We have seen where one end of the Nottingham Canal meets the Trent at West Bridgford. Here is the other end of the canal leaving the Trent at Beeston. Beeston Waterfront, as it is optimistically known, combines working-class resort pubs and middle-class tearooms. So I was happy there.
Following south west London last night, today it was time to head down to the South West, and go campaigning in Cornwall: Toot! Toot! After campaigning in South West London yesterday, today it's time for the South West itself. Hello Cornwall! pic.twitter.com/JNHFA84PXw — Mark Pack [IMG: 🔶] [IMG: 🎒] (@markpack) November 2, 2019 If you sign up for my blog posts digest you'll get a handy one-a-day email with links to all the latest posts. You can also sign up for a range of other lists, including Liberal Democrat Newswire – a monthly newsletter about the party. Just pick the ...
Poor Jeremy. He is his own worst enemy, but with friends like these he really has no need of himself. The only remaining mystery is why the Liberal Party policy committee decided to murder Scott rather than Jeremy.When I find myself bereft of courage or inspiration, it is the works of Auberon Waugh I turn to. In the current number of the London Review of Books Rosemary Hill reviews a celebration of his work. You have to register with its website, but as it free I think it worth the effort. Hill captures the essence of Waugh's appeal: The ability ...
"Conservatives are at their best when they are terrified. The fear of losing everything persuades them to give ground on some things," argues Nick Cohen, but they are not frightened enough of a Labour government. Chris Dillow says that for market economics "every billionaire is a market failure - a sign that competition has failed". "Some are epic tales of the ancient kings who battled to rule Britain. Others are books about bakers in abandoned northern towns or novels about mild-mannered fascists in 1930s rural England." Donna Ferguson on the rise of Brexlit. Eleanor Gibson looks at the Italian architect ...
A party press release brings the news: The Liberal Democrats have lodged a formal complaint to ITV for excluding Jo Swinson from their election debate and warned, "failing to have Liberal Democrats in the debate is misrepresenting the current political reality." In a letter to ITV Chief Executive, Dame Carolyn McCall, the President of the Liberal Democrats Sal Brinton said, "voters of this country deserve to hear from a Remainer on the debate stage, not just from the two men who want to deliver Brexit." The letter goes on to raise section 6.2 of the Ofcom Broadcasting Code which states ...
[IMG: 'Can I have a white doctor for the operation?'] Racist abuse against NHS staff almost triples, ITV News finds. Watch the video here. The post 'Can I have a white doctor for the operation?' appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
[IMG: Will an election change things?] Status quo, deja vu or possibility for change? How you view the impending general election on 12 December depends very much on whether your glass is half full, half empty or, even, cracked. The outcome... The post Will an election change things? appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
Sheila Kingston-Jones (candidate for Aberavon) and Frank Little (Neath) welcome the decision to call a general election on 12th December. Winter, leading up to Christmas, is hardly an ideal time to go to the polls. However, it ends the uncertainty that has been hanging over us for months. Johnson's government is in turmoil and Corbyn has been unable to put together any effective opposition. Welsh Liberal Democrats, following the September federal conference and ourAGM in Brecon last week, are ready with a full slate of policies to reduce poverty and homelessness, counter LGBTQ+ discrimination, reform business taxation, redress the gender ...
Second paragraph of third chapter:The race was begun. From an early stage the magnificent Clarenceux was clearly the front runner. He had been passed over once before. When he, whose impending retirement occupied the thoughts of the members to the virtual exclusion of all else, had been appointed Garter King of Arms at the end of the war no one was more surprised than Clarenceux. It was as one who was already second in rank at the College that Clarenceux had gone to the war. He had taken it for granted that he would automatically succeed to the first place. ...
Boris Johnson made it clear. An election has been called to break the parliamentary deadlock on Brexit. A "People v Parliament" poll. Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn, however, appears to have failed to hear properly. In his opening salvo of the campaign battle he hardly mentioned Brexit. Instead the dyed-in-the-wool far-left Socialist took the opportunity to declare a class war on the "Establishment Elite." Corbyn is attempting to flip the 2019 election agenda away from Brexit in much the same way as he did in 2017. This is for several reasons: 1- his party is hopelessly split on Brexit; 2- Corbyn's ...
Inside, a horde of students was drinking gallons of hot chocolate and steaming up the windows with their excited chatter. Continue reading →
Fri, 12:56: RT @Otto_English: You can divide Britain into two catagories. People who believe that Oxford Students Union has banned clapping and people... Fri, 14:27: RT @MSmithsonPB: How each Westminster seat voted at the May 2019 Euros https://t.co/34e0E7r6bh https://t.co/sXGW1UNYmm Fri, 14:36: Very interesting. Among other glorious facts, Greens won most votes in May 2019 in: Bristol West Sheffield Central... https://t.co/MfWV9gYgrC Fri, 15:08: The Nannies, by Brian Killick https://t.co/ak1Ytlr0UY Fri, 16:05: RT @RossMcCaff: If you are going to accept a peerage and literally put "Lord" in your display name, you *might* want to delete all your twe... Fri, 17:11: AIDS gains ...
The extreme hard Brexit Conservatives have lost another moderate voice. Matthew Parris announced in his Times (£) column that he would be voting Liberal Democrat in the coming election. When it becomes clear which way the wind is blowing, "count me out" may be all that's left to you. But if it's all that's left to Philip, Anna, Antoinette, Dominic, Guto Bebb, Ken Clarke, Sam Gyimah, Justine Greening, Oliver Letwin, Anne Milton and Rory Stewart, proper Conservatives every one of them ... then count me out too and I hope that in their place I would have been as brave. ...
Having seen £100 million of our money poured down the drain in an advertising campaign designed to reinforce the government's message that we were leaving on 31st October, it is a bit galling to read this article in the Guardian. The paper reports that Boris Johnson's government has been accused of going on a spending spree using taxpayers' money to woo voters in swing seats in the run up to the general election. They say that Ministers released details on Wednesday of plans to improve dilapidated town centres of key marginal seats mainly across the north of England and the ...
On Friday night I headed over to Richmond to speak at the massive meeting to kick off the campaigns for Sarah Olney and Munira Wilson: Wow! What an evening! Amazing buzz at launch of my campaign to be next MP for #Twickenham #Teddington #StMargarets #Hampton #Whitton this evening, with @vincecable and @TRLibDems, alongside @sarahjolney1 for Richmond Park & North Kingston. Thanks to @markpack for speaking too! pic.twitter.com/QrjHqoHYmL — Munira Wilson (@munirawilson) November 1, 2019 If you sign up for my blog posts digest you'll get a handy one-a-day email with links to all the latest posts. You can also sign ...
There is a lot of understandable confusion and frustration over the voting arrangements for the Liberal Democrat internal elections. Once they (and the general election) are over, we need to make sure the lessons are properly understood and learnt, particularly as this isn't the first time we've had problems with party elections getting in the way of people voting. One small saving grace is that, partly thanks to my own suggestion, the rules have a provision for the closing date of the polls to be delayed if necessary if a general election gets in the way, such as if an ...
There's a street lamp in that tree somewhere No sooner had I posted about the street lamp in the Lambshear Lane – Nornmington Close footpath being covered by the tree canopy than a resident contacted me to say the same is true of the 2 lamps on the Southport Road – Coppull Road footpath. How I'd not noticed this myself I don't know as I use the footpath and litter pick it. It seems I've simply not looked up and of course have not used it in the hours of darkness. I've asked Borough Cllr. Pat O'Hanlon to take this ...
Jo Swinson spent an hour on Wednesday evening recording The Political Party podcast with Matt Forde. The latest Political Party is out now and features @LibDems leader @joswinson outlining her plans to get into Downing Street and how she almost became a lads' mag pin-up. Enjoy iTunes: https://t.co/p7RiZMwq31 Spotify: https://t.co/5zAE1XQjUw SoundCloud: https://t.co/GrPjL3VYmq pic.twitter.com/yhPd3EDPuq — Matt Forde (@mattforde) November 1, 2019 It's hilarious, thoughtful and relevant. And can you guess the point where I almost choked on my wine? Did she actually say that? Areas covered include: On not meeting John Prescott How East Dunbartonshire was won Brexit and why revoke ...