The sign above is on a shop in the Lenton district of Nottingham. As that shop is still open, it may well still be some people's local independent free off licence. I suppose the one below (to be found just down the road) isn't strictly a ghost sign either, as it's not on a wall. But it's clearly some time since H. Wiltshire & Son operated from those premises.
Jo is used to a long commute home to East Dunbartonshire at the weekend. She had a few hours' extra to get to Aberdeen, though, for the first of two Scottish hustings. Big turnout at the Liberal Democrats leadership hustings in Aberdeen #LibDemleadership #LibDemSurge — Ian Yuill [IMG: 🔶] #FBPE (@IanYuill) June 7, 2019
Due to a change in personal circumstances, Lucy Salek has had to withdraw from the list of Liberal Democrat candidates for the London-wide GLA top-up list in the 2020 elections. The votes cast in the original selection have therefore been recounted and the new ordered list of Lib Dem candidates is: Caroline Pidgeon (existing Assembly member) Hina Bokhari Rob Blackie Chris Maines Joyce Onstad Irina von Wiese Ben Mathis Hussain Khan Michael Bukola Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett Adetokunbo Fatukasi You may notice that one of the people on the list is now an MEP so if the Lib Dems are successful in ...
On Friday, Ed made the long journey to Aberdeen – 7.5 hours on a train from London. The first hustings took place there but, first, a look back to an op ed he did last week for the New Statesman on LGBT rights: Over the last 50 years, the hard work by campaigners and rights groups has seen the UK take hugely progressive steps in the right direction. In my lifetime alone our country has overcome so many barriers in the fight for equality. I am proud to have been a part of this fight and particularly proud to have ...
April Preston thinks you should join the Radical Association. Brexit, not Trump, is the real threat to the 'Special Relationship' says former US State Department adviser Max Bergmann. "Of all the talented directors that Green Alliance has had, Tim Beaumont - or, to give him his full title, the Reverend Lord Beaumont of Whitley - was surely the most extraordinary." Green Alliance blog remembers the late Liberal and then Green peer. Tony Robertson looks back on Nottinghamshire and the miners' strike of the 1980s. Richie Unterberger tells the story of the record producer Joe Boyd and his company Witchseason: "Like ...
Second paragraph of third chapter: Thomas Jefferson said of his vice president, in words that would later be full of irony, that he was "a crooked gun, or other perverted instrument, whose aim of shot you could never be sure of." Published in 1992, the subtitle of the book lays it out: From Adams to Quayle - the Cranks, Criminals, Tax Cheats, and Golfers Who Made it to Vice President. There's lots of fascinating historical trivia here, including sidebars on the Twelfth Amendment, the provisions for succession and Alexander Stephens, but there is a rather wearyingly cynical tone throughout which ...
Responding to Jeremy Hunt's comments on the Sophy Ridge show this morning, in which he supported a reduction in the legal time limit for abortion from 24 to 12 weeks, Liberal Democrat MP Christine Jardine said:"It is incredibly alarming to see the former Heath secretary and a candidate in the race to be the next Prime Minister hold such a view."Rather than attacking the women's rights we already have in some parts of the UK, the Tories should be fighting for them to be equal in Northern Ireland."So far the Tory leadership race has shown how out of touch many ...
Responding to Michael Gove's promise to scrap VAT if he was to become the next Prime Minister, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Vince Cable said:"Michael Gove is clearly on par with other candidates in the Tory leadership race who have put forward equally ludicrous proposals. Any remaining claims the Conservatives had for having some fiscal responsibility has gone down the drain."VAT is an essential part of our tax system which raises vast amounts of revenue. Due to the zero rate exemption low income families are protected from the worst effects of the consumption tax."There is a strong argument for raising ...
Responding to Michael Gove's comments on the Andrew Marr show today in which he asked his colleagues to forgive him for taking drugs in the past, former Liberal Democrat Health minister Norman Lamb said:"Previous drug use should not exclude people from high office. What should exclude people from high office is hypocrisy."What the Liberal Democrats want to see the next Prime Minister do is end this hypocrisy of advocating draconian policies and instead enact reform."There must be a public health approach to drug use in the United Kingdom which will protect people from harm, rather than an approach which focuses ...
Between 1977 and 1979 Jethro Tull produced three albums with a strong folk influence: Songs from the Wood, Heavy Horses and Stormwatch. They became steadily darker, imbued with a sense of impending ecological catastrophe - in those days we worried about a new ice age and the oil running out rather than global warming. This is the closing track from Heavy Horses. Perhaps it sounds a little twee today, but it is hard not to like.
It's been quite an emotional week. There have been a few moments when I have actually burst in to tears. The first one was when I saw this from Scotland's Lib Dem MEP, Sheila Ritchie. It was worth the pain and the tiredness for everyone who delivered leaflets and knocked on doors to ensure that everyone in Scotland now has a Liberal Democrat representing them at one level. The same goes, of course for most other places in the country. It's so sad that we missed out in Wales and the North East – by tiny margins. And here she ...
Sat, 12:56: I was there. This is a good summary. Sat, 13:01: It was 30 years ago, but I don't think I had seen it before. Incredible and heart-breaking. Sat, 14:48: RT @georgeeaton: I don't think anyone expected class A drugs to feature so prominently in the Conservative leadership election. https://t.c... Sat, 15:23: RT @PaladinoEU: #Climatechange is seen as an elitist issue - But it impacts everyone (wherever the person in the White House says), notes @... Sat, 15:34: Nebula Awards Showcase 2011, ed. Kevin J. Anderson Sat, 16:05: Thank you for killing my novel This ...
It is becoming impossible to do otherwise than conclude that Labour's approach to disciplining its members is haphazard at best, discriminatory at worse. The latest incarnation of this hit and miss policy has been exposed in today's Sunday Times. They report that Jeremy Corbyn has been plunged into a new scandal over his party's handling of bullying and harassment after it emerged that his most senior aide dismissed an investigation into a close ally accused of inappropriate conduct around young women. They say that Karie Murphy, the Labour leader's chief of staff, operated outside formal procedures and said that she ...
When talking about how the Liberal Democrats should deal, or not deal, with other parties with whom we share some policy aims, I often make reference to the success of the Cook-Maclennan talks. They were a powerful example of where cross-party cooperation brought significant successes for implementing Liberal Democrat policy, and without electoral cost to the party. (If anything, they brought an electoral benefit.) But the internet is rather sparse with information about them, and I really don't want to think about what proportion of Liberal Democrat members were not even born when they took place. So here rescued from ...
Skopje Airport, and not Skopje Alexander the Great Airport, is the equivalent of, say, Leeds Bradford Airport, but without the glamour. It's functional, no more, no less, but it has the advantage of not being a place you can easily get lost. The flight to Istanbul was short and uneventful, although Turkish Airlines managed to serve a cooked breakfast which was better than just about anything British Airways have ever served me, and they do this for a flight of just over an hour and a half. My connection in the new Istanbul Airport was rather less than that, but ...
"My social media account was hacked" has become one of the most cliched even-less-of-an-apology-than-a-non-apology-apology response by candidates .
The West End Reading Group is a book club based at Blackness Library. This book club is set up to encourage all people to read and become more aware of the literature of authors of African, Caribbean and African American heritage. Meeting 5.30pm to 6.30pm on the second Monday of every month and the next meeting is tomorrow - Monday 10th June - when it will discuss "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", the first volume of autobiography written by Maya Angelou. In this book, she describes her childhood in the American South in the 1930s. Maya Angelou won ...
Plans submitted to create a new bar area in the Feathers Hotel and repaint the shopfront
Crest Hotels have submitted plans to convert the reception area of the Feather Hotel into a bar. This is a sensitive application for listed building consent which will be scrutinised in detail by Shropshire Council conservation officers and the Ludlow Conservation Area Advisory Committee. A related application seeks advertising consent to refurbish the fascia of the former bar area, which is now a tearoom. The Feathers is a major part of Ludlow's historic landscape. We can no more do without it than we could do without St Laurence's Church, the Buttercross, Bodenhams and Ludlow Castle. These are the anchor attractions ...