Following an unusual Tuesday council by-election (a big Lib Dem win, woop), Thursday brought another five council by-elections, along with a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) by-election. Across all these contests there was a full slate of Liberal Democrat candidates – excellent news for the party's continued rebuilding. You can help that rebuilding stretch further into some of our weakest areas with my special appeal in conjunction with ALDC. Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Triggered by Vera Baird's appointment as Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales, this contest saw Jonathan Wallace stand for the Liberal Democrats. Result to come. Downs ...
Today started at 6 am when I dragged myself out of bed and headed to Edinburgh Airport for the first leg of my journey to Brecon and Radnorshire. It's 6:30 am and I'm setting off for Brecon and Radnorshire to help the amazing @DoddsJane. I do want to see her in the Commons working to tackle poverty and loneliness. — Caron Lindsay [IMG: 🔶] (@caronmlindsay) July 18, 2019 It's remarkable to think that this shrine to a fictional character still exists ten years after the events in the chilling Torchwood: Children of Earth. i decided to take a boat ...
Yesterday morning I was in Whickham delivering some of my Northumbria PCC by-election leaflets. I had a patch of 370 to do. I had done about 250 when my phone rang. There was a honey bee swarm in Sunniside and I was needed to collect it. So I stopped the delivery at the end of the street I happened to be on and then headed to Sunniside. The swarm was collected but I didn't get back to the
I've just popped around to Sunniside Club to vote in the Northumbria PCC by-election. It wasn't busy! And yes, I voted for that bloke Jonathan Wallace from the Lib Dems. Only an hour and a half to go before polls close.
Broxtowe Liberal Democrats last night launched our new policy paper "Zero Carbon Broxtowe." This sets out a range of policies and ideas that we want to see enacted locally to ensure that we are a zero carbon borough as soon as possible. You can read a print friendly copy of the document here.
Long long ago, between 1983 and 1985, I ascended the dizzy heights of Second Percussionist in the City of Belfast Youth Orchestra, the fruit of many Saturday mornings at Rupert Stanley College in East Belfast, rehearsing for church services (once a City Hall reception) and ending each year with a concert at the Ulster Hall. The City of Belfast School of Music was a crucially important institution in those days. I made lasting friendships there with people from other schools than my own who I am still in touch with, notably clarinettists Geraldine Denny (now Geraldine Green) and Christine Bell ...
Here is the first look at the redevelopment plans for Budgens on Upper Galdeford - shops, apartments...
Morris Properties have teamed up with local architect Trevor Hewett to produce a scheme for redevelopment of the former Budgens (Co-op, Summerfield) site on Upper Galdeford. This scheme is now at pre-application stage. That means that the developer is seeking views from the town council, conservation committee, Shropshire Council planners and members of the public on the scheme prior to submission of a full planning application which is expected in the autumn. The scheme is designed to fit in with the streetscape of Tower Street and Upper Galdeford along the approved redevelopment of One Stop. The treatment is modern at ...
Just to let residents know that the "UK's biggest free tribute act festival" returns to St Mary's Park for the 8th time Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 July 2019. Two days of tribute acts including tributes to Prince, Coldplay and Duran Duran! Apparently tickets are sold out. More information here. Please let us know if there are any residents issues with the event.
Yesterday morning, 17th July, Cllr Kris Brown, our housing spokesperson and I met with senior officials of the council to discuss events leading up to the problems in Fox Street and other part completed developments throughout the City. We received ... Continue reading →
European Parliament resolution a vital step in UK's duty to stand up for people of Hong Kong
Liberal Democrat MEP Antony Hook today urged all EU Member States to speak out and stand with the people for Hong Kong in their fight for democracy and human rights. Mr Hook used an urgency resolution in the EU Parliament to also reiterate the importance of the "one country, two systems" framework and the need for Carrie Lam to unequivocally withdraw the proposed Extradition Bill. Speaking after the Resolution was passed, Antony Hook MEP said: "The EU has a proud history of defending human rights and democracy internationally. At a time when these values are increasingly under attack passing this ...
The Liberal Democrats are calling for urgent investment in community policing and youth services, as new official statistics show that knife crime and robberies have risen dramatically, while police officer numbers have fallen since 2015. The crime figures, published today by the Office for National Statistics, show that:There was an 8% increase in police-recorded knife crime from 2017-18 to 2018-19.Knife crime has risen by 77% since 2014-15, to its highest level since records began in 2010-11.There was an 11% increase in police-recorded robberies from 2017-18 to 2019-19.The number of robberies has risen by 71% since 2014-15, to its highest level ...
Wed, 12:56: RT @DannyDutch: Octopus activates stealth mode effectively. Wed, 14:35: RT @PhilipHammondUK: Happy to debate scale of negative impact of No Deal on the economy - but terrifying that someone this close to a poten... Wed, 16:05: 3-Year-Old Asked To Pick Parent In Attempted Family Separation, Her Parents Say Simply disgusting. Wed, 16:40: RT @CER_Grant: An excellent thread by @pmdfoster but I agree with Nicholas that @BorisJohnson probably doesn't yet know what he wants. http... Wed, 17:11: Ireland of the welcomes!!! Wed, 18:15: Moon Blink, by Sadie Miller Wed, 21:47: Great! It got my vote ...
Yesterday saw May's swan song as PM – a full length speech at Chatham House. As with most of her premiership, even if you kept your expectations low you would have still walked away disappointed. She took her last chance to make an impression – to in any way affect the national conversation – and threw it away. Final speeches from political leaders can have incredible impact. Freed from having to govern any longer, the outgoing figure can be much more honest. Dwight Eisenhower springs to mind with the "beware of the military/industrial complex" portion of his final speech as ...
It was not so long ago that I berated the then Secretary of State for Wales in the Welsh Assembly chamber over the failure of the UK Government to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in the EU referendum. My argument was that the 2016 referendum was more about their future than my own and that they should have a say in it. Alas, the Tories have failed to follow the example of Scotland, and soon, Wales, in allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote, effectively disenfranchising a group of citizens who could well be paying tax, ...
This weekend, a group of Lib Dem women will gather in a hotel in Milton Keynes for a weekend which, for some if not all of them, could be life-changing. The third Future Women MPs weekend in the last year or so takes place. I remember going on a weekend like that back in the 90s and I made friends for life as well as learned valuable skills. Caroline Voaden, now an MEP, went on one of these events last year along with a load of young Scottish women. As this takes place, Liz Jarvis, a London writer who joined ...
A conversation between David Boyle and Danie Woodbridge... Danie: Hi David, so we've been discussing the role of co-production practitioners, and how the role is starting to be acknowledged more broadly as a specific profession. We've also been talking about how change happens within systems, like office teams or whole organisations, or communities and families [...] The post Are we seeing the emergence of a new profession? appeared first on Radix.
The Resolution Foundation has published its annual report on living standards. Key findings include: • Average disposable household incomes have roughly tripled since 1961, after accounting for inflation. But the last two-year period (2017-18 and 2018-19) looks to have been the worst on record outside of recessions. • This period of weak growth post-referendum comes on the back of both the financial crisis as well as an earlier mid-2000s slowdown for some, with only a short period of healthy income recovery between 2012-13 and 2016-17. • The groups most at risk of relative poverty have also changed. Parents living in ...
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