The people of Sheffield Hallam can send a powerful message for change Responding to the news that Jared O'Mara will resign as the MP for Sheffield Hallam, Liberal Democrat PPC for Sheffield Hallam Laura Gordon said: By resigning Jared is doing the right thing – both for himself and his constituents. People in Sheffield will now get their chance to have their say, both on Boris Johnson's dangerous Conservative Government and on Jeremy Corbyn's failure to provide effective opposition at a time of national crisis. This by-election can send a powerful message for change and the Lib Dems ready for ...
[IMG: I voted for Jo Swinson only because she apologised for austerity] Austerity affected my life as it did millions of others. I was a signed up member of the Liberal Democrat party but almost left the party over it. I voted for the Green Party in... The post I voted for Jo Swinson only because she apologised for austerity appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
Yesterday I tweeted a list of television programmes that only I seem to remember: Television programmes I remember that no one else does: Gophers!; Adventure Weekly; Well Anyway; Mystery Hall; Over Sea, Under Stone; American children's series that went on for ever in the 60s and had a water tower; Captain Zeppos; The Best of Football; If You Were Me— Jonathan Calder (@lordbonkers) July 27, 2019It was a little exaggerated - there is a comment on this blog from the man who wrote the music for Gophers! - but largely true. In reply, the novelist Jonathan Coe told me he ...
Those of us watching the announcement of our new leader last Monday were treated to an excellent playlist while we were waiting for the result to be declared. Listen here and watch Jo's fantastic acceptance speech. The long delay, was, I understand, the wifi in the venue not being quite up to the job of giving us the result instantaneously at the touch of a button. But we got there in the end. And we got to listen to some really good tunes while we waited nervously. At one point, my son actually came through and said "Why are YOU ...
Second paragraph of third essay ("Modest Realities Lurk behind All-Embracing Rhetoric of Document", published in The Times on 23 February 1995): The Framework Document meets none of Sinn Fein's demands for a timetable for withdrawal. Yet, most unionists were angry yesterday, and the impression persists that the government may have miscalculated. How has this happened? The core belief of Ulster unionism is clear: "It is better to be separated from the rest of Ireland than from Great Britain". There is a definite implication: unionist politicians are unlikely to make major sacrifices to bring about a local assembly if the price ...
With great grandfather Sir Mick Jagger celebrating his 76th birthday this week, it's time for another Stones track.
Shropshire Homes has submitted plans for 68 houses on the site east of the Eco Park. This site is allocated for housing and light industrial use. The site was given outline planning permission for an indicative total of 80 homes and light industrial use in September 2016. This is south of the site on which Western Power Distribution (WPD) wants to build a new depot. This is an improvement to the outline proposals. The scheme sits well in the landscape and has a better use of green space. As always there are details to be resolved, such as whether the ...
Councillor Lee Dillon has been chosen as Prospective Parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats in Newbury Constituency. Local members overwhelmingly elected Councillor Dillon to win back the seat from the Tories. Lee is a local family man who has been an activist in the party since he was 15 years old in Thatcham. Both Lee and his wife both work locally and their children go to local schools. Lee's wider family is long established in the area. Lee was very politically inspired when he was ten years old and a certain David Rendel knocked on his door in Thatcham. Lee ...
Dear Jo, Ever since you were elected last Monday, I have been tempted to do a bit of mansplaining to assist you in your new role! However, you will be pleased to know that I have resisted the idea largely ... Continue reading →
Sat, 13:43: RT @PoliticoRyan: Why is it always the same blah-blah from UK ministers (this time Raab). When will they get it? Brexit is not an equal neg... Sat, 15:18: Choose Your Future: Night of the Kraken, by Jonathan Green; Terror Moon, by Trevor Baxendale Sat, 15:48: RT @piris_jc: 1)Let' us assume new British PM succeeds in a Brexit no deal. Afterwards, how long would it take to go back to close, stable... Sat, 16:06: RT @OxfordDiplomat: Brexit MEP Tweets: "For years Brussels has treated Ireland disgracefully. You will abandon them as soon as they aren't... Sat, 16:07: RT ...
Two of the best pieces of coverage of the Liberal Democrat leadership contest came from opposite ends of the party's internal political spectrum.
Jo Swinson has had a very effective first six days as Lib Dem Leader. She's been popping up all over the media and the fact that both Labour and SNP supporters alike have gone for her big time shows that they know she is a massive threat to them. This morning, viewers of Sophy Ridge on Sunday will have seen Jeremy Corbyn offer his usual tired and hand-wringing approach to Brexit and his less than robust approach to anti-semitism in his party. Immediately afterwards, they had Jo on. She was clear, engaging and she answered the questions put to her. ...
Ever heard of Kirkby Gallery in Knowsley Borough? Well it's a great exhibition space presently housing an art display – Northern Stone and Peat Smoke by Anthony Ratcliffe. Here's a couple of photos I took whilst visiting it recently:- And in case you're wondering where it is in Kirkby here's a map:- I went to the gallery with fellow Frank Hornby Trust trustee Les French as our Frank Hornby Heritage Center exhibition, within Maghull's Meadows Leisure Center, is likely to be loaning some items to Kirkby Gallery for their up and coming exhibition 'Made on Merseyside' which opens in September. ...
With local councils and national parliaments combining to declare a climate emergency, it is clear that many of us are becoming more and more anxious about our planet's future and whether we still have time to save it. What is clear is that the really big drivers are out of our hands. One of those is the future of the Amazon rain forest, which acts as the biggest carbon-sink on the planet and, if preserved and allowed to re-establish itself, could form a significant brake to global warning. Alas, as this Guardian article explains, it may already be too late ...
LibLink: Jo Swinson: The Lib Dems represent modern Britain and we're aiming for the top
It's been a busy first week as leader for Jo Swinson. She's questioned two Prime Ministers, been all over the media, headed to Brecon and Radnorshire to campaign with Jane Dodds ahead of the by-election next Thursday and has found time to write for the Evening Standard as well. She contrasted the hype and the reality of our new Prime Minister: Earlier this week, when Boris Johnson, London's former Mayor, finally got the keys to No 10, he promised a Cabinet that represents modern Britain. But as all Londoners know, promises made by Johnson tend to be less impressive in ...
From Blether Tay-Gither : Our July meeting will be on Tuesday 30th July at 7pm Note change of venue to : Madigan's Tea Room and Bookshop, 25 Castle Street The theme is "Homecoming or Old Favourites". Join us for a relaxed evening of stories and tales. Bring a story or just come to listen. Free but a small donation welcome - £3 suggested.
A Parliamentary by-election is looking possible in Sheffield Hallam (former MP: Nick Clegg) following the announcement by the Labour-turned-independent MP Jared O'Mara that he will resign in September. "Looking possible" rather than definite because the Parliamentary convention is that it will be up to Labour to move the writ in Parliament to trigger the contest. Labour may well decide to stall in the hope that an autumn general election replaces the need for a by-election. The motive for that would not be about saving public money on a contest but rather political self-interest: avoiding a by-election in which the Liberal ...