Before the coronavirus crisis hit, I recorded a podcast with my published, Biteback Books, about my new book, Bad News. Listen to find out how you can make sense of the news all around us, the problem with news coverage on gun control, the (lack of a problem) with news echo chambers and filter bubbles, why I look back on my daily commute in years past with amazement and how I came to write Bad News: To get more from the Biteback team's podcast, head over to Anchor website or search for Biteback Chats Books in your favourite podcast app. ...
In times such as these where we are dealing with rapidly emerging realities it can be easy to overlook strands of how society is made up. It can often take people directly involved with a particular issue to draw attention to potential problems, ideally before they arise. One such problem involves private renting. Whilst the mess of UK housing policy is not an immediate triage problem there is a minor element of it that might be a ticking time bomb problem. Many tenancy agreements come with clauses in the contract that prevent any business activity taking place within these private ...
[IMG: A round up of global news on the Corona Virus] An interesting round up of articles on the Corona Virus from around the world 'Is there any good news about the Coronavirus pandemic?' Harvard Health... The post A round up of global news on the Corona Virus appeared first on Ambitiousmamas.
I have just finished reading "The Shipping Forecast" by Nic Compton. The publisher, Ebury, sums the book up as follows: The rhythmic lullaby of `North Utsire, South Utsire' has been lulling the nation's insomniacs to sleep for over 90 years. It has inspired songs, poetry and imaginations across the globe – as well as providing ... Continue reading When a BBC announcer used fictional gale warnings to fill time
The major event of August 2005 was my first Worldcon, Interaction in Glasgow. I had a whale of a time, met many people who I had previously known only online, shared a room with Alaskan writer David Marusek, spoke on several panels, attended many more. The two best pictures of me were taken at a panel with Harry Turtledove, by Elizabeth Patrick, and just hanging around, by Anna Feruglio Dal Dan. For our summer in Northern Ireland, the kids were able to use a trampoline: At the end of the month, back at work, I went to an exceptionally fun ...
You can find previous Isolation diaries here. I loved those clips of Italians singing from their balconies. Traditionally we Brits don't display the lack of self-consciousness about singing that the Italians enjoy – and we don't have the balconies either. But singing with others has grown hugely in popularity over the last 10 years or so, largely inspired by Gareth Malone and his projects that use singing to build communities. Choirs have popped up everywhere, and you don't need to read music or even sing very well in order to take part. Like many I am going to miss singing ...
[IMG: Phone] In Folkestone and Hythe District, three Community Support Hubs are being set up for both those that NEED help due to COVID-19 issues over the next few weeks, and those OFFERING it. There have been a HUGE number of people wanting to help, and the Support Hubs (which should offer phone numbers, email and online forms) will be the place to do so. The types of help needed will include making calls to the vulnerable and elderly (so can be done by those self-isolating), leaflet delivery with contact information, helping to "fetch and carry", answering phones and more ...
[IMG: Debit and Credit cards [Plastic money]] A number of local businesses have asked me if I know anything more about the Small Business Rate Relief Grants of £10,000 recently announced by the Chancellor. I only have access to the same information as everyone else, but the Government's website appears to have a little more detail on it today, as below. Key takeaways are: it is £10,000 for eligible businesses (not "up to"), there is no need to apply (but I'd watch for communication from your Council) and the money should be available from some time in early April... Support ...
After months of controversy which saw residents of Meadow Mead in Brimsham Park pitted against developers, residents have won round one of their fight to stop a 'pavilion' aerial cableway and spiders web by their houses. the 'pavilion' developers want to put right behind houses Developers want to put in a 'pavilion' that has open ends, lovely foothold style footholds and a flat roof, 3.15m high made of wood, within 25m of houses - ideal for climbing into - and an aerial cableway, spiders web and other big play equipment. As Adrian Rush commented, the chances are it will get ...
Lord William Wallace writes ...The impact of the coronavirus epidemic on British political debate
By the time we come out of the Coronavirus epidemic, the context of British politics may well look very different. It's hard yet to tell how far the dominant narratives will have changed, but some shifts are already occurring - many positive for Liberals, some not so easy to adjust to. Positive changes include:- Recognition that government is a complex, and constitutional, process, not a matter for populist slogans. Boris Johnson on March 16th said that Britain's strength as 'a mature liberal democracy' was that we could manage to bring together broad national consent to difficult measures to combat the ...
[IMG: Recycling and waste collection boxes and bag] All Folkestone & Hythe District Council recycling and waste services are currently running as normal. Bin collections during COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Rubbish collection is a high priority council service, provided by Veolia and we will do everything possible to keep it going whatever the circumstances. We ask residents to help us and your bin collectors to keep the service running by taking extra precautions when disposing of your rubbish. Where possible please ensure that: - all domestic waste is disposed of in sealed bags; - your bin lid is firmly closed; - you ...
It is time to think about a cruise. Or, how about a visit to a stately home or an empty school? All of these are places where beds could be placed for the victims of Coronavirus. And places to put beds are the first things needed for the anticipated thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of patients with which the already overstretched NHS hospitals will be unable to cope. There are other accommodation possibilities. Top of the list – private hospitals. They already have administrative and nursing staffs. Most of the doctors work in the public and private sector. There are ...
Doctor Who Playlists - How Doctor Who and Self-Isolation Can Inspire Completely Sensible Plans (ish)
Do you want to watch some Doctor Who? Aliens from the past; wonders from the future; all of time and space. It's the trip of a lifetime... But where to start? Which Doctors? What style? Monsters, villains, scary horror? Wit, weirdness, wild ideas? Adventures in history, alien worlds, a bit of politics? Or sheer fun? On the off-chance that to start at the beginning and watch all 296 stories in order is a little daunting, I've made a self-isolation playlist for you to dip in and out of different Doctors and experience the show's variety much more quickly. Intrigued? Read ...
Thu, 12:56: RT @harriet1marsden: Ok Twitter, you've somehow tricked the person you fancy into coming over right before lockdown. You are now in enforce... Thu, 18:06: Thursday reading Thu, 19:37: #LockdowninOudHeverlee 1: St Anne's Church via @YouTube Fri, 10:21: RT @sammystritch: Queen Margrethe making a dachshund hat is the quarantine vibe we all need right now.
As a freelance musician and actor, I have seen and spoken to a lot of self-employed colleagues and friends recently about their fears regarding Covid-19. Obviously the number one priority must be the health and well-being of the general public, but the government must also consider how best to protect its citizens and businesses from financial ruin. The measures announced to protect small and medium-sized businesses will hopefully help to prevent firms from closing (though for many even this will be too late, and I know of several that have already folded), but protection for the self-employed – an estimated ...
How people almost always under and overreact - and what that means for the current situation
On February 26th, 1993, a group of Islamist terrorists managed to detonate a nitrogen-hydrogen gas enhanced truck bomb underneath the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. It was meant to bring the tower down and into its neighbour, sending both towers crashing to Earth; instead, it merely caused some fixable structural damage while killing six people and injuring thousands. The measured response to this should have been to take the spectre of Islamist inspired terrorism much more seriously within the US. Instead, it was largely ignored until September 11th, 2001. This happened even within intelligence ...
Acting leader of the party,Ed Davey has sent the following communication to party members: On Monday, I emailed asking members to pause their normal campaigning and prioritise community action to help those affected by coronavirus. Since then I've been overwhelmed by the response. Day in, day out, Liberal Democrats all over the country do all they can for their communities. But now, when it counts more than ever, you're stepping up to protect the most vulnerable in our society. I couldn't be prouder to be a Liberal Democrat today. Our team has put together a resource kit to help you ...
My good friend Les French (Chairman of the Maghull based Frank Hornby Trust) has a story that goes along the lines of Hornby used the buildings at Maghull Station as the basis for his tinplate model buildings. And you know Les could well be right as we know that Frank lived literally yards away* from Maghull Station and that he used the train regularly if not daily. So bearing that in mind the slow decline of the old Station Master's house in Melling Lane adjacent to the level crossing over recent years has been very unfortunate. Here's how it looked ...
I just got an email from the DoG Street Pub, detailing their closures over the next couple of weeks because of Covid-19. The only time I've actually patronised it was in August 2018, when a visit to Virginia included a few days in Colonial Williamsburg. We had a couple of nice evening meals and glasses [...]
In many ways the publication of inspector of constabulary Wendy Williams in long-awaited report into the Windrush scandal has come at a fortuitous time for the Home Office and the UK Government - the vast majority of the public and the UK media are so engrossed in tackling the coronavirus crisis that the report's damning conclusions will struggle to gain any traction. Nevertheless it is worth recording Williams' conclusions. As the Independent reports, the inquiry found that the Home Office demonstrated "institutional ignorance and thoughtlessness" towards the issue of race and that those affected were let down by "systemic operational ...
Four council by-elections had been due this week. Three were called off because of coronavirus. The legal basis for doing that was unclear, though there were assurances from the government that no Returning Officer would be prosecuted for cancelling a contest and it's unlikely anyone will object in the circumstances. One council by-election did go ahead, making it the last election for quite some time, especially given the emergency legislation going through Parliament which, in addition to delaying this May's elections to next year, also has plenty on delaying by-elections. That one contest was in the West Midlands, where turnout ...
Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey has called for Parliament to have a future vote on whether it is necessary for the Government to retain new emergency powers beyond a year. He said:"The Coronavirus crisis is leaving the most vulnerable in our communities at risk. People across the country are rightly worried about their loved ones."While emergency powers are clearly necessary to deal with this emergency, Liberal Democrats have serious concerns about Parliament handing over such far-reaching powers to Ministers for a full two years."That is why Liberal Democrats are seeking to ensure the legislation includes provision for ...
Earlier this month, the UK regional airline Flybe became the first victim in the airline sector of the coronavirus outbreak, after failing to secure a £100 million government-guaranteed refinancing package. This week UK airline bosses are calling for an immediate multibillion-pound emergency bailout to prevent the industry from potentially being wiped out by the coronavirus pandemic. Virgin Atlantic's chairman Peter Norris has written to the Prime Minister y saying the airline industry needs emergency government support worth 7.5 billion pounds or risks the loss of tens of thousands of jobs, British Airways has warned, "We can no longer sustain our ...
Responding to news that a law to block evictions will come into force in the coming days, Liberal Democrat Housing Spokesperson Tim Farron said:"Millions of renters will be relieved to hear that legal protections will be put in place to block evictions for the next three months - but there needs to be clarity about what happens to anyone falling into arrears because of impact of the coronavirus after that."Thousands of families will face financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus. Measures like this are vital in providing certainty in the immediate term, but do not assist with actually ...
The Liberal Democrats have called on government to guarantee that no data will be passed from the NHS to the Home Office during the coronavirus crisis for the sake of public health.Speaking in the House of Commons yesterday, Wendy Chamberlain MP called on the Home Secretary to make sure that "no one who needs to be tested in relation to Covid 19, or indeed seek treatment, is put off by uncertainty over their immigration status".After raising this issue in the Commons Wendy Chamberlain said: "Under the hostile environment, there is a real risk that people who find themselves gravely ill ...
Residents will recall that I recently had a meeting with a senior member of environment management at the City Council and with two Balgay Park regular users about safety concerns about the speed of some vehicles using the road up to the observatory. I have now received feedback on actions council management has taken thus far following this meeting : "Cleaning and signage,The roads have been mechanically swept and the speed limit is clear to see from road markings and vertical signage. However to compliment this I still intend to add new signage at the entrance providing awareness and educational ...