Accompanied by a slightly unnecessary cover of A White Shade of Pale by Annie Lennox, here are some photographs of vanished Leicester. Wigston Glen Parva was on the line to Birmingham, a little to the west of the present-day South Wigston station.
Gateshead Lib Dems had another action day today, this time in Birtley. We had a street stall outside Morrisons for an hour in the morning and then some members headed off to deliver some of our tabloids. The rest of us were door knocking to do a survey. We called at about 300 houses, though not everyone was in! On the whole, there was a positive response. A regular theme was lack of confidence
The latest edition of eFocus for the Whickham area was published tonight. Key stories include: Demolition of Dunston Hill greenhouses Remembrance Day parades Parking restrictions in Dunston Call for tree planting in Gateshead Planting up Church Green in Whickham - help needed Sunniside and Whickham Christmas fairs Historic Gibside Bridge damaged You can read eFocus on this link.
The Observer's Michael Savage reports tonight that the Liberal Democrats have a plan to allow Boris Johnson a pre-Christmas election. But it would mean that the Withdrawal Agreement Bill would be taken forward by the next Parliament. Or maybe not. If the Lib Dems win a majority in a December 9th poll, PM Jo Swinson would revoke Article 50. If the Conservatives lost the election, there would almost certainly be a majority for a People's Vote so either way the path to stopping Brexit once and for all would be clear. This plan is great because it means that Boris ...
I'm not endorsing anyone for president, as I mentioned in my previous post about endorsements. Here I give a brief explainer of the race, the campaigns, and their appeal, and the reservations and issues that have stopped me throwing my support behind one candidate or the other. I hope this is useful to readers, and [...]
Envelope stuffing is best done as a group exercise! Being able to talk to friends relieves the boredom of a very repetitive task! So 6 of us in Gateshead got together to stuff thousands of envelopes for Deckham ward last night. All we have to do now is deliver them!
Liberal Democrat members will have received an email giving them details of how to vote online in the party's internal elections. The polls close at 5pm on Friday 8 November. So many people tried to vote this morning that the system fell over, so I have decided to wait until things calm down. When they do, I shall be voting for Mark Pack as party president. Because: I have known him since the glory days of Lib Dem blogging.He knows the party inside out.He is a strong organiser and campaigner.Along with David Howarth, he has pushed for the party to ...
Thanks for these lovely words on the Lib Dem Party President contest, Cllr Mark Clark.
The Lib Dems' internal elections have rolled around, and I still seem to have voting rights (am honestly not sure when I last paid a subscription). The biggest choice that's up is the vote for party president, and as I have recorded my votes for that post before (Farron 2010, Scott 2008, Öpik 2004) I shall do so again. I'm not sure how I know Mark Pack, but I think it was through student politics in the very early years of the Lib Dems (or SLD as they then were). He must be a couple of years younger than me ...
The election results were announced as the final item of business for the Congress, and were as follows; President Hans van Baalen Vice-Presidents Ilhan Kyuchyuk (Bulgaria) Annelou van Egmond (D'66, Netherlands) Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (FDP, Germany) Daniel Berg (Momentum, Hungary) Sal Brinton (Liberal Democrats, UK) Timmy Dooley (Fianna Fáil, Ireland) Congratulations to them all.
OK, ballots are dropping, so here's some suggestions on how you might want to vote, based roughly on how I'll be voting for the federal Lib Dem elections. A few notes on all this. For the three major federal committees, I've put them in two rows: row one are mostly people I know or have [...]
Ludlow Aldi wants to extend delivery hours on Sundays to 7am to 10pm to the detriment of residents
Aldi wants greater flexibility in delivery hours. On Sundays and bank holidays, it is permitted deliveries for six hours from 8am and 4pm. It wants these hours more than doubled to allow deliveries between 7am to 10pm. The application comes with a detailed noise assessment for the store area but this takes no account of noise created as delivery vehicles arrive and depart along Gravel Hill and Henley Road. I don't think residents should be disturbed by 7am deliveries on Sundays when the store doesn't open until 10am. Aldi is seeking to extend delivery hours at several of its stores. ...
ALDE Party Congress - Margrethe Vestager on the opportunities and threats of the Digital Age
There was serious talk in some quarters of Margrethe Vestager as a credible compromise candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission, and whilst that didn't come to pass, the former Commissioner for Competition, and scourge of monopolists everywhere, gained a key role in the new, incoming Commission, that of coordinating the whole agenda on a Europe fit for the digital age, whilst retaining her former responsibilities for competition. Her speech here in Athens was an interesting one, and offers a flavour of how she sees her new portfolio...
Sefton – A Borough of Culture 2020 – Launch event 8th- 10th November at Crosby Coastal P...
Fri, 12:56: RT @ottocrat: I got a dashcam so please enjoy my 5 hour cross-channel commute compressed into two minutes eight seconds. Fri, 13:12: RT @davidallengreen: Classic Dom Fri, 15:36: RT @MalmstromEU: Very pleased to have been appointed Visiting Professor at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of G... Fri, 16:05: The Belfast blindspot: How Britain still doesn't get Northern Ireland Too true. Fri, 17:11: The story of primary elections in America part one: An unfortunate evolution Yup. Primaries... Fri, 18:25: RT @SamCoatesSky: There is a curious plan emerging to corner ...
Moments ago, voting opened in the elections for Party President, and Federal Committees (including English, Scottish and Councillor Representatives). Yesterday, I visited the (very secure) printer in Scunthorpe where the 13,000 postal ballots are being printed and I'm happy to confirm everything is very much on track and I've spent the morning triple checking the online ballot and emails. Fingers crossed, everything should go off without a hitch. But I'm sure many of you have questions about how this last and most important part of the process works, so here's everything you need to know! How the process works: If ...
If you were a Liberal Democrat party member as of 5pm, Monday 30 September then you're eligible to vote in the elections for Party President, party committees and other posts.
[IMG: According to the New Yorker, 'The worst is most likely yet to come', on Brexit] "The shape of the future is now visible. The uncertainty has receded. The worst is most likely yet to come. " Depending on which side of the Brexit divide you are on the words are either... The post According to the New Yorker, 'The worst is most likely yet to come', on Brexit appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
It is Saturday and I am off the Welsh Liberal Democrats conference in Brecon so I will leave you with these words from yesterday's Marina Hyde column underlining Boris Johnson's irresponsible profligacy and warped priorities: If you're keeping track of the accounts, Boris Johnson has just blown £100m on an ad campaign insisting the UK was leaving on 31 October, even though the chances of this were always so slim they amounted to Conservative party election positioning. Given that seven months ago the prime minister was describing £60m spent on the historical sex abuse inquiry as money "spaffed up a ...
Even for those whose interest in, and knowledge of, European politics is limited, the identity of the Prime Minister of Luxembourg recently became rather better known after a recent intervention in the Brexit debate. Xavier Bettel is here in Athens, and was one of the speakers at the opening of the Congress. Here's what he had to say...