Here's a report on Russian influence in the United Kingdom that the Conservative Party can't suppress for months. It's published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank based in Washington DC. The report's conclusion begins:For the last 15 years or so, Russia has waged a sustained and deliberate disinformation campaign in the United Kingdom that is designed to weaken the United Kingdom internally and diminish its position in the world. Specific disinformation efforts have included exploiting minority grievances, encouraging separatist movements, amplifying anti-EU sentiments, and trying to inflict reputational damage upon the United Kingdom's role in ...
Liberal Democrats: Government have deserted care homes entirely Government's planning reform shows they're not serious about tackling housing crisis Liberal Democrats: Government have deserted care homes entirely Responding to the reports that the Government has abandoned their pledge to test all care home residents regularly throughout the summer, Liberal Democrat Health, Wellbeing and Social Care spokesperson Munira Wilson said: The decision to drop the pledge to test all care home residents regularly would be a decision to desert care home residents entirely. The reports today, if true, are sadly just another example of a Government that is either woefully incompetent ...
Lockdown announcement shows Government still doesn't have a grip on virus crisis Davey: Johnson must do more to protect livelihoods in the north Davey: Government must step up financial support in light of further lockdown Government must legalise humanist marriages without further delay Johnson and Cummings acting like despots with plans to restrict judicial review PM's decision to give his cronies peerages further bloats House of Lords Lockdown announcement shows Government still doesn't have a grip on virus crisis Responding to the Government's change in guidance stating that separate households will not be able to meet indoors from today in ...
A consultation has just opened to enable you to have your say about improvements to be made to the play areas in Fox Hollies Park. The consultation will run until the end of August and can be accessed via this link: The work is being funded by contributions required from developers of local housing projects, including the housing being built on the old Hall Green Greyhound Stadium on York Road. When such developments are made the planning department insist that losses of amenity space are compensated by funding for alternative provision – in this case improvements to Fox Hollies ...
This was The Who's first single under that name - up till then they had recorded as The High Numbers. Wikipedia is enlightening of the song's genesisIn the album's liner notes, [Pete] Townshend noted the song's similarity to the contemporaneous hit "All Day and All of the Night" by the Kinks: "It can't be beat for straightforward Kink copying. There is little to say about how I wrote this. It came out of the top of my head when I was 18 and a half." In a 1994 issue of Q magazine, Roger Daltrey echoed Townshend's comments regarding the Kinks' ...
Second paragraph of third chapter:"Where's Daddy?" his mother asks.I loved this book, a brilliant (maybe a little long) story of environmental activism in the USA, with eight central characters whose paths into and out of each other's lives and the protection of America's forests weave together to make a really gripping tale. There's also a computer game designer working on the future of humanity. The real heroes of the book, as Barbara Kingsolver said, are centuries old and very very tall... Not really sfnal, but very relevant for anyone who cares about the future of the planet. Won the Pulitzer ...
Earlier today, Iain Dale hosted a head-to-head debate for LBC radio between Ed Davey and Layla Moran, safely socially distanced but in the same studio.
Second frame of third chapter: A comic with the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith encountering mosters rooted in Greek mythology in Victorian England (and elsewhere). Well put together and a careful homage to the Hinchcliffe/Holmes years. You can get it here. Was actually at the top of my pile of unread comics in English. Next on that list is Chronin, by Alison Wilgus.
This post will be regularly updated with links to recordings of Ed and Layla at the many hustings events that are taking place. I'll update it and re-post it whenever there is something new to add. First up, the very first formal hustings, with the Social Liberal Forum on Saturday 11th July. The most recent hustings took place on 1st August – the Norfolk County Also this week, the Yorkshire and the Humber event And a themed hustings – the Green Agenda, from Wednesday 29th July The first of the party's big set piece hustings, on jobs and the economy ...
We end our week at Bonkers Hall with the old boy pondering the future of Liberator. Published as a printed magazine for 50 years, it will in future be a free online publication. Sign up to Liberator's email newsletter and you will be told whenever a new issue appears. Sunday So this is to be that last printed edition of Liberator. It seems only a few years ago that every street corner had its barefoot newsboy selling the magazine. I well remember their shrill cries of "Eleven reasons Clement Davies must resign - you won't believe number seven" and "North ...
On Thursday, Lib Dem Campaign for Racial Equality chair Roderick Lynch wrote an article challenging the party to follow Keir Starmer's demand for all BAME shortlists for Labour. He also invited us to join the race equality hustings on Wednesday. Tower Hamlets Councillor Rabina Khan posted a long comment to that article that I felt deserved a wider audience as a separate post. Political Parties and Representation Part 1 A couple of weeks ago I participated in a cross-party discussion with Professor Tim Bale in podcast called Political Parties and Ethnic Minority Representation as part of Queen Mary University's Mile ...
Sat, 12:35: RT @neilhimself: I recorded this quite certain we wouldn't win the Hugo Award for the Good Omens tv series. I was wrong. This was the acce... Sat, 12:56: RT @davidschneider: Gisela Stuart, Kate Hoey, Claire Fox. Amazing to see how many leading Brexiters who condemned unelected politicians mak... Sat, 13:54: RT @DrUmarAlQadri: For those assuming women didn't participate in #EidAtCrokePark, they should watch replay on #RTEplayer. #Muslim women d... Sat, 18:57: Houston, Houston, Do You Read? and The Bicentennial Man Sat, 19:31: RT @AlexandraErin: Turds for our whines. Sat, 20:26: RT @jeannette_ng: This was my acceptance ...
All many of us have been able to think and talk about for the past few months has been coronavirus and the lockdown but, as with other pandemics, at some stage we will move on, only to be forced to face up to the greater crisis impacting on our planet and our future - climate change. The Guardian reports that the Met Office's annual climate report has concluded that more extreme heat, less frost and snow, and trees coming into leaf earlier are among the signs seen in 2019 that the climate crisis is exerting an increasing impact on the ...
"We must all hang together, else we shall all hang separately" the words of Benjamin Franklyn on signing the declaration of Independence are as relevant today as they were back in 1776 When a future generation weighs the historical importance of the early twenty first century they might remember another quote – that the politician looks to the next election whilst the statesman looks to the next generation. We're very short of statesmen but have an abundance of politicians! Here in the UK, whatever the cost it's 2024 and the election planned for that year that counts. Our government chose ...
i) births and deaths 2 August 1990: death of Edwin Richfield, who played Captain John Hart in The Sea Devils (Third Doctor, 1972) - not the Captain John Hart of later Torchwood! - and also Mestor in The Twin Dilemma (Sixth Doctor, 1984). I think it's reasonably clear which part required more make-up... 2 August 1992: birth of Greg Austin, who played Charlie in Class (2016). Again, to avoid confusion, he is not the same person as my former colleague Greg Austin. 2 August 2016: death of Terence Bayler, who played Yendom, a doomed human slave, in The Ark (First ...
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