Hello! I'm Mark Pack, author of 101 Ways To Win An Election, and the maintainer of the largest database of national voting intention polls in the UK, stretching back to 1943. Welcome to a round-up of the latest voting intention figures from each of the polling firms who are currently active in Britain. The final rounds of European Parliament election polls for Great Britain all have the Brexit Party ahead (on 27-38%), then have it tight between Labour (13-25%) and the Lib Dems (12-20%), with the Conservatives (7-15%) consistently behind the Lib Dems and so mixing it with the Greens ...
Turning EU citizens away feels like a deliberate attempt to silence voices Responding to reports that EU citizens are being turned away from polling stations and denied a vote, Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesperson Ed Davey said: It is an utter disgrace that so many EU citizens have been unable to vote in these historic elections. This feels like a deliberate attempt by the Conservatives to silence the voices of our fellow Europeans. Liberal Democrats will hold the government to account for this bureaucratic shambles and ensure that the voices of EU citizens are heard.
What a brilliant effort by Liberal Democrats all around Britain today. And fantastic to see so many Labour supporters, even members, quietly joining the Lib Dem ranks...
Second paragraph of third chapter: I'm not always enthused by the various Who spinoff publications, BBC or otherwise, but this one is a real winner (and I should say that in general I've been more than satisfied with Steve Tribe's work). Here we have the TARDIS examined from all angles, its non-fictional inspiration in the drafts of C.E. "Bunny" Webber, the designs of Peter Brachacki and his successors, and the various ways it has been used in the show, from both in-universe and external perspectives. It was published in 2010, just nicely in time for The Doctor's Wife the following ...
The Conservatives might be ignoring polling day, but the Liberal Democrats definitely aren't. This afternoon I've been out in Haringey: Out campaigning with Jens (who left home at 3:30am to get on campaigning in both UK and Germany!), @joswinson and a great team from our super-glam office. pic.twitter.com/r2R1C0Q0kJ — Mark Pack [IMG: 🔶] (@markpack) May 23, 2019
Have YOU voted yet in today's European Parliament election? You don't need identification, just go to your normal polling station and tell them your name and address. If you have a postal vote but you haven't posted it, you can still fill it out and take it in to any polling station. Polling stations are open until 10 pm this evening.
As spotted by Iain Dale, the Conservatives are not exactly going flat out on Euro polling day with their digital campaigning efforts.
No wonder so many Labour supporters are switching to the Liberal Democrats for these European elections when people like John McDonnell say things like this.
Mortgage fell through. A month today I - we - have to be out of this house and we have nowhere to go. There are four humans and two dogs in this household and there is nothing suitable to rent, and no time to try to sort out alternative funding for buying. We are going to have to split up. As for the dogs: I couldn't bear to send the dogs to a rehoming charity, and even if I could, who will take Roxy at 13 years old with a £100 a month medical bill? So who knows what can ...
Southport viewed from the end of its pier The Liverpool Echo has the article on its website – see link below A bizarre story in many ways and you can't help but wonder what help the chap involved in this incident must require. Southport Pier and its much missed pier tram Click on the photos to enlarge them
I called into Sunniside Social Club at 11am to vote in the European Parliament elections. I was struck as I walked there by the thought that I was about to take part in one of the biggest exercises in democracy on the planet. Yet many of those who support Brexit claim the EU is undemocratic. How they square this claim with the likely result of the Brexit Party taking part in and finishing today's
Wed, 15:45: Best line of a great thread. https://t.co/KwTmpvuDdn Wed, 16:05: RT @ultrabrilliant: One second from every episode of Game of Thrones. https://t.co/rFz2CFLwBx Wed, 16:19: Will we see the first Green EU Commissioner? asks @PoliticoRyan. Poor Michaele Schreyer, who served in the Prodi... https://t.co/gzjbDuTwoc Wed, 17:08: RT @stephenkb: May has achieved the impressive feat of convincing MPs who like the sound of her concessions that she doesn't mean it and ca... Wed, 17:11: RT @DanKaszeta: OK. Regarding this milkshake stuff. Some context on where and how I'm qualified to comment. I spent 6 years in the US Sec... Wed, 17:15: ...
And here he is, waterskiing to show the Lib Dem wave of support. The campaign's going swimmingly pic.twitter.com/ZzN4G4qAoW — Katie Armour (@katie_armour) May 21, 2019 And this might be a good moment to remember some of his best bits: And they met again, for lunch: And who can forget the manifesto launch in 2016 held in a soft play centre?
There is perhaps no more explosive combination than religion and politics. Which is why so many tend to steer away from it. But we can't all ignore it. So here goes. The most recent fracas has been about Islamophobia. An All Party Parliamentary Group has come up with a suggested definition that the government has [...] The post Why defining Islamophobia might not be such a good idea appeared first on Radix.
In the near 40 years I have been in politics I have never seen anything like the mess we are currently in as a democracy and as a nation. As somebody who has studied history, I am struggling to find precedents for the extraordinary chaos that exists in the two main parties, the rise of the far right and the deep divisions that blight our country. The nearest I can come to it is the fall of the Weimar Republic, but we certainly do not want to go down that route. The unrest in the Tory Party reached unprecedented levels ...
End of the line from Wigan, the Merseyrail service to Liverpool is accessed under the bridge. A curiosity and I imagine a real frustration for users of this line from the May 19th timetable changes by Northern is this:- A double-headed (2 loco) train departs Knowsley Freight Terminal on its way to Wilton Power Station. So it seems, according to Northern that is, that the troubled timekeeping on the Kirkby – Wigan – Manchester line is due to the freight trains to and from Knowsley Freight Terminal causing delays. The freight trains, usually 4 movements per day (2 in – ...
The European Parliament elections are being held in Britain today, using the d'Hondt form of PR. You have until 10pm to vote. You do not need your polling card. Good luck to everyone taking part in democracy today. A little extra good wishes to fellow Liberal Democrats of course. Voting in person Polling stations are open between 7am and 10pm today. You don't need your polling card to vote You have to vote at your local polling station, which is indicated on the polling card. If you've lost your card and aren't sure where to vote, you can look it ...
From Sheena Wellington : This Saturday - 25th May - at 11am - Wighton Hertage Centre, Central Library(doors open 10.30am with tea/coffee available for £1 donation)Cappuccino Concert with Graham Carter, singer/guitarist Graham Carter is a Traditional Singer/Guitarist who is equally at home performing songs of England, Scotland or Ireland. He originally hails from Poole in Dorset but for the last twelve years has been based in Scotland where he has become well known on the Folk Scene. Indeed as well as being a popular folk club guest, he is the main organiser for both Strathaven Folk Club and Strathaven Folk ...
It's been a bloody awful three years. Politics dominated by the psychodrama in the Conservative Party over Europe and the splits in a Labour Party which refuses to declare whether it is for Brexit or Remain. Finally, the sun shows a willingness to break through the storm clouds of British politics. A strong vote for us with a high turnout could see us beat the Brexit Party. This whole campaign has been an absolute joy. We've had the clearest message – vote Lib Dems to stop Brexit – with its fruitier alternative, Bollocks to Brexit – and we have been ...
As I started to write this a while back, there were council elections going on in much of England and Wales. Tomorrow, there will be another set of elections, as we vote in European elections for what will hopefully not ... Continue reading →