I have always abhorred violence, so Quentin Tarantino has never been one of my favourite directors. Indeed, I walked out of a screening of Pulp Fiction in Havana, to the disgust of my Cuban companion. But the director's latest movie, Once upon a Time in Hollywood, got such positive preview hype that I thought I had better try it out [...]
"Rather like the Eastern Roman Empire": Finding the Great Central Railway - Nottingham
I once blogged that the Great Central Railway - Nottingham is a bit of a mystery to those of us in Leicestershire. Rather like the Eastern Roman Empire.Today I resolved to penetrate deeper into the mystery. On paper it looked simple: train to Loughborough, then catch a bus and ask to be dropped at East Leake gypsum works. There I would find a wayside halt. But the bus driver told me the route had been diverted because the road was being resurfaced. Of course he did. I refused to be defeated. I got off in the centre of East Leake ...
The Eurozone economy is not looking healthy. The German engine is stalling, global trade tensions will not abate any time soon, and President Donald Trump may soon turn his fire on Europe. China has allowed the renminbi to sink, thereby exporting deflationary pressures. Large economies like Italy, France and Spain are still in no condition to withstand a downturn. Few have space for significant fiscal stimulus while staying within "the rules" - such as they are. The continued flawed and incomplete structure of the euro and the minimal ammunition left in the arsenal of the European Central Bank will make ...
Fri, 12:05: Rankings of #RetroHugoAwards finalists on second page of @Dublin2019 newsletter. #Dublin2019 #AnIrishWorldCon... https://t.co/7x2vP8xcxG Fri, 12:24: For @Dublin2019 fans of #DoctorWho and Ireland - all the times the Doctor has visited the Emerald Isle. (None of th... https://t.co/eTzdYqTZA3 Fri, 12:56: Best Sci-Fi Books for Women: Top 20 classic and current must-reads https://t.co/PgLsHO8Edi Also good reason for men and others. Fri, 14:18: RT @Dublin2019: Have an hour to spare? We are always looking for a bit of help. Visit Volunteer's desk in the Foyer and help make Worldcon... Fri, 15:55: Full details of #RetroHugoAwards with all nomination and voting stats ...
Corbyn's offer on Wednesday to opposition leaders was a new twist in the tragi-farce of Brexit. In brief, the offer goes as follows: He will table a vote of no-confidence in the Government. If that is successful, he would seek the confidence of the house to form a "strictly time-limited temporary Government". If that is successful, he would aim to secure an extension to Article 50 to hold a General Election. He would then bring a vote to hold a General Election. In that General Election, Labour would commit to holding a public vote on the terms of exit, and ...
Lib Dem conferences come with quite a lot of paperwork, which makes the Liberal Democrat conference app very handy to help keep on top of all the information.
The current combination of Brexit bluster from No 10 and Corbynista claims seem to have confused even the shrewder media commentators: the rest are swallowing spin from both sides without any attempt at fact checking. The idea that the Leader of the Official Opposition has a constitutional right to form an alternative government as soon as the current Prime Minister is defeated by a Vote of Confidence is wishful thinking by the Corbyn coterie. Similarly, the notion that Johnson can simply trigger a General Election in such circumstances is against the law. Let me take you back to the Fixed ...
Now let me say this first, Swinson was not my preferred candidate to become Lib Dem Leader, but as my preferred candidate did not stand I voted for her over Ed Davy. Secondly, it's a little early to say how she will do in the post which she won with a pretty huge majority. Best to say I'm a disloyal (I always see myself as being disloyal to my party by the way*) sceptic of her leadership but one who will applaud her if she becomes a good leader. So what to make of the Swinson/Lucas/Corbyn tussle over how a ...
This weekend is the last weekend I'll have at home for a while. Next weekend I'm having a little trip to London (yay cheap train tickets on Grand Central). Going to visit a couple of different sets of friends, take in a little theatre with one of them, and cross Notting Hill Carnival off my bucket list with another :) Weekend after I've got a bunch of Lib Demmery in sunny Rochvegas. Then the weekend after that is pre-conference FCC, and see more London friends (well, maybe a little crossover with the first set). Then the weekend after that is ...
DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR WEST END WARD - SATURDAY 17 AND SUNDAY 18 AUGUST 2019 Kirsty Semple Way - closed on Saturday 17 August for crane lifting operations. Forthcoming Roadworks Lochee Road (Polepark to Gardeners Lane) - overnight (9.00pm - 6.00am) eastbound closure on Monday 2 September for BT works.