Cable: We are the stop Brexit party Speaking on the Andrew Marr show this morning, ahead of this weeks European elections, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Vince Cable said: I think it is now quite likely we will get the People's Vote that we are fighting for and it can be done by October. We are talking about having a referendum on the terms of Brexit, now knowing what it entails. It's absolutely clear that no Brexit at all is the best option and that is what a vote for the Liberal Democrats is for. We are the stop Brexit ...
St Guthlac's in not in Knighton village, but is to be found just off the London Road. It was built to serve the large houses and terraced streets that had sprang up here and today form one of the city's most pleasant suburbs. Completed 1912, it is generally described as the last work of the prolific Leicester architect Stockdale Harrison. He designed De Montfort Hall and many other buildings in the city, as well as the Usher Hall in Edinburgh. Next door is the Holbrook Memorial Hall, built as a memorial to the men of Knighton who had died in ...
"Time and again, right from the beginning, they have made such basic errors in their thinking, their planning and their execution that if they're to be remembered by history at all, it will be as an object lesson in how not to launch a political party." David Herdson is damning on the many failures of Change UK. Mark Paine is one person who was originally attracted by Change UK but soon decided to come home to the Liberal Democrats. "Children, vulnerable people and general members of the public can suffer long-term effects from participation in these kinds of reality show, ...
One of the glories of the Leicestershire countryside are the drifts of white blossom you see in the hedgerows at this time of year. It reaches the fringes of the towns too. I took these photographs close to my home - an area, to be fair to another fine county, that was originally in Northamptonshire. 'May blossom' is properly hawthorn blossom - the hawthorn is also known as the 'may tree' - and that explains the slightly puzzling saying: "Ne'er cast a clout till May be out." Puzzling, because it sounds so cautious. The latter weeks of May can be ...
Former Labour and Conservative MPs set to vote Liberal Democrat in the European elections
Two former MPs - one Labour and one Conservative - have both announced that they are voting Liberal Democrat in the European elections.
We are heading back to the polls this week and so today I was in Birtley to help our ward candidate Paul Elliott to deliver a few hundred postcards calling on people to vote Lib Dem on Thursday. Job done in two hours. I still have lots to deliver in various places in Gateshead by 23rd May.
Around The World in 80 Days won the Oscar for Best Motion Picture of 1956, and picked up another four, Best Cinematography, Color (Lionel Lindon), Best Film Editing (Gene Ruggiero and Paul Weatherwax), Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture (Victor Young) and Best Writing, Best Screenplay, Adapted (John Farrow, S. J. Perelman, and James Poe). It was also nominated in Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color; Best Costume Design, Color; and Best Director. Interestingly, none of the actors was nominated despite the all-star cast. The other contenders for Best Motion Picture that year were The King and I ...
In the latest episode of Never Mind The Bar Charts, Stephen and I discussed the controversial and successful Liberal Democrat slogan for these European elections: Bollocks to Brexit. A sign of its expected controversy was that only the 'special' edition of the party's European manifesto has this on the front page. An alternative, blander front page is on the normal version. Yet since its launch, the controversy has greatly abated in the face of its success. In one respect, this is not remarkable: successful slogans are punchy, clear and use normal language. This has them all. It also reflects much ...
If you have voted one way for almost 70 years, it's hard to do anything differently. But former Tory Cabinet Minister Michael Heseltine is doing just that on Thursday. His passionate internationalism and support of the European Union means that he will be supporting the Liberal Democrats. Heseltine famously fell out with Margaret Thatcher over Europe and it was his challenge that led to her downfall in another Tory fight over Europe. From the Observer: In an article for the Sunday Times, he said: "The reason for my experiment with the Lib Dems is, of course, the government's position on ...
Shropshire Homes has submitted a detailed planning application for 67 dwellings, including four blocks of three-storey apartments on the former quarry site on Fishmore Road. This follows outline approval for 74 dwellings on the site granted in February 2019. The site layout is heavily constrained by the former quarry, its mudstone cliffs and a buried quarry face - which the developer calls the "High Wall". Because the ground above the High Wall could subject to movement, it will be a car parking area. This site needs developing and it is good to have plans come forward, especially as many of ...
All are welcome at the Social Liberal Forum AGM, in Manchester on Saturday 25th May with Tony Greaves, Jane Brophy, John Pugh, Louise Harris, John Leech. I need a new pair of shoes. We have all been on the campaign trail for a long time-local elections followed by the European vote. The Social Liberal Forum AGM in Manchester on 25th May provides an ideal opportunity to reflect and take stock before we set out for the next challenges. Personally I am looking forward to going back Brecon and Radnor, I was last there in 1985 for Richard Livsey's outstanding by-election ...
I am too long in the tooth to get excited by opinion polls. I've seen lots before that have predicted one outcome but we end up with something else. The trend in recent polls is for a Lib Dem rise, a collapse in the Conservatives' ratings, and Labour slipping badly. Sadly, the Brexit Party is in the lead, and by a significant margin. But, putting aside the Brexit Party, and taking the polls with
When I first became of it, the Eurovision Song Contest generally came down to a battle between a woman singing a sophisticated ballad in French and another singing Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong for Britain. Fortunately, the French ballads usually won, but we Britons lived in fear of Cilla Black being chosen to represent us. Here is the song that won Eurovision for Monaco in 1971 - you get the feeling that the composers of 'I Dreamed a Dream' were aware of it and its wistful mood. Séverine was something of a gun for hire. She is French, and after winning ...
At a time when populist and very illiberal political forces, often sustained by support from outside groups and movements for whom the existence of the EU is a threat, are casting a shadow across the continent, Liberal Parties across Europe are putting forward their vision for the EU. This is very much the context of ... Continue reading A Social, Liberal and European Manifesto
Sat, 12:56: The Birth of the New American Aristocracy "We 9.9 percenters live in safer neighborhoods, g... Sat, 14:48: RT @Lexialex: Not a single Arab has ever shot up a school. This isn't only racist, it's stupid. Every school shooter looked like your All-A... Sat, 15:38: Ahahahahah Sat, 17:16: Desperate. Sat, 17:49: Hahahahha Sat, 20:00: My week on Twitter 🎉: 24 Mentions, 194 Likes, 56 Retweets, 602K Retweet Reach, 2 New Followers. See yours with... Sat, 20:23: Sebastian Kurz triggers Austrian election after far-right scandal Sat, 21:00: Apologies to all non-Eurovision fans who ...
The Observer outlines the consequences for Jeremy Corbyn's three years of fence-sitting and supporting Theresa May over Brexit, as it reports that senior Labour figures were engaged in a desperate battle to shore up the party's support last night, amid warnings that its stance on Brexit was helping to "detoxify the Lib Dems". The panic has been prompted by news that new polling suggests Vince Cable's party is running in first place in London and could even beat Labour overall: One senior party figure warned: "If the consequence of Labour's Brexit position and this European election is to essentially detoxify ...
The Lib Dems have overtaken Labour in another poll, this time another massive one, in the Observer: Lib Dems were on 17% ahead of Labour on 16% and the same poll put us in first place in London and ahead of Labour as the choice for Remain voters. The data seems to be matching up with the many anecdotes from across the country, this one from Alistair Campbell on Channel 4 News last night: "I've been out in London today, you're falling over Labour supporters who say they're voting @LibDems" @campbellclaret on @Channel4News just now!! [IMG: 🔶] [IMG: 🔶] [IMG: ...
This comes from Elaine Drage in the West Midlands, having to cope with a surge in demand for Liberal Democrat posters.
Shropshire Council declared a climate emergency on Thursday - but its leader would not agree to emer...
On Thursday, Shropshire Council voted to declare a climate emergency. It was a good move and a late negotiated amendment got a deal on the table. But the Tories insisted that the "emergency" was taken out of "climate emergency" by removing all references to the target date of 2030. It was the best we could get through in the face of opposition from the Conservative leadership who refused to accept any deadlines for action. There will be opportunity for negotiating dates and a move from the council's environmentally destructive business as usual approach over the next sixth months. I wish ...
The timing of this talk, set a good while back, has turned out rather well: after the European election polling day and before the Lib Dem leadership contest kicks off. So if you're near Ripon do come along and pepper me with questions next weekend; Where to next for the Liberal Democrats? Mark Pack is the editor of Liberal Democrat Newswire and a very entertaining* speaker. We are hosting him for a discussion on the future direction for the Liberal Democrats. Ripon Community House, Allhallowgate, Ripon on 25th May, 2-4pm. Click here to buy tickets. Like me to come and ...
At the age of 49 and being of a naturally cynical disposition, you would think that I would be immune to unreservedly believing in exciting shiny new things. Well, reader, I have a confession to make - I signed up as a supporter of Change UK. Yes, I believed that they were the future of British politics and yes, I actually believed that they would transform the political landscape, kill off tribalism and usher in a new age of cooperation and consensus. Truly this was the glorious bright new dawn... However, as we seen the bright new dawn is more ...
The other day whilst cycling in Aughton I came across the Council (Lancashire County?) and the Police stopping traffic on Prescot Road for a census count. They were stopping each vehicle and doing a short interview with each driver. I'm guessing asking them where they had come from and were going to. They were, however, not interested in cyclists (much to the grumbling of vehicle drivers I expect) I was waved through. Actually, I would have been more than happy to have engaged in the census and wonder why cyclists are excluded, after all we are traffic on the road. ...
As I previously highlighted, West End Community Council has received funding through the Places for Everyone fund which is administered by Sustrans Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government and Transport Scotland, to develop ideas to enhance a section of Perth Road around the district shopping centre. Here's some of the numerous events and opportunities for anyone with and interest or passion for the Perth Road to get involved and share your ideas. Have your say on what works, what needs to be improved and what the priorities are. All events are free!