You've seen a few comments on Ed's Day and Jo's Day. Now see the whole online hustings which took place tonight. 500 questions were submitted in advance of the event, chaired by party President Sal Brinton. It was the first of its type for a UK political party. And it showed us off at our best. We have much better quality leadership candidates than anyone else at the moment... Enjoy!
Funnily enough, the big thing in Jo's day was the online hustings too. Here are some of her highlights. #LibDemLeadership love @joswinson suggesting that we should take a leaf out of New Zealand's book and base the economy on wellbeing! — Theo Long [IMG: 🔶] (@TheoLong1999) June 17, 2019 Earlier in the day, Jo had been questioning the Government about the attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf. You can find Jo's website here and follow her on Twitter here.
Ludlow Town Council has tonight declared a Climate Emergency. It's a good move. Now the hard work st...
Tonight, Ludlow Town Council joined more than one hundred other councils in declaring a climate emergency. This is great news. The council adopted a straightforward motion: Ludlow Town Council declares a Climate Emergency, with an aim of becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030. It commits to identifying ways in which it can support this objective and to explore, with the community, the development of a Ludlow Town Council climate change strategy, and to consider establishing a Climate Action Partnership. Now the hard work begins. The council will need a to review its policies and practice to meet this objective. ...
I have been selected as the Lib Dem candidate for the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner by-election on 18th July, caused by the resignation of Labour's Vera Baird. This of course means that I will be fully occupied over the coming month. The by-election will cost close to £3 million. Surely there is a better way to spend taxpayers' money?
Today was mostly about the online hustings – as Sal Brinton said, the first to be held online by a political party in the UK to choose its leader. Here are some of his highlights: Thank you @EdwardJDavey for saying that we need more council housing. It's crucial to enable people to have decent housing. #LibDemLeadership #LibDemSurge — Rachel Lewis [IMG: 🔶] [IMG: 🇬🇧] [IMG: 🇪🇺] (@Rachel_J_Lewis) June 17, 2019 And he had a wide-ranging interview with the New Statesman: Talking about electoral pacts and tactical voting: Never say never" is his verdict on both. "The climate change emergency is ...
Yesterday was the third anniversary of the tragic loss of Jo Cox MP. On Saturday, I was at a hustings and heard another Jo, and another member of parliament, Jo Swinson, talk about her. She spoke about how horrible it was to hear Nigel Farage, after the Brexit referendum vote result, say, it had all happened "without a shot being fired!" She actually said it made her feel sick. It makes sense that a woman now a similar age, with similar politics, and same first name, would feel this, knowing a colleague had just been murdered, shot and stabbed! Yesterday, ...
The rebirth of Boris Johnson's political career is astonishing. He has secured the backing of enough Conservative MPs to ensure that his name will be one of the two that go forward to party members to choose as party leader. And the party leader will, according to now well-established precedent, become the next prime minister. ... Continue reading The astonishing rebirth of Boris Johnson
This year I have attended and spoken at or participated in a large number of events relating to the problems of suicide. This is a much larger problem than people might think although 'only' about 6,500 people die by suicide ... Continue reading →
Prorogueing Parliament will scupper any EU goodwill in Trade Talks, prorogueing the Tory Party Confe...
Hearing British politicians talk in a cavalier way about proroguing parliament to push through any controversial policy should remind the British of the age when prorogueing and circumventing Parliament was all the rage (and instilled a different rage in the electorate): the reigns of kings James I and Charles I. In trying to get money without having to ask Parliament, Charles adulterated the "Ship Money" statute by applying it not just to the coastal and harbor cities, but to the whole of England. According to its Wikipedia item, demanding Ship Money of its own was possibly even an infringement of ...
Second paragraph of third chapter:On Friday 31 January 1964, Bob sent Donald Bull an outline for an episode entitled 'The Hallelujah Chorus', which was quickly re-titled 'The Hallelujah Favourite' before becoming 'The hallelujah Stakes'. Bull liked the story, made a few structural alterations to the storyline, and then commissioned Bob to write the script. The resultant episode of Dr Finlay's Casebook &ndash which was Bob's first paid work for the BBC to make it onto screen &ndash was shown on BBC1 on Sunday 10 May 1964.This is a nice chunky biography of the greatest of the writers for Old Who. ...
Grounds for Change is an important new book for all those who campaign for economic justice. The price of land in impacts on Local Council's ability to increase the supply of homes for rent. This is particularly the case in London and other major towns and cities. Southwark's Cabinet Member for Social Regeneration, Great Estates and New Council Homes notes: Council has over 20,000 thousand people on its housing waiting list. Many of those 'waiting for a home' are children... thousands have no prospect of finding an affordable, secure and decent place to live unless it is provided by their ...
This week is national Clean Air Day – a day to raise awareness about the need to tackle air pollution. In Greater Manchester, there is a whole week of initiatives to raise awareness about the issue and make positive steps to tackle air pollution. This year's theme is 'walk or cycle short journeys'. Organisers say: "Did you know that every year 200 million journeys of one kilometre or less across Greater Manchester are made in a car? That's a four-minute bike ride or a 10-minute walk. If you made more of those journeys on foot or by bike, you'd not ...
Parents and guardians across the region are being urged to take action and book places for their children on school bus services for the next academic year. Due to high levels of demand applications received before 30 June are more likely to be allocated a place. From this date onwards if a bus is fully allocated no further places will be made available. Applications for the Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) Yellow School Bus services, which exceeded 6,500 last year, can be completed online from Saturday 1 June. Anyone without internet access can call 0161 244 1000 for more information. ...
I made a point of getting to the Merseytravel bus consultation event at Maghull Square Shopping Centre this morning. When I arrived a chap was already talking to the staff and I quickly realised he was making the very same point I had come to make i.e. that the 31/31A Lydiate circular bus should serve the new Maghull North Station rather than the old Maghull Station. Our reasons? Since the loss of the 311 bus Lydiate folks have limited options to get to Ormskirk by public transport. Secondly, Maghull North Station is nearer to Lydiate so the journey to get ...
Prestwich Carnival takes place this weekend with a fun fair day is on Saturday 22 June with the big day on Sunday 23 June 2019. As before this is a great family evening in St Mary's Park including a fun fair, variety of stalls, free children's activities, live music, dog show and much more! More information at their website here. The parade is a slightly shorter route this year – see map below and watch out for road closures!
Just to let residents know about recent planning applications in our area . Please just let us know if you have any queries. Two quote significant applications – one for change of use of the row of terraces on Bury Old Road which used to be part of the 'Transformation' business – with an application for these to be made back into housing. Secondly the application from a homelessness organisation to use offices in the site of the former Congregational church on Bailey Street. A lot of residents have been in touch and many have submitted objections, including a large ...
The UK government's Cabinet has been meeting today to discuss rising tensions in the Persian Gulf. Yesterday the Sunday Times revealed that 100 British marines have been sent to the country's base in Bahrain to strengthen protection for shipping following recent attacks on tankers. The Trump administration has pinned the blame for these attacks firmly [...]
[IMG: Be the person who stops to listen during Loneliness Awareness Week] It is the start of 'Loneliness Awareness Week'. Looking through the Twitter feed, most articles offer advice on how to break out of the loneliness space but what is lacking is advice to stop and... The post Be the person who stops to listen during Loneliness Awareness Week appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
Sun, 12:56: The closing of the conservative mind Great piece. Sun, 12:56: The collapse of effectiveness of the FCO, brought about by central government starving it of resources and ignoring... Sun, 14:08: RT @Llyfrgell_Babel: One of the weirdest things about this is that the more the UK's military and diplomatic influence declines due to fund... Sun, 14:48: I swallowed the Brexit lies. Now I regret telling curry house workers to vote leave The Sec... Sun, 15:52: RT @TimCWrites: I can't speak with a great deal of first hand knowledge but DFID also appears to be run ...
A review of the Channel 4 Tory leadership debate - and why non-Tories really like Rory Stewart
It was a turgid affair, last night's face off between five of the remaining six candidates for Tory leader (Boris being empty lecturned), with a chippy Krishnan Guru-Murray corralling the thing. I would not have watched the whole programme were I not the massive geek that I am; however, I cannot remember a similar programme being so devoid of actual entertainment value on any level. Rory Stewart was far and away the best on the night. Don't listen to anyone who tells you Stewart didn't win; he was the only one of them who improved his campaign, with several MPs ...
The Independent carries a shocking story this morning, claiming that private firms have raked in millions of pounds through the Home Office's newly outsourced visa system, as people are forced to pay "extortionate" fees and travel long distances to apply for UK status. They say that immigration lawyers have warned legal migrants risk being "thrown into the hostile environment" after the visa processing service was outsourced to French firm Sopra Steria last November. Those affected include some people applying for EU settled status ahead of Brexit - despite the government stating that this application is free: While visa applicants could ...
The BBC has the article on its website – see link below:- Goodness me this article is a sobering read indeed.
It was exactly 160 years ago, on 9 June 1859, that the various liberal factions that came to make up the Victorian Liberal Party met in Willis' Rooms in St James' Street. There were Peelites, Whigs and Radicals amongst the 274 MPs who crowded together – as well as the supporters of the great rivals, [...] The post The political realignment seems to be slow but unstoppable appeared first on Radix.
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee : Taught Threads - free discussion eventTomorrow - Tuesday 18th June, 5.30pm-6.30pmD'Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, Tower Building, University of Dundee This event accompanies the exhibition Sew: Together, paying tribute to textile artist and designer Marion Stewart (née Gracie, 1931-2017), who worked for many years at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, where she taught embroidery and stitched textile design to generations of students. Marion was an inspirational teacher and an important role model for professional married women. She encouraged the formation of the influential textile group Embryo in 1980, ...
The new episode of A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs is now up, on "I Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash, and how a gospel singer turned rock and roll star became a country icon. Patreon backers ... Continue reading →
.... Well, Krishan Guru-Murthy, obviously. He wasn't leaving any of the candidates any wiggle room, especially on the question about their weaknesses. You know how we are all told to say something like "impatience" or :"I work too hard." Well, Michael Gove tried to get away with the former and Guru-Murthy unleashed a charge of hypocrisy on his head. How could he support severe consequences for people on drugs charges and get away with it himself? No wonder Boris didn't show up He would have been eviscerated on live tv by a competent anchor. He would not have lasted five ...