New figures show 2.7 million EU citizens without Settled Status Swinson: Millions in Britain value our place in the EU New figures show 2.7 million EU citizens without Settled Status The Liberal Democrats have warned that the Government is failing to guarantee the rights of all 3.6 million EU citizens in the UK, as new official figures show that fewer than 1 million people had been given Settled Status by the end of September. The latest EU Settlement Scheme Statistics, published today by the Home Office, show that 929,600 people had been granted Settled Status by the end of September ...
During his Presidency, Donald Trump has said the most deplorable things, behaved in an unforgivable way, on so many occasions it has become commonplace, normalised. When you see a medical definition of psychopath, Trump meets every symptom. But everything to date pales into insignificance compared to his betrayal of brave Kurdish fighters who have been critical to the containment and near defeat of Islamic State in Syria. By withdrawing US troops along the Turkey-Syria border, thereby giving the green light to the autocratic Erdogan to launch a direct attack in US, British, and French allies, Trump has shown exactly how ...
We join John Rogers on a hunt for the Philley Brook.
That's the message in my first piece about the Liberal Democrat Party President election for the official party website. Here's what I wrote... I'm the son of immigrants, one parent from Germany, the other from Poland. My own family history is in miniature the troubled history of Europe in the previous two centuries, scarred by the horrors of extremism, despotism and war - and then my parents making a new home together in our country. It's why for me our liberal democracy, despite all its many flaws, is so precious. We need to step up to protect against the extremists ...
Second frame with dialogue in from the third chapter of each of the six volumes: Volume 1 (originally in issue #3) Volume 3 (originally in issue #13) Volume 4 (originally in issue #18) Volume 5 (originally in issue #23) Volume 6 (originally in issue #28) I bought the first volume of this series in Portland in 2016, just on impulse, and it proved a wise investment. Volumes 1, 3 and 4 were all Hugo finalists, and the sixth and final volume came out last month, so I read them all in one sitting. This is the story of four 12-year-olds ...
The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10 October every year. This year's theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is suicide prevention. The Mental Health Foundation are encouraging people to share the infographic above. There is much relevant information on their website, including the list below of ways to get help. I'll just put in a good word here for the Samaritans. As I have blogged previously, the Samaritans have helped me twice in the past. These were occasions when I just felt that things were getting on top of me. I emailed ...
I've written before about the science behind bar charts and their power for presenting data, not to mention their value for political campaigning. But here's something additional: the importance of the text, especially the title. Great post, and thnx for the shout-out! Re: narrative titles etc, this @michelle_borkin study is the key: In static graphics, the title is probably the single most important element for conveying message, minimising confusion and facilitating recall. — John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) October 4, 2019 You can read the research in full here. If you sign up for my blog posts digest you'll get ...
The Lib Dem HQ is almost literally protected by Lloyd George's raincoat I was wandering around the exhibitions at the Bournemouth conference when my eye was caught by a most glamorous display. -Lots of glitter and lovely gold-wrapped chocolate hearts. These adorned the LibDem HQ volunteering stand. The cheerful helper there explained the whole HQ volunteering thing. There are volunteer roles for people who are interested in them. But also, it is possible to volunteer to do tasks at the HQ as and when they fit in with your other commitments and activities. After an email exchange with , ...
The Voice is only a success because of the interest and support from our readers. For many people just lurking and reading the site is all they want to do – and that's fine, we're grateful for people taking the time to read the site. You can though help us continue to produce interesting content for a growing audience. Here are four simple ways: 1. Let us have your tips for stories. Perhaps there's something outrageous going on in your local council? Or you're an expert in a particular area and have spotted a story other people have missed? Or ...
It seems a Labour Party bun fight is breaking out in South Tyneside, next door to us in Gateshead. Stephen Hepburn, Labour MP for Jarrow (which includes a small part of Gateshead) has been suspended because of allegations, dating back to 2005, of sexual harassment. If there is a snap general election, this could mean an early retirement for this MP. Meanwhile, his neighbour in South Shields,
Marcus Ball has announced that he can no longer move forward with his legal fight to hold Boris Johnson responsible for his "£350 million a week" red bus statement. This young man has put up an extraordinary fight over the last three and a half years. Goodness knows, there are many roads to riches in ... Continue reading In praise of @MarcusJBall
Tue, 12:26: Excellent piece. Tue, 12:28: Thread on the latest bullshit briefing. Classic Dom. Tue, 12:56: I burned a bridge in a spectacular way -- how do I deal with everyone talking about it? Qui... Tue, 13:28: RT @eucopresident: .@BorisJohnson, what's at stake is not winning some stupid blame game. At stake is the future of Europe and the UK as we... Tue, 13:29: RT @DaveClark_AFP: Say what you like about the rights and wrongs on both sides of the Brexit negotiation, but when Donald Tusk wants to cal... Tue, 14:12: RT @BobSingleton_59: @Muinchille @A50Challenge Brexiters: ...
Saturday 19th October 2019 could be an eventful day in London. Assuming by then Extinction Rebellion are no longer blocking the streets, the People's Vote Rally will be winding its way from Hyde Park Corner to Parliament Square. At the same time, Johnson will be on his feet in Parliament explaining either his No Deal plans or his Brexit Deal plans, whichever is applicable. We live in interesting
Marcus Ball has announced that he can no longer move forward with his legal fight to hold Boris Johnson responsible for his "£350 million a week" red bus statement. High court judges threw the case out in June after Johnson challenged a summons to attend court on three claims of misconduct in public office. However, Marcus Ball had continued fighting in the hope of taking the case to the Supreme Court. Last weekend, news came from the legal fraternity that this would not be possible. This young man has put up an extraordinary fight over the last three and a ...
The Guardian is being rather generous to the UK Government in asserting that it was an 'outdated law' that effectively disenfranchised thousands of European citizens in last Mays EU Parliament elections. In fact, it was four years of inaction by a Government that chose to ignore clear recommendations because either (a) proposals put forward by the Electoral Commission were considered inconvenient and not politically expedient; or (b) they just couldn't be bothered. In its report on May's European elections, the Electoral Commission says that the government's failure to reform outdated legislation caused some EU citizens in the UK and British ...
Maghull North Station car park Firstly, like virtually every railway opening/reopening project across the UK the number of people using a new rail facility is always greater than anticipated. In the case of the newish Maghull North Station project the greater than planned for issue is without doubt the size of its car park, which on working weekdays is full by around 8am. Some of us with long memories and residents who live around the other Maghull Station will say something along the lines 'we knew this would happen'. The history of Maghull Station's now pretty large car park is ...
Ladybird Kids Club at Ninewells Community Garden takes place tomorrow - Thursday 10th October - and also next Thursday (17th October) from 10am until 11.30am. ParkLives will start it off with some outdoor games, then it's time for messy garden fun! For children aged 3-8 with their parents or carers - parents can join in, or relax in the garden with a cuppa. Come for one or both sessions. The kids club will mostly take place outdoors, so please make sure to dress appropriately - this includes wearing something you don't mind getting dirty! Drinks and a small snack will ...