Pro-Trump PM could damage relations with Iran Commenting on the escalating situation in the Gulf, Liberal Democrat Defence Spokesperson Jamie Stone MP said: We must not allow the next Prime Minister to blindly follow Trump into a volatile anti-Iranian coalition. It has become increasingly clear that Boris Johnson's plans for a "global Britain" are just for the UK to be the lapdog of the US. The EU have been principled and clear in standing firm on the Iranian nuclear deal, which Trump so petulantly tore up. Liberal Democrats will continue to urge the Conservative government, regardless of who the next ...
Another video from Bob Trubshaw. I once blogged about the Humber Stone, which features here.
So the Tiggers have changed their name again - they are now The Independents - and will be less of a party in future. But there was another, less amusing, development involving Heidi Allen yesterday. She also announced the launch of Unite to Remain. According to The New European: The independent MP for South Cambridgeshire, who will lead the initiative, said the group will follow the blueprint of what is happening in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election, where both Plaid Cymru and the Greens have agreed to stand aside in order to support the Liberal Democrat candidate, who is seen ...
Benjamin Kentish asks why the voices of Jewish people are not heard more often in the debate on antisemitism. "Losing weight, even with the help of the operation I had, remains the hardest thing I have ever done - and the thing I am most proud of. It is unacceptable that others should be put off from making positive choices about their own bodies by the judgement of our media and the lack of empathy in our society." Layla Moran on the obesity debate. Olivia Norfolk says the roadside wildflower meadows springing up across the UK are helping wildlife in ...
I’ve cast my Lib Dem leadership vote for Jo Swinson. Here are my reasons why.
Are you one of those party members who haven't yet voted in the Liberal Democrat leadership contest? If so, these links may help you make up your mind: The Never Mind The Bar Charts special edition discussing the leadership race. Watch the online hustings. A key issue for the future of the party on which Ed Davey and Jo Swinson have different takes. And finally an email address link: the folks to contact if you have not received your ballot. The 2019 Lib Dem leadership election is being covered by me both in podcast form with Stephen Tall in Never ...
South Glos Council is consulting on replacing the existing unenforceable restrictions with a mixture of no waiting at any time (double yellow lines), no waiting during prescribed hours (single yellow lines) and no stopping on school entrance markings (yellow school zig zags) Due to an administrative error South Glos uploaded the wrong plan. If you have already commented please look at the consultation and plan again. Any comments received on the incorrect plan - i.e. before 1 pm on 11 July - will be disregarded. You can see the proposals and comment here. The closing date for comments has been ...
I voted in the lib dem leadership election as soon as I got my ballot. And I knew as soon as nominations closed who I would vote for. So I'm going to do a locked post about why and unlock it once voting is closed. I am doing it this way because one of the first things I saw once nominations closed was endorsement videos for the two candidates, and one of them had an endorsement from a fellow SAO chair, and I felt so viscerally that was wrong that I couldn't do anything other than declare public neutrality... Anyway: ...
Heidi Allen, the ex-Tory MP for South Cambridgeshire, has launched a new campaign called Unite to Remain. The essence of it is to create a Remain alliance, one in which certain parties step aside in seats to allow Remain parties who have a better chance of winning a clear run. Allen herself pointed to the fact that Plaid and the Greens have stepped down in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election in a few weeks time. "Our country is crying out for mature and progressive politics, not a Government elected to pursue old ideology from the Left or Right. We need ...
[IMG: Sleeping with the TV on leads to a sugar craving] Most of us have a guilty pleasure and mine, sometimes, is to fall asleep with the TV on. It often happens during Question Time. That is not because I find it a yawningly boring programme.... The post Sleeping with the TV on leads to a sugar craving appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
Commenting on the escalating situation in the Gulf, Liberal Democrat Defence Spokesperson Jamie Stone MP said:"We must not allow the next Prime Minister to blindly follow Trump into a volatile anti-Iranian coalition. "It has become increasingly clear that Boris Johnson's plans for a 'global Britain' are just for the UK to be the lapdog of the US. "The EU have been principled and clear in standing firm on the Iranian nuclear deal, which Trump so petulantly tore up. Liberal Democrats will continue to urge the Conservative government, regardless of who the next PM is, to work with our EU partners ...
[IMG: Broken Park Bench and Table] It takes a special kind of malicious idiot to vandalise a bench in a park. It stops other people using it, could see someone get hurt, and of course leads to a repair that will cost them, their neighbours, family and friends and everyone else tax money to repair it. And, it seems, Sandgate Park has been visited by that idiot. Bravo. Well Done. If you happen to know the identity of the idiot who has cost *you* money by causing this criminal damage, the Police on 101 would be delighted to hear from ...
Every so often the BBC produces something that is worth the year's licence fee alone. War in the blood, first broadcast last Sunday, is one such programme. It's a truly remarkable 100 minutes of television....Continue Reading The post War in the blood appeared first on ten pence piece.
The Electoral Reform Society has been talking to both our leadership candidates about their plans for constitutional and political reform. We are delighted to publish their interviews with their permission. Here's Ed's The transcript is available here. And Jo's You can read her transcript here. * Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
Cameron predicts World War Three, screamed the tabloid headlines, when the former Prime Minister attempted to make the peace case for Britain's EU membership during the 2016 vote. And he was denounced as a scaremonger, serving out another dish of Project Fear. Yet Cameron was right to make this argument - he just should have [...] The post The peace case for the EU appeared first on Radix.
Thu, 12:14: A tough assignment: @nickymorgan01 and @greghands present their Alternative Arrangements to an excited Brussels aud... Thu, 12:25: RT @pietercleppe: Live-streaming now @openeurope's panel debate in Brussels, exploring arrangements to avoid a hard Irish border after Brex... Thu, 12:27: Worth following this thread as Nick is much better at live-tweeting than I am. Thu, 12:34: Decent view of my bald patch over on the right. Thu, 12:43: RT @delexical: "When divergence did happen NI would choose to align with EU or UK." This is the weird thing about the Alternative Arrangem... Thu, 12:56: RT @rantingkat: It's ...
Yesterday morning I journeyed into Gateshead for the last of our media interviews for the PCC by-election. It was with the BBC for the North East Politics Programme, with a bit being used on Look North. All 4 candidates were present and were interviewed together by Richard Moss. I think this was the toughest interview yet, focused on our personal characters, drugs and what each of us would do
My morning was taken up with a visit to Birkheads Wild outdoor education centre. For the rest of the day, other than a council advisory group meeting, I was working on shifting the large quantity of PCC by-election leaflets.
Christine Jardine: MPs have a free vote on assisted dying. We should not deny choice to those who de...
Last week the Commons debated assisted dying. In a moving debate, MPs outlined some heartbreaking situations. Three of our MPs, Norman Lamb, Christine Jardine and Vince Cable, spoke. We'll be publishing their speeches this weekend. Christine Jardine outlined one particular irony: MPs have a choice that they don't extend to those who are in the situation where they need it. This is undoubtedly a hugely emotive and controversial subject, but I thank the hon. Member for Grantham and Stamford (Nick Boles) and my right hon. Friend the Member for North Norfolk (Norman Lamb) for giving us the opportunity to discuss ...
Editor's Note: Two reports published this week highlight bullying and harassment of staff in both Houses of Parliament. There are some horrific stories. Gemma White QC described the situation in the Commons. Naomi Ellenbogen QC did the same for the Lords. . There are some serious issues with the culture in Parliament. This seems like a good moment to rerun an article written by Edinburgh Lib Dem member Stephen Harte who makes some suggestions about how we as a party can make sure we live our values in the way that we treat our staff. There has been much in ...
Having just published a novel about a sex-pest politician, I felt that I should comment on this Guardian article, which says that the Commons will vote next week on extending investigations into bullying and harassment by MPs to cover historic allegations. This proposal has emerged after an inquiry reported harrowing details of staff being shouted at or groped, and having heavy office equipment thrown at them: While the government stressed that the vast majority of MPs did not abuse employees, an official report by barrister Gemma White QC recommended that parliament adopt new employment measures to better protect staff. One ...
Only two local council by-elections this week, but both with Lib Dem candidates – very welcome as it's important to give people the chance to vote Lib Dem. Bridlington North, East Riding Mike Heslop-Mullins gave the ward its first Liberal Democrat candidate since 2007. Thank you Mike... and congratulations: Remarkable day to help out at today's Bridlington by-election with @libdemsinhull @cllrmikeross @ALDC Polling Stations are open until 10pm #WinningThere #GOTV [IMG: 🔶] — Cllr Ryan Langley [IMG: 🔶] (@CllrRyanLangley) July 11, 2019
Police Scotland reports that break-ins to homes continue to take place and that are often due to the lack of security. These break-ins are often committed by opportunists. A large number of these break-ins are easily preventable. To read about some simple crime prevention measures you can take to secure your property, please click here.
News to make you smile a lot! Incredible Lib Dem gain in Bridlington North tonight. Lib Dem Mike Heslop-Mullens 1308 Cons 815 Yorkshire Party 349 Ind 259 UKIP 196 Lab 135 Change from 2 May Lib Dem +43% Cons -44% Lab -25% This is an incredible result in an area that voted very strongly to leave the EU. Hearty congratulations to Mike and the East Riding team. There was a bit of a Lib Dem surge in the only other council by-election, too. Whitecross (Herefordshire) result: IOC: 60.7% (+13.0) LDEM: 28.1% (+10.5) CON: 11.2% (-3.4) 'It's Our County' HOLD. No ...