Exciting, isn't it? The anticipation of election results where we're almost bound to improve on last time. And with the wind in our sails. Now, I've been around long enough to expect disappointment, but let's see, shall we? 00.51 So, with only Scotland and Northern Ireland to report, here's the current picture; Brexit Party – 28 seats (up 28) Liberal Democrats – 15 seats (up 14) Labour – 10 seats (down 8) Greens – 7 seats (up 4) Conservatives – 3 seats (down 15) Plaid Cymru – 1 seat (no change) UKIP – no seats (down 23) The Liberal Democrat ...
Well, here we go... It's been an election campaign with remarkably good polls for the Liberal Democrats, even suggesting the party could beat the Conservatives for the first time in a national election since 1906. Turnout figures coming out since Friday have been positive too. What will happen? Check back and read updates as they come. Huge collapse in the Labour vote in Haringey. https://t.co/j6sr2JMjyy — Mark Pack [IMG: 🔶] (@markpack) May 26, 2019
[IMG: How to survive the European Election results tonight if you are a Liberal] Teddy Roosevelt, American President, once said that "to anger a conservative, lie to him; to anger a liberal, tell him the truth." I strongly suspect that this will be the mindset of many Liberals tonight... The post How to survive the European Election results tonight if you are a Liberal appeared first on @ambitiousmamas.
"It was the thin orange line of Lib Dem Councillors that held the line. Yes Vince and our team did great things in Parliament but it was resolute and bloody stubborn councillors that both held the line and then began slowly to move us forward leading to the great rush in Lib Dem votes and councillors at the beginning of May and what everyone hopes (except our opponents who dread) will be a great advance when the EU votes are declared tonight." Richard Kemp apportions praise where it is due. Ed Caesar tells the story of the the thwarting of ...
So, potentially stupidly, given my current situation, I am signed up to Like the Prose, a short fiction contest from the same people who do 28 Plays Later. You pay to join, but if you complete it you get the money back plus a share of the money from all the people who didn't complete it. The prospect of a bit of extra money, though (be still my Yorkshire heart) is not what attracted me to it. The reason I normally drop out of month long challenges is that you get a thing at the start of the month with ...
Welcome to Liberal Democrat Voice's coverage of the results from the other 678 seats in the European Parliament. I'm your host, Mark Valladares, a member of the Party's Federal International Relations Committee, and I'll be highlighting some of the interesting results from across Europe. Stay tuned for the drama to come... I'll be adding to the piece at the top, i.e. read upwards from the bottom... 00.07 Silvio Berlusconi has been elected to the European Parliament... 00.05 Into Monday morning now, thank heavens it's a bank holiday and I don't need to be in the office. Here's the latest projection ...
Tuesday, 28th May, 2019 at 7pm for a Community Seeding Event – Meet on Chaffers Field An idyllic view of Rimrose Valley Country Park Rimrose Valley Friends have details on their website – see link below:- Rimrose Valley Country Park
On Thursday night when every part of my body hurt like hell and my eyes were melting with exhaustion, I couldn't sleep. My body expected to be at a count and couldn't understand why I was in my bed. The three day wait to know whether our advance in the polls has been confirmed is excruciating. By the time you read this, I'll be on my way to the count in Edinburgh. We won't know the Scottish result tonight because the Western Isles don't count on a Sunday. That means that our result will be declared in a dramatic Royal ...
[IMG: Folkestone Coastal 10km run - runners number and medal] Today was the Folkestone Coastal 10km run - slightly to my surprise I'm delighted to say I completed it! My time of 62 minutes 32 seconds is certainly not going to give Mo Farah any sleepless nights, but its my first ever 10km run having started running this time last year - I'm just chuffed to have finished it! Thanks to all those that organised it, and those who stood on the route and cheered and clapped the runners on - that helped a LOT! But also huge thanks to ...
Welcome to the thousands of people who have joined the Liberal Democrats in the last few weeks, and a special mention to those of you who joined this morning. You were noticed by our Head of Membership. It's 9am on a Sunday and 103 people have already joined @LibDems today [IMG: 🤯] [IMG: 🥳] [IMG: 🎉] [IMG: 🎉] [IMG: 🎉] Join the biggest, strongest remain party and get your vote on who our next leader will be: https://t.co/9vAl1xAups pic.twitter.com/3notnhmcVt — Greg Foster [IMG: 🔶] (@LibFozzy) May 26, 2019 It's actually been really heartwarming to wake up every morning for the ...
You might introduce Tim Buckley by saying that he is best known as Jeff Buckley's father too, but I suspect that Jeff is now sliding into obscurity too. This track is from Tim Buckley's 1969 album Happy Sad, though he wrote it some years before that. As with Dolphins, which appeared on this blog years ago, the instrumental accompaniment here is as good as Buckley's voice.
A regular theme of my writing about research into the attitude of voters towards the Liberal Democrats has been about how much of what the media, and politicians, say is based on a simple myth. The coalition years of 2010-15 certainly did heavy damage to the party's popularity, but they didn't do long-term severe damage to the party's brand in the way that, for example, Chris Leslie claimed when explaining Change UK's (initial at least) desire to create a political party free from the Liberal Democrats. Even by 2017, only 1 in 5 voters both thought the Lib Dems were ...
Stamford before the fire Our Headline of the Day Award goes to the Stamford Mercury. The judges were complimentary about this new excuse for not having done your homework.
It is election time again! Hooray! And I will be commenting on the @APCOBXLInsider Twitter feed this evening, and on the Northern Ireland counts tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. I made up my mind some time ago on how I would vote in the European Parliament elections. In terms of how Europe is going to work in the future, the two main European parties, the European People's Party (EPP) and Party of European Socialists (PES) have wedded themselves to the concept of the Spitzenkandidat, where a vote for either of them is a vote for the new European Parliament to ...
Sat, 12:56: https://t.co/carM5zVhBY Sat, 14:48: 'The stories are a bit sinister': the secrets of London's hidden rivers revealed https://t.co/pPcaII0nyB This looks... https://t.co/Saasqj7jle Sat, 15:26: RT @ColinYeo1: THREAD. What is Theresa May's legacy on immigration? Given she quoted Nicolas Winton, who saved hundreds of child refugees b... Sat, 16:05: Finland is winning the war on fake news. Other nations want the blueprint https://t.co/mUfq446hD0 Good for Finland (as usual). Sat, 17:48: Have been hugely enjoying @xtophercook's series of long pieces on Brexit at @Tortoise. Today's two are clearly heav... https://t.co/o2wGOaXvvH Sat, 18:13: The Ginger Man, by J. P. Donleavy https://t.co/z6HiFjX0r3 Sat, 18:28: ...
Since the first of the great membership surges in 2015, which coincided with the last leadership election, we have enjoyed at least three further surges, taking the party to comfortably more than 100,000 members. But as a result, fewer than half of our members actually took part in the passionate and sometimes heated contest between Tim Farron and Norman Lamb. So, what happens in a Lib Dem leadership election? Candidates After proposals to extend the range of possible candidates failed at last year's Autumn Conference, the rules around candidates are unchanged - candidates must be sitting Lib Dem MPs in ...
We had another incident on Thursday at Gateshead's full council meeting of the Labour Leader Martin Gannon losing self-control. He launched a tirade at the Lib Dem group and totally lost his temper in doing so. He needs to calm down because further repeats of these temper tantrums are not good either for Gateshead or for him. As for why he loses his temper, I suspect there are two factors at
When I joined the Liberal Party in 1967, I did not do it because I wanted a career in politics or a safe seat. Just as well really as I would have been doomed to eternal disappointment. I joined because I wanted to 'march to the sound of gunfire' as Jo Grimond wanted us to. I wanted to see radical alternatives to the tired establishment Brylcreemed and three-piece suited men of the Tory and Labour Parties of the time, most of whom defined their view of themselves and society through the prism of the two world wars that shaped the ...
A 507/508 EMU Merseyrail unit at Crescent Road level crossing – Birkdale, Southport. The BBC has the article on its website – see link below:- www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-48393548 This is an interesting situation and clearly Merseyrail were not fully aware of what the advertising company working on their behalf were doing. It led to a reverse ferret following a simple question to the public transport provider on Merseyside from a traveller who asked whether Merseyrail shared the opinions of Morrissey. A Merseyrail train at Bootle Oriel Road Station Of course it also begs the question about how far those displaying advertisements should ...
DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 27 MAY 2019 West Marketgait (North of Nethergate) - off-peak lane closures for one week for pedestrian crossing upgrade works. Greenmarket - temporary traffic lights for one week for SSEN works. Forthcoming Roadworks Blackness Road (Glamis Road to Blackness Avenue) - closed from Wednesday 5 June for 5 working days for carriageway patching works.