Ballot papers in the leadership election will land in people's letterboxes and inboxes from 1st July. The 105,000 Lib Dem members will have two opportunities before then to see the two candidates, Ed Davey and Jo Swinson, go head to head on live tv. The first is on Victoria Derbyshire at 10 am on Thursday 27th July. The second is on Adam Boulton's All out Politics on Sky at 9am on Monday 1st July. Coming up next Monday 1st July @SkyNews #LibDemLeadersDebate @joswinson & @EdwardJDavey head-to-head live #ALLOUTPOLITICS as ballot papers go out to voters. Tweet me your questions please. ...
Winchester Liberal Democrats have one of the most impressive records of holding on to not only local government success but also general election vote share of all the former Lib Dem-held seats.
The narrow-gauge Lynton & Barnstaple Railway closed in 1935 but is now being restored. This video follows its route, accompanied by Vaughan Williams' Pastoral Symphony. I photographed a derelict Barnstaple Town station myself back in 1982. Later. I find I posted this video last year, but what the hell.
Welcome to the latest episode of Never Mind The Bar Charts which, as trailed at the weekend is the first of two interviews with the candidates to be leader of the Liberal Democrats.
It's the slogan that turned around Liberal Democrat fortunes and this entry reveals where it came from. Thursday What a pleasure it was knocking up today! Our slogan 'Bollocks to Brexit' has quite swept the country and at cottage door after cottage door it is uttered spontaneously by the voters. No doubt you will want to know how the party came to adopt it. It all happened one evening in the Bonkers' Arms as we were setting the world to rights. Meadowcroft was late arriving, and when he did turn up I greeted him with "Good man! We have just ...
It used to be the BBC that felt it had a public service obligation, but well done to Sky Coming up next Monday 1st July @SkyNews #LibDemLeadersDebate @joswinson & @EdwardJDavey head-to-head live #ALLOUTPOLITICS as ballot papers go out to voters. Tweet me your questions please.— Adam Boulton (@adamboultonSKY) June 25, 2019At least we can be sure both candidates will turn up, and be reasonably confident we know how many children they have.
[IMG: Mahathir's propensity for controversy has not waned] At the age of 93 Malaysia's Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, has proven that he still retains the ability to stir up controversy and make waves. During his recent visit to the UK to celebrate the... The post Mahathir's propensity for controversy has not waned appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
Current Stepping Stones: Interviews with Seamus Heaney, by Dennis O'Driscoll Becoming, by Michelle Obama Last books finished The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The Paying Guests, by Sarah Waters The Secret Lives of Monsters, by Justin Richards The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, by H.P. Lovecraft In Another Light, by Andrew Greig Filthy Lucre, by James Parsons Moon Blink, by Sadie Miller Next books "Goat Song", by Poul Anderson The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Graham
The deadline for motion submissions is 1pm tomorrow, so if you've been thinking of writing one, you need to get your skates on. To be successful you will need to:Write the motion. I strongly recommend you read the guide to writing a motion, carefully and thoroughly, especially since you've missed the deadline for drafting advice. Get signatures from 10 party members and/or one local party and/or one other body with submission rights. Bodies with submission rights include LGBT+ Lib Dems, Lib Dem Women, and Young Liberals. At this point in time getting the signatures of ten members (you'll need their ...
Winchester Liberal Democrats choose Paula Ferguson to be their PPC for Winchester & Chandler's F...
The Liberal Democrats are delighted to announce that local resident Paula Ferguson has been selected as their Parliamentary candidate for the Winchester & Chandler's Ford Constituency. Paula has lived in Winchester with her family for twenty years. She currently works as a psychologist in education helping children who need support. Earlier in her career, she worked in banking and management consultancy. She has always been actively involved in the local community and has set up a number of community groups. In May she was elected to Winchester City Council for St Bartholomew Ward with 61% of the vote. Paula commented; ...
The House of Lords yesterday passed a Liberal Democrat amendment to the Courts and Tribunals (Online Procedure) Bill that will protect access to justice for people at risk of being digitally excluded.The Government Bill brings a number of court procedures online. Liberal Democrat peers, led by Justice Spokesperson Jonathan Marks, have raised concerns that moving certain proceedings online may put those who struggle to easily access digital systems at risk of being excluded from access to justice. Lord Marks therefore tabled an amendment to the Bill to put a statutory duty on the Government to make support available for digitally ...
The biggest complaint about politics from people who run businesses is not Brexit itself, where opinions are divided depending on the depth of relationship with other EU countries, but on the uncertainty. We don't know exactly what shape Brexit will take and when. One businessman explained to me, last February, that it was impossible to ... Continue reading Is Britain heading for a no-deal exit?
Mon, 12:56: RT @Quibilah1: Does any rational person really believe the trope that, all over the English-speaking world, lesbians are being forced to ha... Mon, 13:43: RT @AndrewDuffEU: @nwbrux Well, the Spitz thing will be revived once - but not until - we get transnational lists. It's odd how @ManfredWeb... Mon, 14:36: RT @AlynSmith: Excellent thread from Nicholas on how the Spitzenkandidat process ain't doing what it says on the tin and why. Well worth yo... Mon, 15:38: RT @friggieri_david: Interesting thread on that very Germanically-named concept. More broadly, interesting in context of increasingly commo... Mon, 16:05: RT @BadWilf: Keanu ...
Organisers of a free family festival taking place on Saturday, June 29, are hoping to set a new world record for the number of people dressed as bees anywhere on the planet. The current record stands at 2,176 participants and was set in 2011. The attempt – highlighting the dangerous decline of bees – will form part of Manchester Festival of Nature, a huge event bringing bushcraft, forest school skills, natural crafts, a Tree Trail scavenger hunt, woodland walks and a whole lot more to Heaton Park. More information here.
LibLink: Chuka Umunna: Boris as PM would tell world Britain brazenly tolerates prejudice and hatred
So, it's Chuka Umunna's LibLink debut. And he's used his Independent column to talk about Boris Johnson's unsuitability to be Prime Minister. Chuka contrasts the Tory membership with the population as a whole: The average age of a UK citizen is 40, over-65s make up around 18 per cent of the population, and those aged between 18 and 24 make up 9 per cent of the population. On this measure, the Tory party is in no way representative. The project found that the average age of a Tory party member is 57, significantly older, with 38 per cent of Tory ...
Councillors Cristina Tegolo and Tim Pickstone recently met with Council Officers and held discussions with the police to look at ways of improving the Baguley Crescent area - on the East side of Holyrood Ward. Waste collection and Fly-Tipping Some of the blocks at Baguley Crescent suffer from problems with waste and fly-tipping. Some communal bins are overflowing and there have been significant examples of fly-tipping. We discussed the different ways the Council can help take action to tackle fly-tipping, though they are often hampered because communal areas of the blocks are the responsibility of Management Companies, some of which ...
Newly elected MEP for the North West will be speaking at an event in Prestwich on Saturday 6 July 2019 at Our Lady of Grace Church Hall, Fairfax Road Prestwich. The event has been organised by Bury Liberal Democrats, but is open to all supporters and friends. Jane will be joined by member of the House of Lords Lord Andrew Stunell, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Manchester Council Councillor John Leech and the writer and presenter Graham Hughes. Stop Brexit in Bury 6 July 2019, Our Lady of Grace Church Hall, Fairfax Road, Prestwich. 4.45-8.00pm Speakers: Jane Brophy MEP ...
Bury's policy in relation to prescribing over the counter items for minor, short term conditions has been updated to include 11 additional conditions for which over the counter items should NOT routinely be prescribed by doctors. The aim is to ensure that NHS monies are not routinely spent on items where the condition will clear up of its own accord, for minor illnesses considered suitable for self-care that could be treated with items purchased from a pharmacy or other outlet and those items for which there is limited evidence of clinical effectiveness, such as vitamins, minerals and probiotics. The additional ...
I came across this photo (see below) on the Mersey Railways group of Facebook and it is credited to Phil Hughes:- At this point the Southport & Cheshire Lines Extension Railway and the Liverpool – Ormskirk – Preston Line paralleled each other between Aintree and Old Roan Stations. The other line can be seen behind the crane removing the Cheshire Lines bridge. What I don't know is the date when the bridge was removed – 1960's? Click on the photo to enlarge it
When I asked my son why he had voted Leave, he replied "because the country must be independent and stand on its own two feet". My son is severely handicapped and the concept of independence is especially important to him. That's fair enough, but independence is important to everybody, which is why it was so powerful an idea driving Brexit. "Independence day!" was Boris Johnson's joyous cry as the referendum result was announced, and it resonated with many people. Independence is fundamental to all of us, inbuilt into our lives from the moment we are born and our bodies must ...
Defending secularism: why the secularists get it wrong - and why the religious don't get it
Some years ago, the American pastor Jim Wallis wrote a bestselling book about religion in American public life: God's Politics - why the Right gets it wrong, and why the Left doesn't get it. He had a lot of hard truth to tell about the tribal lines down which the debate about religion and society [...] The post Defending secularism: why the secularists get it wrong - and why the religious don't get it appeared first on Radix.
This is a second chance to read this post, coinciding with today's special event (see below) As a child of the Windrush generation, Windrush Day is hugely important to me. I'm so glad that we, as a society, are marking it. The term 'the Windrush Generation' stems from the arrival, on June 22, 1948, of the ship The Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks, just east of London, bringing with it the first immigrants from the Caribbean. It denotes the large-scale influx of Caribbean immigrants during the years that followed.There's been a lot of Press about the terrible treatment of people ...
Following complaints from residents about the poor road surface in parts of Saggar Street some weeks ago, the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership promised a thorough annual inspection and any resultant repairs was due in the near future. I have since been advised : "The annual inspection of Saggar Street will take place late June/early July. However an order has been raised for pothole repairs to be done until the inspection takes place and the planer patching is identified." Additionally, at the request of residents, I asked the council to consider the provision of "yellow box" markings on City Road ...
The bravado being displayed by the two remaining candidates for the Tory leadership over a no-deal Brexit may well be tickling all the right places for the Conservative faithful, but it does raise questions as to whether they can actually deliver on leaving the EU without a deal on 31 October. According to the BBC defence minister Tobias Ellwood, believes that "A dozen or so" Conservative MPs could support a vote of no confidence to stop a no-deal Brexit. He told Panorama that many backbenchers and ministers would rebel if the UK faced leaving the EU on the 31 October ...