From the 1971 BBC adaptation of Tom Brown's Schooldays - Richard Morant as Flashman, Anthony Murphy as Tom Brown.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The 'Dear Bill' letters were a regular feature in Private Eye throughout Margaret Thatcher's years as prime minister. Purporting to be the private correspondence of her husband Denis, they gave an inside view of life at 10 Downing Street. The Bill of the letters was generally taken to be William Deedes, the editor of the Daily Telegraph and former Conservative minister. If Denis wanted to know what was going on he would seek out the mysterious Boris. He was generally to be found in the cupboard under the stairs. talking to Moscow on the radio. Over a snifter of his ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Great to see four Liberal Democrats shortlisted in the Cllr Awards 2020 for local elected public officials in England and Scotland.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Thu 19th

Thursday reading

Current Ash: A Secret History, by Mary Gentle Gormenghast, by Mervyn Peake SS-GB, by Len Deighton The Inside of the Cup, by the other Winston S. Churchill Doctor Who: The Mutation of Time, by John Peel Last books finished Mahatma Gandhi: His Life and Times, by Louis Fischer The Daleks' Master Plan, adapted by Rick Lundeen Doctor Who: Mission to the Unknown, by John Peel Next books Painless, by Rich Larson After Me Comes the Flood, by Sarah Perry

I'm not channelling Ebenezer Scrooge but at one level Christmas is the last thing we should be worrying about at the moment. Yet it drips through media headlines almost on a daily basis. I'm not against bank holidays although many people have had too much in the way of non-working days this year. I suspect I am irritated because Christmas has been put firmly in a political context this year. Our Prime Minister seems to think he has a supreme obligation to cheer people up while blithely unaware of how much he is capable of depressing us. He does apologise, ...

Posted by Geoff Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

To start off this posting please have a read of the article linked below from The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport as it sums up where government thinking is seeming heading quite well:- News that government is to invest more in cycling and walking has to be welcome but let's be honest an extra £175M spread across the country is not going to produce much at all; it will address the tip of a very big and long under-invested in iceberg at best. But stop grumbling Robertson and come up with ways it could best be spent in ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus
Thu 19th

World Tolilet Day

Today, 19th November, is World Toilet Day. Were you, or will you be, siting comfortably, able to "perform" in privacy, without fear of interruption, in reasonably hygienic surroundings, with your waste flushed away for scientific disposal at the press of a button or twist of a handle, and soap and clean water available to wash your hands while you sing "Happy birthday" twice? Lucky you and me. Yet something like 2.4 million people, or about one in three of the world's population, don't have this luxury which we take for granted. For those without the alternatives don't bear hinging about. ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

David Ambrose has enjoyed half a century of success as a proficient and prolific writer of novels, plays, screenplays and TV scripts — all a far cry from his grey childhood in a working-class home in the village of Brindle in Chorley, Lancs. He begins his volume of memoirs, A Fate Worse than Hollywood (Zuleika [...]

Posted by jonathanfryer on Jonathan Fryer

Buckle up: it's time to begin another week with Rutland's most celebrated fictional peer. Thursday I surprised my closest inner circle with a trip to a private island where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time. The island, of course, was one of an archipelago in Rutland Water that I happen to own, but now I back at the Hall and working on my latest invention. Do you remember the 'Teasmade'? This was a contraption sold with the promise that if you set it up by your bedside it would wake you at the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Thu 19th

My tweets

Wed, 12:13: RT @tconnellyRTE: Some arresting detail from @MichaelAodhan, NI Retail Consortium, to HoC NI Affairs cttee: £2.6bn in agrifood produced in... Wed, 12:56: Scottish nationalists' love of North Sea oil sours Article suggests this is a new development, but in fact renewable energy has been central to SNP policy for years. Wed, 15:15: Double Star by Robert A. Heinlein The Prisoner of Zenda with spaceships (his choice of the Dutch royal family as supreme rulers of the solar system gave me some private amusement). #nwbooks Wed, 15:44: RT @ConcordiaSummit: What will be the impact of ...


Recent news reports suggesting that the "chumocracy" currently running Britain has enriched its personal contacts during the Covid-pandemic by handing out lucrative procurement contracts worth millions is a tell-tale sign of a self-entitled political elite acting like a law unto itself. This sickening self-aggrandisement is a reflection of a political system that lacks transparency and accountability – issues Liberals have long campaigned on. In the 21st century, why do we still have a political system that permits a small, well-connected elite to act as if the country's riches are its own? Is it due to our political system or our ...

Posted by David Chadwick on Liberal Democrat Voice

[IMG: Bus Stop / shelter] All Folkestone Town Councillors were asked by the Folkestone Town Clerk over the summer if they had any proposals for new or replacement bus stops in the town. There was partial funding available from Kent County Council, and a small reserve at Folkestone Town Council for stops. It wouldn't stretch to many, but with that, and a contribution from Councillor's ward grants, then we might get a few done. Being me, I didn't suggest one but three, and I'm delighted to see they are ALL now in place (and have been for about three weeks ...

i) births and deaths 19 November 1920: birth of Richard Shaw, who played Governor Lobos in The Space Museum (First Doctor, 1965), treacherous prisoner Cross in Frontier in Space (Third Doctor, 1973) and also Lakh, one of the imperviously helmeted Seers in Underworld (Fourth Doctor, 1978). 19 November 1924: birth of William Russell, who played Ian Chesterton from 1963 to 1965 and has done a number of Big Finish plays, including most recently an episode of Susan's War. 19 November 1945: birth of Morgan Deare, who played Hawk, the American who isn't played by Stubby Kaye, in Delta and the ...

From the City Council : THE ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 - SECTION 14(1) THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of carriageway resurfacing works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Seafield Road (from Perth Road to Roseangle), Dundee This notice comes into effect on Monday 23 November 2020 for 5 working days. Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained. Access will be maintained where possible. Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Perth Road / Roseangle . For further information contact 433082. Executive Director ...