It was great to see actor Hugh Grant out canvassing for Luciana Berger today. In the first of a series of visits to Lib Dem, Labour and Independent remain supporting candidates who could deny Boris Johnson a majority, he canvassed with Luciana then attended a packed rally. Great to be joined by @HackedOffHugh in Finchley and Golders Green on the doorstep and at our rally. Hugh talked about the in seat polls conducted here over the last 2 months which show we can win and how important tactical voting is at this election to #StopBrexit — Luciana Berger (@lucianaberger) ...
[IMG: Infantilising politicians as bickering children is not helpful to understanding Brexit] Part of responsible citizenry is to understand the issues that concern you so as to be able to cast your vote in an informed manner. From my conversations with numerous people across the political spectrum... The post Infantilising politicians as bickering children is not helpful to understanding Brexit appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
Pevsner says St Mary's, Higham Ferrers, is 'a very grand and interesting church' , but I found it locked, barred and bolted. Still, there is plenty to enjoy about the exterior, and close by are a 14th century cross and a bede house and grammar school from the 15th. You can see the first two here, but I shall save the school for another day.
Looking towards Maghull over the M58 'Ashworth' junction road works (when work had just commenced) and the vast Maghull East site that is prestly growing the food we eat but is designated for housing. Place North West has the article on its website – see link below:- Says Bob Robinson a former project engineer, who brought the article to my attention, 'Maghull Cost Over-run. The issues causing the over-run are not untypical especially where it is necessary to buy a number of different properties/land to deliver the scheme.' Looking at recent works to provide a new cycle path from ...
Crossens Saturday, 14th December, St John's Primary School, Rufford Road, Crossens, from 11am to 12 noon. We will be there to meet and disscuss any issues or problems you may have. No appointment necessary, just pop in.
A productive day in Birtley today. We delivered most of the ward with our next Focus. A few patches were held back as some volunteers are able to help through the week instead of today. It did mean they missed the frost and ice and the opportunity to slide up and down people's drives!
It was pretty despicable of Boris Johnson to start blaming Labour for the release of Usman Khan when he clearly still posed a danger to society. Usman was sentenced in 2012 to Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP). He would serve at least eight years but could not be released unless he had convinced the Parole Board he was no longer a threat. The Conservatives (and Lib Dems) were in Government at that time, and months later IPPs were abolished. On appeal, Khan's sentence was reviewed and he would serve 8 years before receiving automatic parole subject to license conditions. The ...
As well as going through the films that have won the Oscar for Best Picture, I'm planning to also watch the Hugo-winning films for years where there was one to compare and contrast. After a gap of a few years since The Incredible Shrinking Man in 1958 (No Award won in 1959 and 1964, and the TV series The Twilight Zone in the three intervening years) that brings me to the 1965 Hugo, for a 1964 film, specifically Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. (The 1966 Worldcon did not award a Hugo in ...
I really like your pieces like this, where the writing is really sparse but manages to convey so...
I really like your pieces like this, where the writing is really sparse but manages to convey so much.
Email Inbox Zero. At times it can feel like the El Dorado of digital organisation — possibly wonderful but definitely elusive. However, it can be done. I've been there, more than once.
Today is World AIDS Day, but you are unlikely to see as many people wearing the related red ribbon symbol as was the case some years ago. Because effective drugs now mean that the HIV virus can be suppressed, though not yet eliminated, there is a tendency not to take the matter so seriously any [...]
What will the impact be of the surge in new electoral registrations in the run-up to the deadline to get registered for the general election? Here's some data. Curiously, although the surge has got much coverage, it has rarely attempted to put the number into a proper context, particularly how many votes this might alter per constituency. The Electoral Reform Society deserves an honourable mention for their detailed press release, though it doesn't go into the details of the possible partisan effect which I follow below and the coverage I've seen citing the ERS figures often stop short even of ...
I don't know why, but I have been playing this song all week. The wonderful backing vocals are just Simon and Garfunkel singing and then multitracked about eight times. Paul Simon wrote it in 1969 when Art Garfunkel had gone off to film Catch-22. He calls him 'Tom' as a relic of their early years recording as Tom and Jerry.
We're in the middle of a General Election campaign and you can be forgiven for not being aware of every international day the United Nations celebrates, but I want to draw your attention to one that is special to me: World AIDS Day. It's today. I've been living with HIV for over 15 years, since June 2004, but I didn't publicly disclose my status until March 2015 – when I became Britain's first openly HIV positive candidate. There's still so much stigma attached to being HIV positive that, despite knowing that I am healthy, undetectable and am able to live ...
How do we double tree cover to slow climate change, boost wildlife and improve public health - a Mar...
Friends of the Earth has organised a lobby of councillors across the country asking them to support doubling of tree cover. I support that objective. We must plant trees to create a carbon reservoir to slow climate change, boost wildlife and improve public health. But should it be a wave of small woodland schemes or a huge project like a Marches National Forest? We must get this right. That means selecting the right species of trees, ensuring we have enough skilled arboriculturists to manage woodland, planning for public access and ensuring a market for the harvested timber. Timber is a ...
When it emerged that Boris Johnson was too frit to be interviewed by Andrew Neil, most of us expected the BBC to shrug its shoulders and move on. But no, instead they told Conservative HQ that if the Prime Minister did not do this interview, then they would bar him from the Andrew Marr show. We waited patiently for something to give and, disappointingly but predictably, it was the BBC. Using the terror attack on London Bridge as an excuse the Beeb has now backed down, allowed Johnson onto Marr, and imposed no pre-conditions whatsoever. The response of the opposition ...
The Labour Party either have a very bad or very selective memory when it comes to remembering the situation that the country was in after the last Labour Government. They choose to portray the cuts that were made and other ... Continue reading →
Wasps Dundee Designers + Artists Christmas MarketToday - Sunday 1st December - 11am-5pmWasps Meadow Mill, West Henderson's Wynd The much anticipated Wasps Dundee Christmas Designers and Artists market at Meadow Mill Studios is back and now in it's 6th year! A wonderfully festive event with original art and sparkly handmade items by Meadow Mill's talented tenants and a few of Dundee's well known creative guests to boot. Join and get merry with Meadow Mill tenants: a cosy glass of mulled wine in one hand and all your handmade gifts in the other!