We're back, or at least, the Press Team are back, and thus this feature returns... Reckless Johnson risking sending the UK straight off the no-deal cliff Brexit jeopardises pigs in blankets New figures show 2.3 million EU citizens without Settled Status Boris Johnson set to crash UK economy Lib Dems: Whirlpool's stained reputation on the line Reckless Johnson risking sending the UK straight off the no-deal cliff Responding to reports the Government is to add a new clause to the Withdrawal Agreement to make it illegal for Parliament to extend the transition period beyond December 2020, interim leader of the ...
John Rogers takes us from St. Paul's tube station to a haunted pub at Highgate.
"This is a time to proclaim centre-left values, and to try to unite the anti-Tory vote in key seats for a Liberal Democrat surge in 2024." Will Barter says the Liberal Democrats should forget about equidistance. Paul Pettinger argues that concentrating on trying to win soft Conservative votes will always lead the Liberal Democrats to failure. Dan Jackson explains why the Labour voters of North East England are different: "What made the unions of the Great Northern Coalfield so distinctive was how cautious and non-confrontational they were - in sharp contrast to other areas, notably South Wales and Yorkshire." "South ...
[IMG: Decorated Christmas Tree] It's Christmas next week and there will be no waste collections on Wednesday 25th or Thursday 26th December. Revised collection dates for Christmas week are: Monday 23rd - no change Tuesday 24th - no change Wednesday 25th was collected 4 DAYS EARLIER on Saturday 21st Thursday 26th will be collected 2 DAYS LATER on Saturday 28th Friday 27th - no change You can check your next Folkestone and Hythe District Council waste and recycling collections at www.folkestone-hythe.gov.uk/myarea. Published and promoted by Tim Prater, 98a Sandgate High Street, Folkestone, CT20 3BYPrinted (hosted) by Prater Raines Ltd, 98 ...
Current Wildthyme Beyond!, by Paul Magrs Being Human: Bad Blood, by James Goss Western Sahara: War, Nationalism and Conflict Irresolution, by Stephen Zunes Last books finished The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas Hild, by Nicola Griffith She Was Good-She Was Funny, by David Marusek My Morning Glory and other flashes of absurd science fiction by David Marusek Next books Dragonworld, by Byron Preiss Being Human: Chasers, by Mark Michalowski
Dear Reader, It's been an "interesting" few days. As promised, we've let a "hundred flowers blossom", and, for the most part it's been interesting. But, and you probably guessed that there would be a "but", there have been a few disappointments along the way. So, for the benefit of some of you, might I offer the thoughts of Liberal Democrat Voice's former Readers' Editor, i.e. me. Firstly, quoting from my piece a few days ago; As you may guess from today's content, Liberal Democrat Voice aims to be a safe place for some of that discussion. We'll try to offer ...
News that Liverpool City Council has lost a planning inspectorate decision on the notorious Fox Street development has produced an angry response from me. I have now asked the Council's Chief Executive, Tony Reeves, to intervene personally in discussing the ... Continue reading →
It was just gone 7am, and Boris Johnson couldn't resist it. 'Let's get breakfast done!' he said, to great laughs. And therein lies part of the secret to why he won a general election with an 80-seat majority - it was a corny line, but people could relate to the awful humour. There's a massive lesson for us in that as we choose our new leader. Being embedded in the world of politics, we so easily overlook just how little politics resonates with most people in this country, in fact one polling analyst said the public engages so little with ...
Mark Stephens says it is time for the Scottish Liberal Democrats to abandon 'me too' unionism and engage with Scotland's constitutional future The Liberal Democrats once played a prominent role in Scottish politics. The party played a full role in the Constitutional Convention which 'acknowledge[d] the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of Government best suited to their needs' and paved the way to the Scottish Parliament. The party was in coalition with Labour for the first eight years of the new parliament up to 2007, with Jim Wallace serving as Deputy and periodically Acting First ...
I rejoined the Liberal Democrats this weekend. I left some 18 months ago, agreeing with many that the party had lost its way over Europe. Our MPs voted for a referendum and then we denied its legitimacy. It was a fair call to demand any deal be put back to the British people – but it was not fair to block and obfuscate at any attempt to ensure that deal kept us close to our European friends. I felt really angry that values we all shared had been eroded for short term political convenience. In the end the party became ...
Mon, 14:18: Managed to get compensation for a delayed flight from Airhelp - they take a fair-sized cut, but it's a lot better t... https://t.co/WH3SQnXxAy Mon, 18:24: Children of Time, by Adrian Tchaikovsky https://t.co/RrtP5y3GDA Mon, 19:31: Interesting report. See this quote from the last page. https://t.co/3vYwjQHtgH https://t.co/r8gtpafebC Tue, 07:05: RT @MSmithsonPB: Whichever party wins UK general elections one thing in British politics stays the same https://t.co/GgwHyTEftp https://t.c... Tue, 09:21: RT @lewis_goodall: In other words, the PM is about to massively enhance the EU's negotiating position. They know he has to come away with s... Tue, 09:45: I think I'd have ...
Imagine you're a liberal person like me. You found the general election campaign torturous because on one hand you didn't want Boris to win, but you also wanted Corbyn to be politically annihilated, and the chance of both of those things happening simultaneously seemed slim. Ah, but there was one hope: what if the Lib Dems did really well? Okay, they pathologically run bad general election campaigns but this time they have defectors from Labour and the Tories, people who will help them not be rubbish this time out. Right? Then, it happened. It feels inevitable in retrospect, as political ...
So the Tories have won again, no surprise there then, they usually do under our grossly unfair electoral system. The question is what do we do about it if we don't want to see the Conservatives win power more often than not in the future. Having a split opposition composed of centre left parties standing in every constituency against a right wing one is a recipe for further disasters. If we look at history we will see that on the majority of occasions when the Tories have been kept out of power have either been when there has been one ...
The derelict Old Forge as it was in 2002 I've blogged about the Old Forge in Liverpool Road North a number times and as a consequence of those blogs another photo of it has come to light via Joan Neville a committee member of Skem Heritage and here it is:- Turns out that Joan was helping a friend sort out some photos and it popped up. The source of the photo is not known I understand but some Googling by Joan led her to my blog postings and my being sent the photo with permission to share it. Here are ...
I have had further complaints about recurring litter strewn right along the west side of Forest Park Road. I have asked the local environment manager if the litter here can be tidied up. As this is not the first time I have raised this problem in Forest Park Road, I have also asked that more attention is given to the state of the street here.