Government must support local councils instead of imposing top down reorganisation Ahead of the Government's motion on the Local Government Boundary Commission tomorrow, Liberal Democrat Local Government spokesperson Tim Farron said: The Chair of the Local Government Boundary Commissions looks like they're going to have a lot on their plate. Just last week the Tories proposed abolishing nearly every council and replacing them with larger, less accountable, 'super-councils.' At a time when local authorities and the government are struggling to tackle the pandemic, it is not the time for a reorganisation of deckchairs on the titanic. Liberal Democrats believe change ...
"It's a crisis for education, but it's also an opportunity to put everything on the table and consider ideas that would have been impossible before COVID. Outdoor school, long relegated to the Waldorf fringe, is getting a serious look. The pandemic is forcing conversations about equity in education, and both parents and teachers are asking how we can reimagine the school day to prioritise student well-being and mental health." Anna Nordberg asks if the Covid-19 pandemic could change education for the better. James Rebanks on how to save British farming and the countryside. David Graeber died a few days ago. ...
And so, it seems, I am to be driven back to the office, whether I want to do so or not. Apparently, the Government believe that, if the Civil Service goes back to a routine of commuting and meetings, the private sector will feel morally obliged to follow. Admittedly, taking a moral lead doesn't work too well for the Civil Service as a rule. Austerity saw us receive a series of nil or negative real terms pay "increases" which saw our pay fall by about 15% in real terms over a decade, whilst median pay rises across the workforce at ...
Well now. Neil Bannister, the former Conservative leader of Harborough District Council, has been suspended from the ruling Tory group for six months. According to the Leicester Mercury: Neil Bannister has been given a six month suspension from the Harborough District Council Conservative councillors group after he wrote a letter to Leicestershire County Council about the 2,750 home Lutterworth East scheme. The former Conservative police and crime commissioner candidate was a member of the district council planning committee that decided in July, by a single vote, to approve the controversial housing scheme, proposed by the county council which owns the ...
Over the past few days, I have taken part in a number of debates about the false dichotomy of whether the way forward in our City is heritage or development. I have urged in those debates that if we set ... Continue reading →
The next Bramcote CAT Meeting is tomorrow at 7pm on Zoom. All Bramcote residents are welcome to attend. Agenda: 1. Introductions and apologies 2. Nottinghamshire Growth Options Consultation 3. Neighbourhood Plan 4. Bramcote Hills Golf Course 5. Other Planning Issues 6. Government local government proposals 7. Severn Trent Water 8. Covid 19 in Bramcote and Broxtowe 9. Any other business Topic: Bramcote CAT Meeting Time: Sep 7, 2020 07:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 872 2397 3702 One tap mobile +16465588656,,87223973702# US (New York) +16699009128,,87223973702# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US ...
The Lib Dems elected Nick Clegg, Belgium got a new government, and I borrowed my brother-in-law's suit. No travel for me, but meanwhile little U got birthday cake at school, F got what he wanted for Christmas, and B settled into the snoezelruimte in her new home. Not so many books in December 2007 - still a bit shell-shocked by B's departure. Non-fiction 6 (YTD 78) About Time 5: The Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who, 1980-1984, by Lawrence Miles and Tat Wood Who's Next: An Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who, by Mark Clapham, Eddie Robson and Jim Smith ...
Although the text is yet to be chosen there will be a policy debate at our virtual conference (have you registered yet) on our Europe policy going forward. The question is whether to adopt an immediate 'rejoin' policy, in the spirit of our 'revoke' policy at the last election on the simple grounds that we regret leaving the EU and would like to rejoin it, or whether it is a better idea to seek a closer relationship with the EU as a short term goal and to leave rejoining for a time when the prospects of success are better. I ...
A couple of weeks ago, Ludlow Town Council proposed removing a good looking and healthy Whitebeam from Station Drive, just opposite the GP surgery. The reason was that it grown into a semi-mature tree and was obscuring the vision of a CCTV camera. After some confusion, and objections from town councillors, myself and Tracey Huffer, the county arboriculturalist said he was minded to issue a tree preservation order to protect "a well-established, early mature tree growing in an appropriate space (biologically speaking) in an urban environment." In the end the solution was simple. Put the CCTV camera on Station Drive ...
Take Your Time is a track from The Cairo Gang's 2013 LP Tiny Rebels. KUTX said of it at the time:One listen, and you might think that you were listening to a long, lost outtake from The Byrds' Fifth Dimension. About halfway through the tune, the gentle, folky psychedelia yields to hallucinogenic, snaking, Eastern-flavored guitar lines before circling back. Kelly expertly guides the organized chaos in the back-half as the action starts to rise once again, and when the song ends it's a beautiful release.'Kelly' is the band's leader Emmett Kelly.
John Le Carré's books are deliberately complex in texture. One has to read very carefully to keep track of what is going on — and even then one is assailed by doubt, misled by assumptions and led up blind alleys. Such is the murky world of espionage, especially during the period of the Cold War, [...]
In his Independent column this week, Vince Cable talked about the need for Liberal Democrats and Labour to set aside their differences and work together to oust the Tories in 2024. He didn't call for a formal pact, but for the sort of non aggression agreement struck up by Paddy and Blair pre 1997. He waded into the broad appeal vs ideology argument: The two centre-left parties are currently at very different levels. But they face essentially the same two problems: how to connect with a public which is confused, frightened and divided; and how to translate support into seats ...
Our latest eFocus for Birtley has just been published. issues covered include local museums and galleries reopening, modest rise in coronavirus positive tests, Birtley gym reopens, full range of waste accepted at waste and recycling centres and Ed Davey chosen as new leader. You can read eFocus on this link.
We brought forward the publication of our latest eFocus for the Whickham area so that we could update residents on the recent rise in the number of people in the area testing positive for coronavirus. At this point Gateshead is not on the list of areas likely to require a local lockdown. Nevertheless, the figures are a move in the wrong direction and we felt it important to ensure residents are
No surprise to discover that pirates in real life were not like pirates in the movies. But there is lots to surprise and interest in the reality of pirates, especially the way economics drove egalitarian-ish decision-making...
Sat, 12:32: Good luck with your rail connection to Northern Ireland... Sat, 12:56: Another bit of genealogical trivia: the city of Baltimore is named after my 9xgreat-grandfather: Though those early Maryland settlers had a lot of descendants, so it's not at all unusual. Sat, 16:05: Roy Foster on Seamus Heaney: the Belfast years Extract from what looks like a fascinating book. Sat, 19:25: Star Wars (now episode IV, but that wasn't what we called it back then) Sun, 09:30: Whoniversaries 6 September: Zygons #2, Hive #2, ToaTL #1, Real Time ends
I suffered a minor inconvenience yesterday when, thanks to protests by Extinction Rebellion, I was unable to get the supplements that normally accompany my weekend Guardian. As a result, and being that sort of fuddy-duddy, I was unable to enjoy my leisurely Saturday breakfast browsing the literary supplement, discovering the latest verdict in the Blind Date feature. learning how to make the perfect flapjacks or reading the much heralded interview with Jane Fonda. It is not the end of the world, though if you were to listen to the Society of Editors or some of the ramblings of assorted Tory ...
Ed Davey's first big interview - hear what he has to say on Lib Dems' relevance, Europe and climate ...
Following on from his first big speech, to ALDC Conference, yesterday, Ed Davey gave his first big interview on the Sunday media round, to Sky's Sophy Ridge. What, she asked, was the point of the Lib Dems? We stand for key principles on civil liberties, social justice, the environment. We are not getting that through to voters We need to listen and understand why people don't think that they are on their side. "I think it's very important that we listen and we shape our agenda – with our liberal values – to the concerns and fears, hopes and dreams ...
WATCH: Christine Jardine introduce her Bill to give NHS and care staff indefinite leave to remain
This week, Christine Jardine introduced her Bill to give the citizens of other countries who have been on the Covid front line indefinite leave to remain if they want it. I find it appalling that anyone is put through the expensive, stressful hellscape that is the immigration system and most especially those people who have put their own lives at risk to care for those who have been struck down by Covid. Christine's speech was one of the highlights of my week. Watch it here. The text is below. I beg to move, That leave be given to bring in ...
Nearly 80 objections have been lodged to the unwanted housing development on Castle View Terrace - h...
There are nearly always objections to housing development. Sometimes they are not well founded. People don't like change or do not want any more housing in their locality. The planning application for seven homes on Castle View Terrace is different. At the time of writing, Sunday 6 September, Shropshire Council had received 77 carefully reasoned objections. I can't recall so many objections for a small housing scheme. There are no expressions of support for the scheme. That is not a surprise. As the objectors make clear, the development is out of character with the area. It destroys a valuable green ...
only broadcast anniversaries today, but gosh there are plenty of them. 6 September 1975: broadcast of second episode of Terror of the Zygons. The Zygons brag to captive Harry about their control of the Loch Ness Monster / Skarasen, and unleash it on the Doctor... There's also a particularly chilling scene with the Zygon which is imitating Harry Sullivan. 6th September 1980: broadcast of second episode of The Leisure Hive. The Doctor is forced to age by the Argolins. 6 September 1986: broadcast of first episode of The Forbidden Planet (Trial of a Time Lord #1), starting the belated Season ...
Further update - for Sunday 6th September from Councillor Fraser Macpherson (West End) and Councillor Craig Duncan (Broughty Ferry) CARE HOME VISITS Professional health and social care services will be able to resume visits. Throughout the pandemic these non-essential visits had been paused. From Monday 7th September care homes can resume face-to-face care from a wide range of health and social care professionals, including podiatrists, physiotherapists, optometrists, dentists, social workers and mental health and disability specialists. Activity in indoor communal areas - for example lounges and dining areas - can resume safely too. QUARANTINE Portugal and French Polynesia are ...
I am rather enjoying meeting on Zoom. In the past few weeks I've been able to attend more conferences and training events than I normally would because they have been online. I've been very busy with the smallholding so being able to pop back home for a meeting in between feeding the sheep and mucking out henhouses has been very helpful. Today, I attended the ALDC conference. It is raare for me