The BBC has the programme on I Player – see link below:- The programme 'Contagion: The BB4 Pandemic' is from March 2018 and in my humble opinion is worth watching to help us understand how a pandemic develops. And here's a 60 second explanation of Coronavirus from the BBC website:- I hope we can all keep as well as possible in the present circumstances My thanks to Bob Robinson for the lead to this posting
In self-isolation and at a loose end? This is a reminder that I welcome guest posts on Liberal England. As you can see from this list of the 10 most recent guests posts, I am happy to consider a wide range of subjects beyond the Lib Dems If you would like to write a guest post yourself, please drop me an email so we can discuss your idea. Forgotten Victorian folklore collectors: An undiscovered treasure trove - Francis YoungJoseph Merrick in the cigar factory - Joanne Vigor-MungovinWhy we need a GCSE in Natural History - Mary ColwellThree unlikely heroes from ...
[IMG: I don't wish to be a cog in a herd] A right wing ideology of individualism which has driven British politics is now advocating an ideology of 'togetherism'. We can all only beat the dreaded... The post I don't wish to be a cog in a herd appeared first on Ambitiousmamas.
One of the sites visitors to our town are keen to see is the giant puddle that forms in the High Street whenever there has been heavy rain. It was back again today, but larger when I took this photo on the last day of February.
Tomorrow and Tuesday are black bin days in Ludlow. Veolia operatives wear gloves and won't come into skin contact with recyclables or residual black bin waste. However, Public Health England has issued specific advice on waste if you are self-isolating, regardless of whether you have a diagnosis of Covid-19 or not. Shropshire Council has confirmed that it will operate waste and recycling operations in accordance with these guidelines. You might also want to ensure your bin handles are cleaned before collection. In these unusual times, we should be both good and careful and follow guidelines as they are issued. Public ...
Imagine if last year Jeremy Corbyn had won the general election with a small majority, his government had ground to a halt with the Lords rejecting legislation and then the Queen just sacked him.
Enquiring minds may or may not want to know what I thought of the recently concluded Doctor Who season of stories (I get very mixed up as to whether we are meant to call them series or seasons these days). First off, it gave me an excuse to revisit the twelfth season of Old Who, which was a nostalgic pleasure (Robot, Ark in Space, Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks, Revenge of the Cybermen). That 1975 season was in retrospect a turning point - a new team, Baker Hinchcliffe and Holmes, finding their feet and raising the show to new ...
While Italy is in lockdown and a number of European countries, including France and Belgium, have closed bars and restaurants, as well as cancelling public events, in an effort to curb the spread of Coronavirus, the UK has been urging people to wash their hands frequently. This all chimes with the Keep Calm and Carry [...]
Embed from Getty ImagesAlbert Camus (centre) The Guardian reports: ...the global threat of the coronavirus is sending today's readers towards novels about epidemics in droves. Publishers around the world are reporting booming sales of books including La Peste (or The Plague by Albert Camus), as well as Stephen King's The Stand and Dean Koontz's "frighteningly relevant" The Eyes of Darkness, which has become the subject of conspiracy theories online owing to its prescience. ...Camus's The Plague follows the inhabitants of Oran, an Algerian town that is sealed off by quarantine as it is ravaged by bubonic plague. Penguin is rushing ...
Sat, 12:56: A crisis management expert on how to defuse coronavirus panic My colleague @EliotHoff on th... Sat, 14:48: How to Stay Sane and Productive While Working at Home Wise advice. Sat, 15:00: Midnight Cowboy
When the Queen was asked to prorogue Parliament last year so as to give the government some breathing space over Brexit, my view was that she was ill-advised to do so. It seemed to me that Boris Johnson was politicising the monarchy and that the Queen should have used her discretion to refuse the request. I did not, and still do not, accept that she had no choice in the matter. She is a constitutional monarch, a referee or arbiter, not a government rubber stamp, and providing she does not overstep the mark by frustrating the will of the people, ...
The 1980s were my Liberal activist years. The result is that I know many songs from the era because I encountered them on pub jukeboxes after canvassing or after meetings, but I don't know what they are called. I am not sure the Cocteau Twins featured on many jukeboxes, but this song is from 1984 and so is very much from that era. I heard a version of it from an inevitable Peel session on BBC Radio 6 the other day. Also known as Peep Bo, Ivo was the opening track on the band's album Treasure. It was named for ...
Remember - a new cough or a fever - stay home and self isolate for 7 days. Think about elderly neighbours Here is an NHS advice video this time on using pedestrian crossings! But don't forget proper hand washing is key. Every small thing we do can help.
In which I try to talk about the values we will need as we deal with a global pandemic, and try not to reference The Good Place.
From Dundee City Council : THE ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 -SECTION 14(1) THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of road safety improvement works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Smellies Lane (at its junction with Lochee Road), Dundee This notice comes into effect on Monday 16 March for 5 working days. Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained. Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Polepark Road / Brewery Lane. For further information contact 433082. Executive Director of City DevelopmentDundee City Council
In theory it was easy to get to Rushcliffe Halt. Catch a bus from outside Loughborough station and ask to be set down at East Leake Gypsum Works. Yet when I got to East Leake I found there were roadworks, with the result that the bus was radically diverted and did not go anywhere near the gypsum works. I should not have been surprised. After all, I once wrote that: The Great Central Railway - Nottingham is a bit of a mystery to those of us in Leicestershire. Rather like the Eastern Roman Empire.But it took more than that to ...