Remember the video I posted showing what remains of Tollesbury Pier station? There was more to see in 1935.
"My favourite saying about spads is that the best are like poisoners: either well-known, or good at their job, but never both." Dominic Cummings had better hope he is the exception, says Freethinking Economist. Simon McGrath says it's time for the Lib Dems to ditch the People's Vote organisation but not the idea of a people's vote. "Percy Bysshe Shelley was many things: a poet, a political radical and pamphleteer, a philosophical thinker, and a faithless husband. He was also - and this may come as a surprise - obsessed with the occult." Lynn Shepherd looks at he haunting of ...
I remember the Mansfield Road in Nottingham as being lined with secondhand bookshops and record shops. Maybe it never was quite that good: we are talking about memories of 30 years ago. So I was not too surprised to find them all gone when I went back there today. There is still a record shop, but it closes for half the week. The bookshop Jermy & Westerman, which was getting rave reviews only recently, has closed down. Some shops have even been turned into houses, suggesting no one expects those good old days to return here.
Usually when I return to something I've written a while later, I can produce a list nearly as long as the original writing of things I'd like to change - wording to improve, facts to add, insights to tweak, better examples to use and metadata to revise.
How to manage the abrupt disconnection of a 45 year commercial relationship? Why not "stick randomly appointed political hacks atop various departments, and shout at them to write lists"? Spads did not really exist fifty years ago, and those that did had little power. They sound rather more important now, if insider gossip about No [...]
Current De Bourgondiërs, by Bart Van Loo The Time Ships, by Stephen Baxter Doctor Who: Scratchman, by Tom Baker with James Goss Last books finished Ben-Hur, by Lee Wallace Grimm Tales, by Philip Pullman Kate Bush: Under the Ivy, by Graeme Thompson Next books The Dispossessed, by Ursula Le Guin Children of Time, by Adrian Tchaikovsky
This site is an Amazon Affiliate – they means that a % of everything you spend for the next 24 hours goes to Merton Lib Dems if you click through one of the links to Amazon. You can use it for anything from books to shoes to groceries to stuff for the garden . So please come back ... Continue reading "How this helps the Lib Dems"
For the past three days I have been at a global summit of World Merit, a charity which I chair, which encourages young people from all over the world to get involved in positive actions within their own community. They ... Continue reading →
I offer York Liberal Democrats, about every two months, 2 hour sessions on Meditating for Social Action. At these sessions, through meditation, silent reflection, group discussion, we explore a particular theme, such as intentions and effective listening, mostly using a reading. Participants have found the sessions really helpful very much enhancing their Lib Dem activity. By taking time to deeply consider such a theme and discussing it in the group, participants' motivation to add this good practice to their political activity is very positively affected. For example the person organising our Executive Meeting found he was keener and more focused ...
A Brexit election is coming, and we need to fight it on vision and values, not just process.
When I first took charge of Scottish Liberal Democrat Women earlier this year, my mission was simple: I was going to save the women. In Scotland, we are fortunate to have the brilliant MPs Jo Swinson and Christine Jardine, but the proportion of women elected at all levels simply isn't good enough. We are running an almighty campaign to get the brilliant Beatrice Wishart in the Scottish Parliamentary by-election in Shetland later this month but even when we get her elected, she will be the only one of 5 Lib Dem MSPs who is a woman. Luckily, our elected men ...
Mon, 12:56: RT @JasonHazeley: In 1978, Douglas Adams and John Lloyd were commissioned to write the novel of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. The... Mon, 16:05: I think this is really bad news. I have my differences with @JMCaine but at least he knows the territory very well.... Mon, 18:55: For the Love of a Mother: The Black Children of Ulster, by Annie Yellowe Palma Mon, 19:59: Boris Johnson has no intention of renegotiating Brexit deal, EU told Mon, 21:19: Is it too late to stop a no deal Brexit? My old friend, former MP David ...
Many Liberal Democrat candidates at the next election are going to be surprised to find that the People's Vote campaign will be recommending voting for their Labour opponents - and sending activists to back that on the ground. Liberal Democrats have generally been very supportive of the campaign which is supporting our core policy on Brexit and have been happy to promulgate its messages , help at its events and donate money to it. All of that has helped give it credibility - but that credibility may now be used against us. According to leaked documents in the Guardian and ...
The racial profiling had gone a bit wrong. We'd been walking along al Shuhada, a street in Hebron which is strictly off-limits for Palestinians, flanked by some nervous-looking Israeli Defence Force (IDF) soldiers, when one of them demanded to see some ID. He'd picked one our small group of British Lib Dems who was obviously of Indian origin. Our Israeli guide, ex-IDF himself, gently reminded the young soldier that as 'internationals' we had rights not granted to Palestinians. Our trip to Palestine earlier this year lasted only six days, but as well as Hebron, we visited Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, some ...
Southport and Sainsburys – A saga from which Southport's Lord Street shopping center can only ...
Southport's famous Lord Street shops The Liverpool Echo has the story on its website – see link below:- Looking up – Some of Lord Street's frontages are quite beautiful but empty shop units are a worry.
"If you make more roads, you will have more traffic." Jan Gehl When I started writing this piece, I expected to be able to limit it to future transport policies. As the piece evolved, it became obvious that transport policy should be an integral part of planning for climate change. A plan which has to [...] The post Re-imagining our societies #5 - Maybe we will get used to moving around less? appeared first on Radix.
Below are planning applications in the last month. Please just let us know if you have any queries. Residents in the Holyrood Road / Heys Road area will be interested in the last one, the demolition of a detached house at 19 Holyrood Road and replacement with a new house. Two storey side extension with canopy over entrance; Loft conversion with dormers at front and re... 1A Langley Hall Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 3BZRef. No: 64485 | Received: Thu 25 Jul 2019 | Validated: Wed 31 Jul 2019 | Status: RegisteredSingle storey rear extension with new pitched roof 28 Heaton ...
A new service called Advice and Guidance has been introduced in GP practices across Bury to help ensure that patients are receiving the most appropriate care in a timely way. Advice and Guidance is a consultant led service provided by specialists at The Northern Care Alliance NHS Group, which brings together the Salford Royal and Pennine Acute hospital trusts. The service offers local GPs quick access to specialist knowledge in areas which include cardiology, general surgery, paediatrics, orthopaedics, as well as many more. GPs can use the service to make a request for a specialist in the field to review ...
After moving into the role in September last year, Prestwich Hospital's Waste and Environmental Manager Gary Roberts talks us through how unused Trust furniture ended up finding a second home in Africa. "Part of my role includes managing the GMMH (Greater Manchester Mental Health) Warp It Page which is a platform that lists any unwanted furniture or stationary that departments no longer want or need. People can identify products that they may require for their respective workspaces and claim them, leaving me to arrange the delivery of the items. This diverts any waste away from landfill and helps with the ...
Last week marked the 100th anniversary of the Addison Act - named after the Liberal Minister Christopher Addison - the legislation which paved the way for council house building. At the time this was particularly significant, given the need to provide decent housing for troops returning from the First World War, and their families, often remembered as 'homes fit for heroes'. In Bury, our council housing provider Six Town Housing has been marking the anniversary with a number of themed activities at their summer roadshow. They're also looking for any vintage photos from housing communities or stories that you can ...
At the last full Council meeting of Bury Council, Liberal Democrat councillor Steve Wright asked a number of questions to the Greater Manchester Police representative: Community Policing Expenditure: Could the Council's member of the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Panel inform members what proportion of the Greater Manchester Police budget is spent on local community police teams? We were quite shocked about how low the future is: The proportion of Greater Manchester Police budget that is spent on Neighbourhood Policing and Community Liaison is 11%. Members will also be aware that in March the local approach to community policing changed ...
I have been advised of the following by the City Council : "...we recently carried out work to replace steps at Pentland Avenue/Pentland Crescent. Work carried out on some of the steps has not been completed to the high standards that were expected and so the contractor, TN Gilmartin, are going back from Monday to carry out remedial works. We are expecting works to last approximately 3 weeks. Local residents are being notified of the additional work."