We Liberal Democrats have become more used to being kicked than praised. So it was good to read this from Barbara Ellen in the Observer: I can't be the only one who remains grateful to the Lib Dems for offering a safe political harbour from Corbynism and Brexit. I also applaud how they stuck to their Remain principles, without trying to work both sides. If nothing else, this helped dislodge the mud that's stuck to them since the 2010 Tory coalition. While there's much to be done, people feel they can trust the Lib Dems again.
[IMG: An alternative Mother's Day] The post An alternative Mother's Day appeared first on Ambitiousmamas.
I got the new animated reconstruction of The Macra Terror (the last complete Doctor Who story shown before I was born, all of whose episodes have been lost) a few weeks ago, and finally got around to watching it last weekend - our last weekend before the lockdown, as it turned out. I prepared for it the weekend before by listening to the audio version, with Colin Baker's narration as scripted by John Nathan Turner, which I put on in the car as I drove to and from visiting B in her home - which looks like it will be ...
I joined the Liberal Democrats when a student at the University of York, so I had been particularly looking forward to my first federal conference since being elected President to be in York.
You can find previous Isolation diaries here. On a normal Sunday I would go to church, so today is another rather strange one for me. However this is a strangeness that I share with millions of others, not just those in isolation. My vicar has been recording short services each morning and uploading them to the church's Facebook page. I have then been embedding them in the church website so people can follow them at any time of day, whether or not they are on Facebook. Today he did a special service for Mothering Sunday. So this morning I had ...
A few week's back when life wasn't so crazy, Tish Dockerty applied for a micropub on the site of her existing business on Lloyd's Yard. This has caused some consternation among neighbours. Now, Tish has prepared a statement to accompany her application. I publish it here in full. Statement from appleTeme appleTeme is typical of the independent small businesses which make up Ludlow's key employment sectors of Agriculture, Food and Drink and Tourism which support the local economy and promote the town's reputation. It is an award winning family business that has been making apple based food and drink locally ...
The British government has rightly asked people to be aware of the vulnerability of older people to COVID19, especially those with underlying health conditions. But I wonder if their concern stretches to British OAPs who live abroad and who have the added challenge that their state pension is frozen at the level it was when [...]
Thanks to everyone who joined the Brimsham Street clean last Sunday 15th (before social distancing). There will be more in April, COVID permitting Here are just a couple of the photos.
I won't lie. I've been anxious at how quickly Covid-19 pandemic has progressed. I'm about to start homeschooling my children, and despite being a qualified teacher, it's daunting. But this is also a time my children will see my actions and behaviour and be formed by them. So I only feel right that I should focus my free time on the elderly and most vulnerable who will be be self-isolating over the coming weeks and months. This is going to be a testing time for our nation. But I don't feel we should be in the Blitz spirit – this ...
Since my original posting I've tracked down this aerial view of the buildings and site via the National Library of Scotland's website. In a posting of only yesterday – see link below – I raised a query about some isolated brick built buildings visible in the fields from Spurriers Ln (Melling)/Outlet Ln (Simonswood) and I'm delighted to say, that via the Melling Community Page of Facebook, I now have an answer. I'm grateful to Carl Wallace and John Climber for providing the answer to my query and here it is:- Carl – 'The brick buildings randomly placed were munitions ...
On Friday afternoon Rishi Sunak announced that the government would pay up to 80% of wages up to £2500 a month. That is £30,000 a year. He hopes that HMRC will be able to pay all the grants applied for by the end of April. Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans will be available from Monday. Hopefully this will mean that every employer will be able to get the money they need to pay their workers up to £576.92 a week. He has restored the value of the Local Housing Allowance to the 30th percentile of local rents: the reduced rate from ...
Brenda Lee was in London for the 1964 Royal Variety Performance. As the blurb on YouTube explains, in search of an updated sound she met Mickie Most, the hot producer at the time. They chose Is It True? as the A-side of a single and Brenda picked What'd I Say as the B-side. She wanted to be the first female to cover Ray Charles controversial 1959 hit. The sound proved too raw for her US record company and a different track was used as the B-side over there. The guitarist here is Jimmy Page and there is a good article ...
I have not watched Question Time for a number of years. Frankly, I have too much respect for my blood pressure and the safety of my TV set. The problem as I perceive it is that some time ago the programme's producers abandoned the concept of informed debate and political balance, and chose instead to opt for sensationalism. The constant presence of Nigel Farage was just one symptom of this trend. Reports I have read indicate that the post-coronavirus edition without an audience was a measurable improvement. Instead of the baying masses, and politicians seeking applause lines, we had panellists ...
Sat, 20:30: "Code name Cromer. '70s or 80s, depending on the dating protocol." #SaveTheDay Sat, 20:32: "Are you his companions?" "His companions?!?!" "Well, they get younger all the time..." #SaveTheDay Sat, 20:32: RT @walktothestars: "What are you going to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?" is one of my favourite lines from this episode #SaveTheDay Sat, 20:35: RT @StevenWMoffat: Dick Van Dyke. And David still speaks to me! #SaveTheDay Sat, 20:37: I just love the UNIT Black Archive gallery! #SaveTheDay https://t.co/HnS3I2AnZW Sat, 20:40: RT @BedwyrG: Those bloody boards. Here is a true story. When delivered to the Doctor Who Experience ...
Following the absolutely correct decision to cancel the Liberal Democrat Federal, Scottish and Welsh Conferences, some have been calling for the Liberal Democrat Leadership Election - the timeline of which was already decided by Federal Board some time ago - to be indefinitely delayed. While I understand the sentiment, I think it sends completely the wrong message - irresponsibly so. We have a responsibility to our communities, all of us, to be undertaking social distancing as much as possible right now. The UK government's scientific advisors now say that the social distancing measures currently in place will have to continue ...
There's a double dose of good news in the job creation spree that Britian's supermarkets are currently on, one obvious and one less so.
Responding to the reports that EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, has said the EU is open to a possible request to extend the Brexit transition period, Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey said: "With countries across Europe battling the coronavirus crisis, Commission President von der Leyen's comments are welcome news."The UK government's focus must be on tackling this pandemic and saving as many lives as possible."Extending the transition period would help reduce the burden and uncertainty on businesses, the economy, and most importantly our NHS and social care system."An extension is the right thing to do. ...
Responding to the financial measures announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey said:"The government's actions today show just how threatening coronavirus is to our economy and our society. "Whilst the package for employees is welcome, Liberal Democrats are worried that far too little is being done for the self-employed, for those on zero hours' contracts or for those on statutory sick pay and benefits. "The Chancellor should raise the level of statutory sick pay and extend it to the two million people earning less than £118 a week that are currently excluded. ...
Further to the information I shared yesterday on my Facebook page about changes to Stagecoach Bus Services. This is the position regarding Xplore Dundee from tomorrow with links to the Xplore services in the West End. Xplore Dundee advises : "Due to the decision to close city schools, we are temporarily reducing service provision to public holiday levels. This will apply from Monday 23rd March. Xplore Dundee is committed to doing its part to keep essential workers moving - those in hospitals, supermarkets and other frontline services. Frequencies on core services will reduce during the day, but most morning journeys ...