Drop in overseas visitors points to support need for tourism Care sector is facing a new crisis as we emerge from lockdown – Davey Scrap costly Police & Crime Commissioners PM's refusal to learn lessons shows why immediate inquiry is essential Drop in overseas visitors points to support need for tourism Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron has called for more support to help the tourism sector as ONS statistics published today revealing there were 1.4 million visits to the UK by overseas visitors in March 2020, 54% fewer than in March 2019. The Party has previously pushed for a review ...
If there were a world cup of key British films of the Sixties hen Performance would meet Blow-Up in the final. Click on the image above to go to a video on Sotheby's site that features the actor James Fox and producer Sandy Lieberson discussing Performance and Cecil Beaton's arrival on set.
With the despatch of ballot papers in the Liberal Democrat leadership election nearing, here are my three top tips for...
Liberal Democrat councillor Jo Watkins will contest the Monmouth seat at the Senedd election next year.
We managed a three-country trip this week, my first time out of Belgium since 1 March. We had already been planning to visit my sister in Burgundy, but then some work stuff came up in Geneva, which is not too far away and which Anne had always wanted to visit. So, for this first time in pandemic times, we got out. I chronicled in a blurry photo the exact moment when we left Belgium at 12:17 on Saturday 18 July. In Luxembourg we stopped for lunch with my cousin J, her husband D and their children L, N and S; ...
Ireland's favourite Englishman, Jack Charlton, was buried this week and if it wasn't for Covid, a state funeral would no doubt have been planned for him in Ireland. The news broke on Saturday, July 11th of his passing followed by an outpouring of emotions. Big Jack wasn't just a football manager. He took us on an adventure. He helped create a more confident Ireland. Robert Emmett said during his trial for the failed 1803 Rebellion 'When my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then and not till then, let my epitaph be written.' It was Jack ...
This statement appeared on the party website yesterday:Returning Officer's Ruling 23rd July 2020 A complaint has been made by an individual about Ed Davey's 2020 campaign's use of data gathered in his 2019 leadership campaign for direct marketing. The party has taken legal advice and received representations from the campaign. The party's advice concludes that a technical breach has occurred in relation to specific consents. We have advised the campaign of the issues, and have required the campaign to cease using the affected data now and to gain new consents before using it again.
Forget about Hong Kong. The ex-British colony is a consolation prize for Beijing compared to the 23.6 million souls on Taiwan, or, to give it its claimed name, the Republic of China. The Taiwanese have kept an eagle eye on political events in Hong Kong since before the 1997 handover. From the start they were sceptical about the Beijing's talk of "two systems in one country" and pledges of peaceful reunification. Recent events in Hong Kong have confirmed their scepticism and is threatening to ignite a 71-year-old Asian powder keg which could all too easily lead to a Sino-American showdown. ...
Thu, 12:56: RT @Joanna__Hardy: I'm inspired by Suella Braverman implying that juniors should jump at the chance of any scrap of work, at any time of da... Thu, 16:05: RT @DaveKeating: The #Trump campaign appears to be getting desperate. I've now heard from 10 Democrats who received this email yesterday (... Thu, 17:11: Excellent thread!!! https://t.co/OHH0ja2BsE Thu, 20:48: Philadelphia D.A. Threatens to Arrest Federal Agents https://t.co/Liq8cz0Fpd Strong stuff. Thu, 21:26: Thursday reading https://t.co/ghNkSV4r1T Fri, 08:05: Russian interference in western judicial systems is growing https://t.co/Q7Pvf1gntd Fri, 09:30: Whoniversaries 24 July: Harry Towb, The Time Meddler #4, The Sixth Doctor meets Mel ...
Of all the things to be outraged about when it come to Donald Trump, the price of gin must surely feature near the bottom of a very long list. Unfortunately, UK Ministers appear to exist in a different world to the rest of us, one they have created themselves by insisting we leave the world's biggest free trade area, and in which we are suddenly vulnerable to every whim of the US President, without the bargaining power to strike back. Such are the realities of Brexit. In this case, the Independent reports on hand-wringing by the UK's International Trade Secretary, ...
The constitutional question has dominated Scottish Politics for years and shows little sign of going away. It's something the Liberal Democrats should have total strength on - we have been interested in where power does and should lie for decades. Decentralisation in a system of cross-national cooperative government is in our DNA. However, this period of constitutional obsession and wrangling has done little to support our party. Many across the UK may feel a similar sense of exhaustion talking about Brexit that we feel in Scotland about independence, except we have been doing it for nearly 10 years, not just ...
i) births and deaths 24 July 2009: death of Harry Towb, who gets killed off by the Ice Warriors as Osgood in The Seeds of Death (Second Doctor, 1969) and by the Master as McDermott in Terror of the Autons (Third Doctor, 1971). As McDermott he uses the best Ulster accent ever heard on Old Who (there have been a couple in New Who who were at the same level). Here he is, dying twice. The Seeds of Death Terror of the Autons Osgood bids his farewell as he heads up to the moon... McDermott is puzzled by the plastics ...
Some time ago, I requested that the additional Moveable Vehicle Activated Signs on Perth Road near Sinderins - to encourage all motorists to drive below the 30mph limit - be moved further west as they were too close to the Sinderins junction. This was done and moved near the Rockfield Street junction but the signs are currently not working because - I suspect - of the need for battery recharge. I have had an assurance from the City Council that the signs will be checked and necessary action to get them working again will be taken.
The supermarket at Rocks Green has now been confirmed as Sainsbury's, with a small Argos click and collect style unit. If permission is granted construction is expected to begin towards the end of the year with the retail units opening in the second half of 2021. Although I am not expecting the scheme to be turned by Shropshire councillors, this scheme will split opinion in Ludlow. Many people will welcome an alternative to Tesco and Aldi. Those stores are in the centre of Ludlow, where it can be difficult to park at peak times. They will welcome a store which ...