Oh dear. He may have eaten kangaroo's bollocks but we're pretty sure this is the worst thing to happen to @brianpaddick in a long time https://t.co/ee5tFQW2eh — Lib Dem Press Office (@LibDemPress) June 15, 2019 We are sure you will be able to tell the difference, Helen. * Newshound: bringing you the best Lib Dem commentary published in print or online.
Another pleasing advertisement from my 1927 guide to Lichfield. Google Street View reveals that the corner of Market Streeet and Dam Street is now occupied by a distinctly ordinary bank building.
She took Boris to task on how he had put a British woman in peril and separated her from her young daughter. And as Foreign Secretary you endangered a British citizen because you couldn't be bothered to read your brief. You are unfit to be Prime Minister. #JoinJo https://t.co/j06jegRJBf — Jo Swinson (@joswinson) June 13, 2019
"We need to discuss these issues; plan for them and deliver a strategy that deals with them. I bet you won't hear a peep from Tory Leadership contenders about this vital and urgent issue." Richard Kemp on the social care crisis. Angel Fletcher argues that internships must be paid and openly advertised if all young people are to have fair access to career opportunities. Roger Hermiston looks at the career of the forgotten Liberal leader Archibald Sinclair. "Many recent studies have found that children are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD if they are younger than their peers ...
So, Mr Umunna's arrival, welcome though it was, kind of put paid to our scheduling plans. So we'll be catching up with the leadership campaign over the next two nights. Thursday seems such a long time ago now. It started for Ed with local success: Delighted to open new ramp for disabled access at Chessington South station & a new cycle rack today. Successful end to a long campaign with Lib Dem Councillors Tricia Bamford, Chris Stewart & Andreas Kinnear Thanks to all involved @chessington_sch @CWOA @chessingtonnews pic.twitter.com/60W1hEKiHU — Ed Davey [IMG: 🔶] (@EdwardJDavey) June 13, 2019 And then he ...
Lucy Middleton reports for Metro today: Tory leadership candidate Boris Johnson upheld his media silence as he attended party hustings today. The former foreign secretary, who is the front-runner in the leadership race, chose to arrive at the event through the side entrance of the hotel. He then later left the hustings through a discreet rear door, without taking any questions from journalists.But then Johnson is anxious to avoid journalists during this Conservative leadership campaign: As a journalist @BorisJohnson would have no doubt been furious at a senior politician being the only one of six to refuse to take part ...
As part of the excellent post-elections debrief session in Western Counties, I did a slot after the ever-insightful Paula Surridge.
Here's a little set of resources you may find useful if you are one of the very many new Liberal Democrat members or registered supporters: New to the Liberal Democrats? Welcome! Here's a little set of resources you may find useful. pic.twitter.com/8Tkcp0EcCc — LibDemNewswire [IMG: 🔶] (@LibDemNewswire) June 1, 2019
 Lib Dem Councillors John Dodd, Daniel Lewis and Yaso Sathiy are holding their next advice centre in Churchtown. We will be at BoxTree Kitchen for Queenscourt café, Manor Road/Cambridge Road, roundabout, from 10:30 to 11.30am on Thursday 27th June. We also hold a monthly advice centre in Crossens, at St John's School, Rufford Road, Crossens every month (except August) on the second Saturday of the month from 11:00 am to 12:00. We will be there to meet you and discuss any Council problems you may have. No appointment necessary. Just pop in.
Following Simon Hughes's announcement that he wasn't going to seek to return as MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, the Liberal Democrats needed a new Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) for the seat.
Friday: It is three weeks since the European Elections changed everything and there's really only one story in town. It's just not the one you think it is. With 3 MEPS Lib Dems topped the poll in London Obviously, the news cycles are dominated by the Conservatory leadership. After all, Game of Thrones is over now, and the audience needs a new hit of blood, guts and sexposition... But whether the idiot in the clown-car is now a shoe in for the Iron Throne or might still get removed by an unexpected twist, what's less obvious is that the entire ...
David Mckenzie writes about becoming another convert to the Liberal Democrats from Labour: This is something I've been contemplating heavily since leaving Labour earlier this year...which was one of the hardest decisions of my entire life. You see Labour was a huge part of my identity, I was a Candidate for Labour, General Election Agent for Labour, I wrote Early Day Motions in Parliament that came from my Labour values. Recently though, my values don't seem to ring true with the new influx to the Labour movement. I took the decision to walk away. Labour is in my family's blood, ...
A quick update on new Liberal Democrat member, Chuka Umunna, who now has his first role in the party: Vince has asked me to lead on treasury and business issues in the House of Commons, pending the election of our new leader who will no doubt appoint their own team. I will dive straight in and get on with that in addition to, of course, continuing to serve my constituents in Streatham. In the hours after the announcement of his switch, around 800 further people joined the Liberal Democrats as members or registered supporters. Of course, not all his former ...
Members of the Liberal Democrats in Redbridge and Waltham Forest have selected Dr Geoffrey Seeff as their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) for the Chingford and Woodford Green constituency, where Iain Duncan Smith is the current MP. Speaking to party members after his selection, Geoff Seeff reminded them that Chingford and Woodford Green voted to remain in Europe in 2016: The nation has been polarised and Parliament paralysed since the ill-conceived and mismanaged referendum took place. Sadly, in the ensuing debate on the outcome, people have lost sight of the vision and values that inspired the founding of the European Union ...
Today's Guardian tells us about a new report which claims that property wealth in Britain from second homes has risen by more than 50% over the past two decades to reach nearly £1 trillion. Research by the Resolution Foundation has found that total property wealth for UK residents from second homes, buy-to-let investments and overseas property has risen in value from around £610bn in 2001 to £941bn. The number of British adults in families who have wealth from properties additional to their own home has risen by more than 50% this century to reach 5.5 million - around one in ...
Fri, 12:56: In Moldovan Crisis, an Opportunity for EU to Act https://t.co/v78xIKL1Gs We can but hope. Fri, 13:00: RT @MercEurDialogue: Happening now! Opening lecture & debate on "National political systems and the process of Europeanisation: the history... Fri, 13:25: RT @pickwick: In which the House of Lords discusses whether American submarines are a danger to the Loch Ness Monster, and if it would be l... Fri, 14:27: RT @epc_eu: NEW | Commentary Towards a no-deal #Brexit in October By @larissaarabelle https://t.co/XHLAN5IpVb https://t.co/9wYbE7MNAQ Fri, 15:06: RT @nicupopescu: it's all true :) ON JUNE 8TH Nicu Popescu was on his way to ...
The People's Vote campaign have announced a Summer of campaigning which will take in many towns around the country, Labour and Conservative conferences and another big march in London on October 12th. I travelled down from Scotland for the march last October. I was gutted that I couldn't go when a million took to the streets in March. The campaign set out their plans: These protests will mobilise all those who feel their voice is being ignored by politicians hell-bent on imposing the hardest possible form of Brexit on the country without the public being given final say. This will ...
I attended the Lib Dem Leadership hustings event held in Manchester yesterday evening to help me decide whether to back Jo Swinson or Ed Davey. I came away more impressed with Davey than I expected to be but Swinson shaded it for me because of her engaging and down to earth way of connecting with her audience. Those who know me well will realise that I had wanted Layla Moran to stand for Lib Dem Leader but probably for all the right reasons she decided not to. I'm guessing that she wants to get more experience under her belt before ...
Chuka Umunna becoming a member of the Liberal Democrats is good for him, the Liberal Democrats and politics in the UK. There are several and important, obvious and not as obvious, reasons why this is so. Chuka Umunna is clearly an able, dynamic, eloquent personality. Anybody who has seen him relate to and engage with people, can see this. At home on television, with interviewers, on platforms, he is a communicator who is a good talker and listener. And he is as at ease with school kids and young people in their turf as he is in the Westminster bubble. ...
I welcome guest posts on Liberal England. As you can see from this list of the 10 most recent , I am happy to consider a wide range of subjects. If you would like to write a guest post yourself, please drop me an email so we can discuss your idea. The importance of respectful relationships between teachers and pupils - Sean Warren and Stephen BiggerThe Lib Dems and Brexit: How a shot in the arm became a shot in the foot - Neville FarmerDrinking with Daniel Farson - James TarryAn ideological conflict is coming - time for Liberals to ...
Most folk do not walk or cycle around the now infamous Switch Island where the M57 & M58 Motorways join with the A59, A5036 and the new(ish) Brooms Cross Road but it's quite possible and even safe to do so. Indeed it's probably safer than driving around it based on the almost daily road traffic accidents that happen there. However, if you do walk or cycle it you will come across this large boulder with 2 metal plaques set into it:- The plaques record the 1st and 2nd phases of the reconstruction of the junction in 1998 and 2006. But ...
DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR WEST END WARD - SATURDAY 15 AND SUNDAY 16 JUNE 2019 Brook Street (at Edward Street) - temporary traffic lights until Monday 17 June for SSEN work. REPORT FOR WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 17 JUNE 2019 Lochee Road (at Gardners Lane) - off-peak (9.30am - 3.30pm) stop/go traffic control from Tuesday 18 June for 4 days for footway works. Forthcoming Roadworks Antiques Roadshow - Saturday 22 June: Earl Grey Place West, South Crichton Street, South Castle Street and Earl Grey Place East closed for 2 days. Sunday 23 ...