Lib Dems lead cross party push for more diverse curriculum Yet more dishonesty from the Govt on test and trace system Lib Dems lead cross party push for more diverse curriculum The Liberal Democrats have secured cross party support for a bid to review the national curriculum in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests to combat "institutional racism in the UK". In a letter to the Education Secretary coordinated by Liberal Democrat Education spokesperson Layla Moran, MPs from across the political spectrum call for the inclusion of "a more diverse range of historical perspectives in our curriculum". The ...
This newsreel shows the end of an incident in which a 14-year-old called John Guthrie piloted a large fishing boat over the North Sea. A 2015 article from the Courier tells the story: The missing Arbroath High pupil was "the boy" in the "mystery of the Girl and the boy" that dominated news headlines across the globe. Despite a general election going on at the time, on every street corner and in every house, shop and office in Arbroath in January 1950 the talk was of the boy and the Girl - the Girl Jean, a two-year-old trawler belonging to ...
Current The Complete Secret Army: An Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to the Classic TV Drama Series by Andy Priestner Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within, by Stephen Fry The Ghost of Lily Painter by Caitlin Davies Modern China: A Very Short Introduction, by Rana Mitter The Wicked + The Divine vol 4: Rising Action, by Kieron Gillen etc Last books finished The Wicked + The Divine vol 2: Fandemonium, by Kieron Gillen etc The Beiderbecke Affair, by William Gallagher The Queen's Agent: Sir Francis Walsingham and the Rise of Espionage in Elizabethan ...
This holds that the more noise someone makes about leaving the Liberal Democrats, the more likely they are to rejoin the party. My first six Laws hold:If all parties are united in support of a measure, it will turn out to be a disaster.The more power the state takes to itself, the more arbitrarily that power will be exercised.When politicians do something which they think is very clever, it will eventually turn out to have been very stupid.The more extreme a person's views, the more certain they will be that the majority of voters share them.No argument that involves expressing ...
Five years ago, I remember discussing the #RhodesMustFall campaign at UCT with some friends. I concluded that, personally, I didn't think statues should be taken down – but that it was not my decision to make, not being someone who had been in any way impacted by the colonial history of Southern Africa or Apartheid. ... Continue reading In mute witness, stand? →
In a fair, free and open society, we would expect the makeup of our parliament and councils to reflect the demographic makeup of the area in which they serve, however this is not always the case. When some groups are over-represented, and others not, this can be symptomatic of systemic inequality, a potentially vicious cycle where an under-representation of voices from those the victims of this inequality means solutions to address it are not championed and prioritised. By design, First Past The Post is designed to amplify many small majorities into a large majority on a representative body. By and ...
The British Liberal Democrats suffered a poor election result last December, and it will have to bear the consequences for up to four more years. The party has commissioned a review to ask what went wrong, and to help it set a new course, which was published recently. Now it needs to take on board ... Continue reading The Liberal Democrats need a new vision, not a new constitution
We're no longer locked down as firmly as we were, but I'm still making occasional videos about our area. Here, I go in search of a lost enclave of Imperial territory, just across the Dyle from our village. And I meet some cows.
This is an extract from a blog post - The generation gap and reinventing bob-a-job week - that I wrote back in 2011. I have never bought the idea that Scouting is a sinister, right-wing movement. That views misses the essential strangeness of Scouting. This is brought out in this passage from Tony Gould's Inside Outsider: The Life and Times of Colin MacInnes from 1983: Colin always defended the scouts against leftish accusations of incipient fascism and the like. How could be not be loyal when the "prophetic book" was none other than Cousin Roddy's Kim? He describes the ideology ...
Bristol has made the news around the world with the toppling of the statue of the slave trader Edward Colston and its dunking in the harbour. Early this morning it was fished out of the waters and after a clean up will be on its way to MShed, the museum of Bristol's own history. I [...]
Some of the newspapers today are excitedly headlining the news that grandparents in England can hug their grandchildren again this week. It's not easy for the many grandparents who are still not allowed to do so. The BBC carries a more nuanced version of the story. From this weekend any adult who lives alone or with children under 18 (but no other adults) can form a support bubble with another household. While continuing to live in two homes they can interact as if they live together and don't have to observe social distancing (although they must all self-isolate if any ...
Please find below an update on local services, and also the latest set of local statistics on COVID-19. If you, or a friend or neighbour, is in need of support don't hesitate to get I touch with the local team. You can contact your local community Hub directly via 0161 253 5353, they have a team of volunteers ready to help with essential tasks such as shopping or collecting prescriptions. Recommendations to Schools from Bury Council A number of schools are now open for some children and more are opening soon. The Council's Cabinet has agreed the following recommendation to ...
Here's my latest piece from the Liberal Democrat website: It's no surprise that reactions to protesters' removal of Edward Colston's statue in Bristol have included liberals worrying about the rule of law. The outrage, not at the statue honouring a slave trader, but at its removal by a 'mob' rather than by democratic means without visible legal ramifications, has been notable. The rule of law, after all, is central to liberalism. Right? Not quite. What is vital is the equal application of fair laws. And these protests were born out of anger that the law and police treatment have not ...
The Royal National Institute for the Blind has launched a video today, highlighting the ways in which we can support blind and partially sighted people as they negotiate social distancing.
Following a consultation with residents NHS Bury and Bury Council have agreed to "move" the Walk-In Centre which was in Bury town centre at the Moorgate Health Centre to Fairfield Hospital. At the same time, no commitments were made over the future of the Prestwich walk-in centre, which is currently being used as a COVID management centre. "That service is currently under review" is what was said at the meeting. Walk-in facility at Moorgate Primary Care Centre will close, and services relocated to the 24-7 Urgent Treatment Centre in front of the accident and emergency department at Fairfield General Hospital. ...
Responding to an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report that predicts the UK economy will shrink by 11.5% and experience the worst economic contraction among developed countries due to the coronavirus, Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey said:"Coronavirus has proven to be a bigger threat to people's jobs and livelihoods than even the financial crash. People are rightly worried about their jobs, their families and their communities. We must ensure no one is left behind."The UK desperately needs a Green Recovery Plan. We can rebuild the economy and protect the environment by creating jobs through embracing ...
The hundreds of people working in Bury's five Community Hubs during the Covid-19 crisis have been thanked by the Mayor of Bury. Prestwich Councillor Tim Pickstone, the current Mayor, praised the amazing work that the hubs have been doing to ensure that essential help gets to the borough's most vulnerable people. There are 808 volunteers attached to the five hubs, who have helped 2,338 households in Bury since the start of the crisis. While his meetings with hub leaders were all held online due to social distancing rules, he promises to say thanks in person once the lockdown is over. ...
Today Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey has written to the Prime Minister calling on him to abolish harmful section 60 suspicion-less stop and search powers.Black people are disproportionately likely to be stopped and searched by the police, and for suspicion-less stop and search the figures are particularly stark. Last year there were there were 4,858 searches of black people and 2,669 of white people, meaning that a black person is 47 times as likely to be subject to Section 60 Stop and Search as a white person.Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey said:"Under suspicion-less Stop ...
Yesterday Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey took part in a call between the Prime Minister and all the opposition parties. Davey quizzed the PM on plans to help self-employed people, called the PM to extend the transition period, and to confirm whether there would be an independent inquiry on the Government's handling of the Coronavirus crisis. Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey said: "Families and businesses need support and stability to get through this crisis. I asked Boris Johnson to provide more help for self-employed people, particularly those who have had no support so far. ...
Jane Dodds writes: Status quo or independence aren't the only options for Wales - a federal UK is po...
The Coronavirus pandemic has thrown down some fundamental challenges to politicians about the future of our society, our economy, our healthcare system, and the nature of work. Among those challenges, the pandemic has shown that we need fundamental political reform. The sight of MPs queueing around the Palace of Westminster to vote, when every other democratic Parliament – including our own here in Wales – functions remotely, has brought home the archaic nature of the Westminster system. To face the challenges of the post-coronavirus world, we have to do so much better. For us in Wales, managing coronavirus has posed ...
What should we do with people who tear down public statues? Apply restorative justice techniques. As Liberal Democrats, I hope we all agree that the statue of Edward Colston should have been removed from its location a long time ago: it represented a very public promotion of someone whose wealth was built from vile acts. In the back of our minds should be another question – what if a different statue had been pulled down? One where we didn't quite agree whether it should still be there or not? Where the rights and wrongs of the person's life weren't as ...
Eugene Burdick died tragically young, but why have his books about politics been forgotten?
Dear Jo Firstly, may I say how sorry I was to hear about the sexual assault you suffered. It must be difficult to deal with the emotions that keep resurfacing, the inevitable and uncontrollable fear in certain situations. No one wants to suffer like that. It must be draining to continually see people, or certain [...]
The Guardian reports on a study by the respect Institute for Fiscal Studies thinktank suggesting Britain risks entrenching deep class, ethnic, gender, educational, generational and geographical divides unless the government acts to tackle inequality. They believe that the Covid-19 pandemic threatens to make life worse for the most vulnerable groups: The IFS said it was not inevitable the crisis would exacerbate inequality but said that would be the outcome in the absence of better education and training, moves to ensure the survival of small businesses and the provision of catch-up lessons for children from poorer households. The Covid-19 report - ...
Wed, 12:56: RT @Gilofthepeople: employer: can you explain this gap in your CV me: yes. you see, it was then that i carried you employer: employer: i do... Wed, 15:52: RT @damonwake: Fantastic overview of the wonderful wines of Bulgaria by @CarolineGilbyMW. I have to thank @nwbrux for introducing me to som... Wed, 16:05: Why Is Maine So White? And What It Means To Ask The Question Sober reflection. Wed, 16:07: RT @DaveKeating: A statue of #KingLeopoldII in #Antwerp has been removed after being torched by #BlackLivesMatter protesters over his atroc... Wed, 17:11: Wave of New Polling Suggests an ...
Yesterday I accused Liverpool University of tokenistic twaddle over its decision to remove the name of Gladstone from the Greenbank Halls of residence. Gladstone became Prime Minister 35 years after slavery was abolished in Britain and the British Empire. He ... Continue reading →
"But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream."Amos 5:4 The response in Britain to another murder of a Black Man by American police has been curious. The UK is much more comfortable inhabiting the past than discussing the future. Working out a path towards a more just and fair society is hard to do, it involves discussing the warp of the crooked timber of humanity, accepting difference, making uncomfortable choices.So, we did not do that. We choose instead to condemn the past, rather than build the future. This is not to say that there is ...
The hundreds of Bury people who provide unpaid care to the most vulnerable are being recognised in a range of activities during Carers Week (8-14 June). This year, the coronavirus outbreak has put even more challenges on carers as they take onmore responsibilities for relatives and friends who are disabled, ill or older and who need support. During Carers Week, Bury Carers Hub is offering local carers the opportunity to join them for a range of daily activities: from online exercises and cooking to arts, music and quizzes. Provided through n-compass, the new Bury Carers' Hub offers carers a wide ...
The regular meeting of 2 Bury's Planning Control Committee took place on 26 May 2020. This is the meeting made up of the 11 Councillors who represent the various wards of the borough of Bury. The committee determines planning applications for certain major developments and others where objections have been received. Councillor Cristina Tegolo reports; Bury Planning Control Committee met remotely and the meeting was live streamed to the public. Some of the applications discussions were postponed from the March and April 2020 Planning Control Committee Meetings. In response to the emergency Government instructions on Covid-19. Due to the Government's ...
Southport – More of Anthony Graham's railway photos & 10 years of volunteering for the Fr...
Here's another posting based on the old railway photos of Anthony Graham, who has generously agreed to my using them. This time we are in Southport and in particular looking at the former railway infrastructure in the Hawkshead Street/Meols Cop area of the Town. Having looked at the history this posting moves on to cover the first 10 years of the volunteer group Friends of Meols Cop Station. Hawkshead Street Junction & Meols Cop Triangle 25th November 1925 Hawkshead Street Junction signal box opened in 1900, replacing the previous 1887 box. It was a Lancashire & Yorkshire box with a ...
Thank you to everyone who replied to the Focus team on facebook or email in response to the leaflets. Almost everyone who replied supported the proposals, but many wanted the parking controls to go further. A key part of the problem for many people is all day parking by shopping centre staff who can't use the shopping centre. Some people felt the shopping centre should be doing more to manage this problem itself. Yate Town Council draft reply is below.Is there anything you want your Focus Team to add??Deadline for the Town Council to reply to S Glos is 15 ...
The Liberal Democrats are calling on the Government to help businesses draw up risk assessments to keep their employees safe as they return to work, and to establish a Coronavirus Safety Hotline for whistleblowers to report unsafe workplaces. The party has emphasised that anyone who can work from home must continue to do so in line with the current public health guidance, and that this must remain the case until the Government has scaled up testing and tracing sufficiently to stop the spread of coronavirus. The measures, set out today by Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey, are ...
2 big stories "We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, you can come too, too, too..." is probably not enough compensation for the suggestion by Professor Neil Ferguson that enforcing a lockdown just one week earlier would have saved 20,000 lives. And, as confidence in the Government's handling of the crisis continues to decline, it does seem as though the response is to offer up as many opportunities for enjoyment as possible, regardless of whether or not it is safe to do so. The suggestion that, whilst Russia interferes with our politics, China interferes with our perceptions, is an emerging ...
I have received the following update from Network Rail : "Work is now underway to replace more than 1,200 sleepers located on the iconic Tay Bridge, the longest railway structure in Scotland. This project, which will be ongoing until September, is designed to extend the life of the track and is being delivered in a way which minimises the disruption for passengers. It represents an investment of more than £500,000 to improve the resilience and reliability of the line for passengers. One in three sleepers including baseplates and Pandrol clips - which hold the tracks onto the sleepers - are ...
I have not posted in quite a while! In fact I believe it may have been something very short just after the UK lockdown had started. I tend to go through cycles with my blog, sometimes I will write relatively frequently and other times I can go many months without posting anything. If inconsistency could [...]