Another poll so please add a dose of scepticism but this one suggests the Lib Dems could win Blaydon. If this prediction comes true, Labour are toast in Blaydon: Lib Dem 38.2% Brexit 22.1% Labour 21.3% Conservatives 12.3% There is of course no substitute for on-the-ground activity when it comes to winning elections. And we are doing plenty of that.
Last week Gateshead Liberal Democrats had an action day in Birtley ward. This was the video I filmed on the day.
At Foxton yesterday I bought a fistful of Inland Waterways Association (IWA) bulletins from the 1960s and 70s at the canal museum there, reasoning they would provide some interesting snippets for this blog. I did not expect to find a Liberal MP quoted and photographed in them, but I did. Here is Dr Michael Winstanley (in the centre of the photograph above) at the IWA's 1970 conference Waterways in the Urban Scene: The second day began with a session on 'Amenity Uses', introduce by Dr Michael Winstanley, M.P., who explained his involvement with canals as triple one: From a personal ...
The results of the LDN survey of party members have hit email inboxes for people who are signed up to Liberal Democrat Newswire.
In which I lay out my inclinations for the Lib Dem Leadership election
Caron Lindsay from the Lib Dems in Scotland has written this article on why she is backing Jo Swinson. She says everything that I would want to say, so I'm pinching her words (with permission): It's Saturday 30th April 2005. A group of Lib Dems gather in a house in Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow. A young woman implores us to take 300 leaflets each, both morning and afternoon. It was so important, she said, that these went out that day so we could get on to the final part of the campaign. We'd come such a long way, we couldn't risk ...
There has been a lot of press coverage in the last few days about a planning decision of Broxtowe Borough Council taken at a meeting that I chaired, as well as a fair amount of uninformed comment. The borough council received a planning application by a local resident to keep an enclosure he had erected to house two lions and a puma. In sixteen years on the council I had never come across anything like this before. I spoke to Lib Dem colleagues on planning committees up and down the country and no-one could recall seeing anything like this either, ...
Andrew Rawnsley, while recognising what an important figure the winner may turn out to be, complains that the current contest for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats is "as exciting as a bowl of tofu": The audience in a lecture theatre at the London School of Economics asks thoughtful questions. The rivals, taking it in turn to answer, are unfailingly courteous towards each other. There is no shouting, interrupting or name-calling. I have heard ruder conversations between nuns. When one contestant speaks, the other spends a lot of time nodding along in agreement. They even smile at each other's tepid ...
As I have said on a number of occasions, in my view opinion polls are good for identifying trends, details are not their strong point however. The polls at the moment are tending to show a trend of Labour in 3rd or 4th place. The latest one for YouGov shows: Lib Dems 30% Conservatives 24% Brexit 19% Labour 17% For Labour, this is dire. Surely, all those local Labour members in Gateshead who
When I was a child, I was mesmerised by "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe". This TV series, shown by the BBC in the sixties, was made all the more magical by the fact that the film copy used by the BBC looked about a hundred years old and the beautiful music blared out, in a ... Continue reading The enchanting music from "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe"
Despite the political and media obsession with Brexit and whilst it may seem like the biggest major crisis, the reality is that climate change will kill off the human race if we don't take very serious action very soon. At a local level I get sick of cycling behind pollution from diesel powered vehicles many of which could be electric powered because they only do local trips. The circular buses which serve Maghull & Lydiate and connect the community to railway stations and shopping center are just one obvious example where change to electric power should have happened years ago. ...
In a recent Blog I spoke about the potential end of two-Party politics. Since then we have had three more opinion polls with Lib Dems ranging from first with 30% to fourth with 19%. What doesn't change is the fact ... Continue reading →
Non-fiction: 1 (YTD 19) Robert Holmes: a Life in Words, by Richard Molesworth [IMG: 1845830911.01._SX175_SY250_SCLZZZZZZZ_[1].jpg] Fiction (non-sf): 3 (YTD 16) Five Women Who Loved Love, by Ihara Saikaku The Paying Guests, by Sarah Waters In Another Light, by Andrew Greig [IMG: 20079fdcea26315597377376b67437641506f41[1].jpg] [IMG: 0349004609.01._SX175_SY250_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg] [IMG: 0753820072.01._SX175_SY250_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg] sf (non-Who): 16 (YTD 51) Gods, Monsters and the Lucky Peach, by Kelly Robson Sovereign by R.M. Meluch The Belles, by Dhonielle Clayton Binti: The Night Masquerade, by Nnedi Okorafor Perelandra, by C.S. Lewis Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells Beneath the Sugar Sky, by Seanan McGuire The Weapon Makers, by A.E. van Vogt Earth's ...
South Glos Council is consulting on replacing the existing unenforceable restrictions with a mixture of no waiting at any time (double yellow lines), no waiting during prescribed hours (single yellow lines) and no stopping on school entrance markings (yellow school zig zags) You can see the proposals and comment here. The closing date for comments is 15th July 2019.
Friday started with an endorsement for Jo (£) from the Independent: Sir Ed trumpets his greater experience, which would serve the party well in such troubled times for the country. But we think Ms Swinson's instincts on the critical issue of relations with other parties make her the right choice for Lib Dem members. And a message on the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots 50 years since the Stonewall Riots, 50 years of proudly campaigning for and celebrating equality and diversity. Great progress has been made, but the fight's not over until all people in the UK & across ...
I remember this as a staple of Radio 2 in the days when I was looking for a gentle station to write my essays to at York. With their parallel between water and love, I have always suspected the lyrics of profundity. Hoyt Axton was a successful singer and songwriter in the country and folk fields. His Della and the Dealer was hit in the UK in 1980. Trivia fans will want to know that his mother co-wrote Heartbreak Hotel for Elvis. Andrew Hickey tells her story: Mae Axton was an odd figure. She was an English teacher who had ...
Our Netflix style binge through the last week of the leadership campaign before the ballots come out tomorrow nears its conclusion. For Ed, Friday started with a reflection on the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. Today is #Stonewall50 - 50 years since the Stonewall Uprising in NYC Reflect on how much we've achieved, but also reflect how much we have to keep fighting for... Until we're all equal, none of us are.#LGBTQ+ #pridejubilee #pride2019 [IMG: π³οΈπ] — Ed Davey [IMG: πΆ] (@EdwardJDavey) June 28, 2019 Ed's website is here and you can follow him on Twitter here.
The Independent says that divisions in Labour over Brexit have exploded into public as allies of Jeremy Corbyn clashed over the party's position: John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, said Labour should "move now" to back a Final Say vote in all circumstances but Len McCluskey, leader of the Unite trade union, said the party should focus on delivering Brexit. Mr McCluskey reportedly refused to support a policy change when Jeremy Corbyn met trade union leaders last week to propose that Labour support a referendum on any deal that is passed by parliament. The delay prompted fury anger among Labour MPs ...
First of all, answering the major question of the day: I'm planning on taking on one Boris Johnson sized Boris Johnson. (Though currently he's acting more like a [IMG: π] than a [IMG: π¦] ) #JoinJo — Jo Swinson (@joswinson) June 27, 2019 Jo's website is here and you can follow her on Twitter here.
It's Saturday 30th April 2005. A group of Lib Dems gather in a house in Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow. A young woman implores us to take 300 leaflets each, both morning and afternoon. It was so important, she said, that these ... Continue reading →
Sat, 12:56: RT @BenLowry2: A range of serious voices now think no deal is likely. Some unionists will be delighted with that,but everything that I see... Sat, 13:19: "The contest to replace Theresa May as prime minister next month has quite reasonably focused on the Brexit plans o... Sat, 14:31: RT @davidallengreen: Much truth in this. Sat, 14:48: RT @PabloPerezA: πͺπΊ EU Trade Agreements- Juncker Commission: Canada π¨π¦ Australia π¦πΊ Mercosur π¦π·π§π·π΅πΎπΊπΎ Japan π―π΅ Mexico π²π½ New Zealand π³πΏ Si... Sat, 16:05: "Brexternalities," Article 50 and the UK's grossly irresponsible attempt to export its own problems... Sat, ...
Straight after the Parochial fair yesterday, I headed over the Kells Lane, Low Fell, for the community fair being held there. This event seems to get bigger each year. My thanks to colleagues Councillors Daniel Duggan and Vicky Anderson, for being temporary goat minders!
Victoria Derbyshire's live tv hustings has been covered here, but here's Ed's take. Great questions @VictoriaLIVE today! Enjoyed sharing my vision for getting UK back on track & #LibDems #BackInTheGame – how we #StopBrexit, tackle causes of Brexit, fight #ClimateEmergency Join next TV debates Jul 1 10am Sky News Jul 19 7pm BBC2 More on — Ed Davey [IMG: πΆ] (@EdwardJDavey) June 27, 2019 Ed's website is here and you can follow him on Twitter here.
I was invited by the Parochial School in Whickham to bring a couple of goats to their fair yesterday. I was happy to oblige. Two of our youngest goats, Danny and Sandy, went with us. I think they became the most photographed animals on the planet! I had to leave for half an hour part way through the fair as I was called out to deal with a bee swarm in Sunniside. As PCC candidate, I couldn't
LISTEN: What happened to the Lib Dems and how do we make it happen again? (now with subtitles)
Why did the Liberal Democrats do so well in the local and European Parliament elections - and how can this success be repeated?
Unlike another party ( who shall remain nameless!) the Lib Dem leadership election campaign has been really quite civilised. Both candidates are very good, will serve the party and the country well, and in terms of policy differences there is little to decide between the two. Yes, there are differences in emphasis and interpretation, but I would be happy with either as party leader When Vince took on the leadership I placed a bet at a local bookmakers as to who his successor would be - but as a £5 bet I'm not going to make my fortune if it ...
As Lead Adjudicator for the new party complaints system I am writing to introduce the people who will make it work. The great strength of successful political parties lies with their members. In our party it is the members who campaign, make policy, choose our leaders and, to a great extent, run the party. We have more than 100,000, but all our members are human beings and subject to human frailties. As a result, it is a sad reality that members will from time to time do things and be accused of things that bring the party into disrepute. After ...
There are four meetings scheduled at Blyth Town Council for July Tuesday 2nd July, 6 pm - Planning and Development sub committee July 2nd July , 6:30 pm - Governance Committee Thursday 25th July , 6:30 pm - Full Council ( I assume that this will be preceded by Public Question Time ) Tuesday 30th July , 6:30 pm Environment Committee I am not aware of any meetings scheduled for August 2019 Please contact BTC to confirm and meeting dates and times if you intend to go to them.
All residents are invited to the Annual Exhibition of recent paintings by students of artist John Stoa. The West End Art Group's exhibition - "Spiritual Awakening" - is now on at the Botanic Garden from until Sunday 7th July - each day from 11am. More details available here.