A quick announcement about Never Mind The Bar Charts and the three special episodes we've got coming up... Show notes The mystery coin was a special 2001 Canadian 10 cents (held upside down and with light glinting off it... at least that's my defence). Make sure you don't miss those exclusive interviews by subscribing in your favourite podcast app (links below for the most popular choices) or sign up for email alerts from this website. Find Never Mind The Bar Charts on social media Like the show? Do follow on Twitter or Facebook. It's a great way to hear more ...
Narrated by Griff Rhys Jones off of the telly, this video shows us the wildlife to be found along the Hogsmill and the community volunteers and conservation organisations working to protect this precious habitat. It was made by Citizen Zoo.
The latest edition of eFocus for Pelaw and Heworth ward was emailed out last night. In it, Councillors Paul Diston and Ian Patterson report on Pelaw bowling club, anti-social behaviour near Pelaw Library and Bill Quay Primary School's fundraising for a defibrillator. You can read the full newsletter on this link.
The only downside of the appearance of a new issue of Liberator is that it signals another trip to Bonkers Hall. As his lordship explains, we join him at his European election results party. Things are moving quickly in politics at the moment, so we are journeying back to a time when Liberal Democrats still poked fun at Chuka Ummuna. Monday The bells of St Asquith's long ago chimed midnight, but no one shows any sign of going home. I am writing these lines in the Green Ballroom here at the Hall as my European elections celebration party takes place ...
Confirmation that there will be a Parliamentary by-election in Brecon and Radnorshire following the successful recall petition against Chris Davies MP has been quickly followed by candidate speculation.
We've now had four opinion polls in a row which have put the Lib Dems in second place behind Brexit and in front of both Tory and Labour parties. This is not a flash in the pan! Real votes have ... Continue reading →
My article in the Times this morning seems to be attracting some attention to our book. You can read the piece here (£): Radix is the radical centre think tank. We welcome all contributions which promote system change, challenge established notions and re-imagine our societies. The views expressed here are those of the individual contributor and [...] The post The way we do politics now? appeared first on Radix.
Welsh Lib Dem Leader Jane Dodds will be the candidate in a by-election in the seat of Brecon and Radnosrhire after the recall petition for former Conservative MP Chris Davies received almost double the required number of signatures. The by-election date has not yet been announced but it may well be before the end of July. Thousands of residents across Brecon and Radnorshire have taken the chance to demand better than a Westminster politics that fails to take their concerns seriously. Now we have a golden opportunity to do things differently. The clear choice in this by-election is between the ...
You shaggy haired buffoon! You are a worm of inappropriate persuasion, values lost in folded layers of falsity. When they inquire into your conduct, how will you explain that Eden was smarter than you, as was Chamberlain, but vanity made you surpass their worst mistakes without an ounce of their integrity? Who chose you to [...]
Yesterday I was invited by Clover Hill School to take some of our animals to their summer fair. So I took along two of the younger goats and 4 ducklings which hatched over the weekend. It was quite a successful event and was attended by quite a few constituents who passed on to me lots of congratulations for my re-election in May and lots of casework as well!
In an increasingly interdependent world UK public policy should acknowledge international mobility and diversity as a permanent social trend Many people who've lived in Britain all their lives dream of winning the National Lottery and being able to move away to some sun-kissed paradise overseas. Brits routinely holiday abroad and migration, whether short-term or long-term, is common. Most of us, however, continue to live in a country where we can enjoy beautiful countryside and coastline, historic buildings, a varied arts and culture scene, and a tradition of volunteering and community support groups. The population of the UK is generally tolerant ...
News from the BBC: A by-election will be held in Brecon and Radnorshire after 10,005 people signed a petition to remove the constituency's MP, Conservative Chris Davies. That 10,005 total on the petition is nearly 1 in 5 of the constituency's electors and nearly double the minimum required to trigger a by-election. It's a highly winnable contest for the Liberal Democrats, with Jane Dodds and the team hard at work for months campaigning in the seat which used to be held by the Liberal Democrats. Jane Dodds said: Thousands of residents across Brecon and Radnorshire have taken the chance to ...
So pleased to see that the Canal and River Trust has managed to replace the vandalised electronic control cabin of Coxhead/Rimmer's swing bridge on Eagar Lane/Greens Lane Downholland on the Leeds Liverpool Canal. C&RT staff were testing it this morning and all was looking good, what's more it seems the Police have the culprits on CCTV so I was told. New electrical control cabin at Coxhead swing bridge
The Chancellor of the Exchequer's annual speech to the City of London at the Mansion House last night was interrupted by Climate Emergency protesters. But that demonstration was eclipsed by the extraordinary behaviour of the local MP — and Minister of State at the Foreign Office — Mark Field, who rose from his seat to [...]
Thu, 12:56: RT @BortolettoMD: No joke - in the 16th edition of Williams Obstetrics "Chauvinism, male, voluminous amounts pg 1 - 1102" Bravo to the f... Thu, 13:30: RT @astroehlein: Dear journalist friends: I'm doing some thinking (again) on media releases. Who does them well? What's better: a quick lis... Thu, 13:30: RT @damonwake: @astroehlein 1. Get to the point. Immediately. in the body of the email. 2. Include a PHONE NUMBER. 3. For the love of Jesus... Thu, 13:30: RT @DaveClark_AFP: @astroehlein * Don't use "press release" as a subject line nor call your address "press account". * Don't ...
The SNP Government announced yesterday that it was kicking the can down the road on gender recognition act reforms. While acknowledging the need for reform, Cabinet Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville told the Scottish Parliament: I am a feminist, and I am deeply—and rightly—proud that this Government has taken such clear and concerted action to protect women's rights and to promote gender equality. I have stated before, as has the First Minister, that I do not feel a conflict between my support for women's rights and my support for trans rights. However, I know and I understand that many people do. It ...
The BBC report that racism and race-related hate crime has increased since the 2016 Brexit referendum, leading to 24 community cohesion officers being appointed by councils across Wales to deal with the resultant "tensions". These officers have been tasked with focussing on developing strong links with European Union citizens and other minority groups which might feel susceptible to Brexit tensions. The BBC quote Eryl Jones, from the charity Show Racism the Red Card, who believes Brexit has been a "major influence": "Incidents of racism have gone up throughout the UK as well as in Wales since the campaign to leave ...
... today tomorrow or Sunday, and you're not allergic to dogs or anything like that, please could you come over and help us pack? The removal men are coming to take the remainder of our stuff into storage first thing Monday morning. We need to have it ready for them. And we're struggling. We can give you lots of tea and coffee and food and stuff while you're here. Contact details and directions to the house are here (friends-locked). Drop me a text (and say who you are if you've not texted me before) if you're thinking of coming over ...
The Liberal Democrat result in the European Elections has shown that the #BollocksToBrexit message has finally got through. But my twitter feed in the last couple of days makes me think that our position on civil liberties is also very relevant to the chaos around Brexit and all that this stirs up for people. Recently there was an article in the Telegraph about secret talks between some Tory donors and Nigel Farage with a view to a pact to avoid Tory Brexiteer and Brexit Party candidates standing against each other. My twitter feed had a string of comments from people ...
Sky News has the video on You Tube – see link below:- www.youtube.com/watch?v=osegV-fRv-M The Mersey – Looking from Bootle over the River to the Wirral Click on the photos to enlarge them
What a fantastic result to wake up to! Honestly, I tried to stay awake, but I just couldn't. Lib Dem GAIN from Labour for @JeniferGouldCH and @MertonLibDems Fantastic result!! — ALDC (@ALDC) June 20, 2019 * Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
Ten council seats up for election this week in a mix of normal council by-elections and contests deferred from the first Thursday in May due to a candidate dying.
From the City Council : THE ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 - SECTION 14(1) THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of surface dressing works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Blackness Road (Glamis Road to Blackness Avenue), Dundee. This notice comes into effect on Saturday 22 June 2019 from 12 noon to 4pm. Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained. Alternative routes are available via Glamis Road / Perth Road / Blackness Avenue. For further information contact 433082. Head of Roads and TransportationDundee City ...