwbrux) about how the language of left and right can create a vicious circle o... Thu, 12:56: Home Office broke equalities law with hostile environment measures The poisonous legacy of Theresa May. Thu, 14:53: Mutiny In Space, by Avram Davidson I was disappointed by how unimaginative the setting actually was, and the plot is just good Earthmen vs bad Earthmen in Eden. The characterisation is lousy, and the pacing peculiar. #nwbooks Thu, 14:55: RT @PrinceJvstin: @nwbrux that's a pity, given the strength ...
As arguments rage over cuts in Britain's international aid budget, Liberal Democrats could help expose some of the mechanisms which create and sustain poverty. On Tuesday December 1st, that brand household name Nestle is going the U.S. Supreme Court to argue that it should be allowed to use slavery to farm and ship raw cocoa from west Africa in order to make our chocolate. Let me repeat that. Nestle, whose profits last year were $15 billion, insists it has a right to make money from slavery. In technical terms, it wants to be granted corporate legal immunity. I first reported ...
I am not a big fan of the Chancellor's decision to cut the foreign aid budget from 0.7% of national income to 0.5%. Not only are the budgetary gains small by comparison to overall government spending and debt, but the signals that are sent out undermine everything that Boris Johnson's government is trying to do in a post-Brexit world. Let us be under no illusion, if we are trying to strike trade deals then the goodwill generated by foreign aid is invaluable. What is more, aid is in investment in future trade partners, and that is before we get to ...
i) births and deaths 27 November 1918: birth of Peter Tuddenham, who was the voice of the computer in Ark in Space (1975), the voice of the Mandragora Helix in The Masque of Mandragora (1976), and the voice of the Brain in Time and the Rani (1987). Blake's 7 fans remember him also as Orac, Zen and Slave. 27 November 1935: birth of Verity Lambert, who was the very first producer of Doctor Who (1963-65). 27 November 1993: broadcast of second episode of Dimensions in Time, but we don't talk about that. 27 November 2003: webcast of third episode of ...
From the City Council : THE ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 - SECTION 14(1) THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of BT duct repair works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Abbotsford Street (at its junction with Blackness Road), Dundee. This notice comes into effect on Monday 30 November 2020 for 3 working days. Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained. Alternative routes for vehicles are available Blackness Road / Seymour Street / Abbotsford Street. For further information contact 433082. Executive Director of City ...