Cable: Looks like Boris will lie down and let Heathrow expansion happen Responding to the publication of Heathrow's plan for a third runway which will include diverting rivers, moving roads and rerouting the M25 through a tunnel under the new runway, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Twickenham MP Vince Cable said: Expanding Heathrow is the wrong decision for the country and for South West London, where air pollution, air traffic noise, and congestion are already a blight. Heathrow's plan all but confirms this. The economics of Heathrow expansion also look questionable at best while it will do nothing for ...
Last August, vandals broke into the Marley Hill Bowls Club pavilion and set fire to the building. Fortunately, the structure remained sound. Smoke damage was the biggest problem. Members of the club have now restored the pavilion. They have done an excellent job and members invited me today to see their work first hand. You can see the difference! There will be an official re-opening in
I was in Birtley on 9th June to sort the photos for our next Focus newsletter. Our local team - Paul Elliott and Jo Davidson - toured the ward with me to get a range of photos. All we have to do now is write the Focus and get it delivered!
I was at Heworth Golf Club tonight, not for a round of golf, but to attend the Gateshead East Lib Dem branch meeting. High on the agenda was a discussion about campaigning for the local elections next year in our target wards. Also discussed was the campaign for the Police and Crime Commissioner by-election. There is a growing feeling of excitement and willingness to campaign among the members
It's been a very busy day for Ed Davey too. From tackling transphobia on Mumsnet Well, can't really argue with this from @EdwardJDavey – I expect the denizens of Mumsnet will, though. — [IMG: 🦇] [IMG: 🍹] [IMG: 🏳️🌈] Jennie Rigg [IMG: 🏳️🌈] [IMG: 🍹] [IMG: 🦇] (@miss_s_b) June 18, 2019 And answering the Radical Association's questions: Liberal Democrats believe the market is our servant not our master. We want a mixed economy, and a diverse set of ownership models. We want to make sure markets don't mistreat workers or the planet. Decarbonising capitalism is a profoundly radical approach ...
A busy day for Jo today. Backing Stella Creasy on parental leave for MPs. Fearless and formidable as ever, @stellacreasy! I don't fancy IPSA's chances defending their outdated position against your campaigning force. Let's get this changed! (and congratulations! [IMG: 💕] ) — Jo Swinson (@joswinson) June 17, 2019 And talking to the Times (£) about possible Remain pacts: Despite its failure, Ms Swinson praised the Peterborough attempt as "a good example where different parties that do all believe in stopping Brexit decided that we could work together to put forward a united front". She said voters concerned about ...
Meanwhile, over in another political leadership contest, their unicorn-loving electorate are happy to destroy the UK and our economy. I don't remember seeing that on the side of a bus in June 2016. So committed...Continue Reading The post If I can't have a unicorn, no one can appeared first on ten pence piece.
I seem to have writer's block when it comes to politics at the moment, so here's some good news from the Shropshire Star: A £620,000 project at one of Shropshire's most popular historic attractions has been completed. English Heritage has spent the last few years on improvement works at Stokesay Castle, with the introduction of a tearoom and better interpretation within the castle, and has now completed the final stage - a refresh of the gardens.
Current The Paying Guests, by Sarah Waters In Another Light, by Andrew Greig The Secret Lives of Monsters, by Justin Richards Last books finished Monstress, Volume 3: Haven, written by Marjorie Liu, art by Sana Takeda The Weapon Makers, by A.E. van Vogt Robert Holmes: a Life in Words, by Richard Molesworth Black Panther: Long Live the King, written by Nnedi Okorafor and Aaron Covington, art by André Lima Araújo, Mario Del Pennino and Tana Ford (Marvel) Abbott, written by Saladin Ahmed, art by Sami Kivelä, colours by Jason Wordie, letters by Jim Campbell Earth's Last Citadel, by C.L. Moore ...
Applications for the 2019 edition of the Future Women MPs' Weekend are now open. The training will be held in Milton Keynes on 20-21 July 2019. The Future Women MPs' Weekend is an intensive course, specifically designed to equip aspiring female MPs with the knowledge and skills they need to kickstart their political career. We've witnessed incredible election results in the last few weeks in both local and European elections, but we need to get more liberal women elected across the country. So, if you've even thought about becoming a candidate or know someone who should, please encourage them to ...
The current Tory leadership contest has so far been a revealing episode of expert political maneuvering. With Boris Johnson ahead with a convincing lead, there is little hope of any other opponent garnering sufficient support among the Party membership to beat him. Matt Hancock is guilty of questionable practice by withdrawing from the race and then backing Johnson in the hope of getting the post of Chancellor. Such egotism is in no way uncommon. Rory Stewart was correct in saying on Sunday night that in a bid to placate the antediluvian membership, the contenders have resorted to a 'competition of ...
Tonight, we are having an event in the City Centre to welcome to the Party the new members and registered supporters who have joined our Party in Liverpool since Christmas. A very large number of people and marvellously diverse. All ... Continue reading →
Young Liberals on stage at the Spring Conference 2019 The party is currently on a fightback, our gains in both the Local and the European elections proving that this is the case. These results clearly indicate that our pro-EU message is a prominent one across the country. Yet, this isn't the only thing that these results show. These results, and subsequent polling afterwards, suggest that the Liberal Democrats are overwhelmingly the party representing the views of young people too. Currently a student studying for her A-Levels, I know the party truly stands for the values and principles that I believe ...
Mon, 12:56: The Empty Promise of Boris Johnson Devastating from the New Yorker. Mon, 14:02: RT @SemproniusGrac: @zombiwombat @davidallengreen Never forget this from Fraser Nelson. The rot set in early. Mon, 15:19: RT @Peston: "Someone suggested to me that hustings without @BorisJohnson is like Hamlet without the prince. But it was Fortinbras who was k... Mon, 16:05: In case you know anyone who thinks Dominic Raab would be any good as prime minister: the moment that Sylvia Hermon... Mon, 16:40: Thread. Mon, 17:11: Daenerys Tells All! Emilia Clarke interviewed. Mon, 18:29: Robert Holmes: A Life ...
Monday: No one should expect to just GET to be Prime Monster! Liberal Democrats should call for a Vote of Confidence in Parliament before ANYONE can be appointed Prime Minister, and we should demand that the Fixed Term Parliament Act be updated to make this explicit in law. Boris Johnson looks very likely to win the contest to become leader of the Conservatory Party, already framed as "the race to be Britain's Next PM". And, given that he keeps dodging any questions, he could win with remarkably little scrutiny from either his fellow MPs or the public. That's an OUTRAGE! ...
I blogged earlier this year on the ridiculous and retrograde way that the House of Commons treats pregnant MPs. The archaic working practices that female MPs have to endure was brought to a head in July 2018 when the Tory Chief Whip asked party chairman, Brandon Lewis to break a pairing agreement with Lib Dem MP, Jo Swinson, who had recently given birth and was effectively taking maternity leave. In January of this year, a cross-party delegation of MPs met the speaker to implore him to introduce a new baby leave system, which would allow proxy voting for new mothers ...
Sorry, folks, but is anyone else getting pretty fed up with People's Votes, Brexit and Leadership Hustings in LDV? Of course these things are important; but there really IS more to life! Even if all that gets sorted out in the next few months/years (fat chance of that, most of you will probably say) we are still left with a democracy which, while currently in A & E, might soon be heading for intensive care unless we wake up. I know that this kind of esoteric musing appeals to the political anorak rather than a hardworking citizen trying to keep ...
The Liberal Democrats are a shambles, widely reviled for betraying people's trust on tuition fees and led by an old man with no charisma. Yet they are topping the opinion polls. How come? The proximate reason is parochially British: they are unambiguously against Brexit and have refused to compromise on their position. The underlying reason, [...] The post It's the new normal. Get used to it. appeared first on Radix.
Getting things done - Rosefield Place, Rosefield Street and Bankmill Road #dundeewestend
At the request of residents, I have asked the City Council to attend to the following issues in the Rosefield Place, Rosefield Street and Bankmill Road area : Rosefield Place to Bankmill Road path - requested that the graffiti pictured below is removed.Rosefield Place - requested that a dumped mattress is removed.Rosefield Street - requested that the east pavement is thoroughly swept as it badly needs done.