Another despatch from the frontline of the Conservative Party collapse: Michael Heseltine reveals he will be voting Liberal Democrat on Thursday! — Lib Dem Press Office (@LibDemPress) May 18, 2019
Hello! I'm Mark Pack, author of 101 Ways To Win An Election, and the maintainer of the largest database of national voting intention polls in the UK, stretching back to 1943. Welcome to a round-up of the latest voting intention figures from each of the polling firms who are currently active in Britain. The final Sunday trio of European Parliament election polls for Great Britain all have the Brexit Party ahead (on 31-34%), then have it tight between Labour (15-23%) and the Lib Dems (15-17%), with the Conservatives consistently behind the Lib Dems (9-12%), mixing it with the Greens (6-11%) ...
If Alistair Carmichael had stood for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats in 2015 I would happily have supported him But he was too mired in an election court case brought by SNP sympathisers to consider standing. Now comes news that he may stand this time. Could he be our Pardoe? Or should we remember the warning of Alexander Kotov against unexpected third choices?
Younger readers of this blog may not recognise the design being copied here in which case – count yourself lucky. Very lucky indeed. One for the 'proof the world is getting better' file.
It's long been accepted that diversity in the Liberal Democrats is patchy at best. Often our lack of diversity is compounded by a lack of understanding of what causes it, and how we work to make sure we better reflect society in an inclusive and meaningful way. Diversity comes in many forms, and this often makes it difficult for us to develop strategies to expand our membership in a diverse manner. In the Young Liberals we're acutely aware of this issue and want to ensure that we are doing everything we can to help make us more accessible, understanding and ...
Today's day of campaigning started off with one definite result: getting in my own vote. No prizes for guessing where my cross went.
I've not written a post about Game of Thrones before, but if you've read my bio it should come as no surprise that I'm a bit of a fan. The latest and penultimate episode, 'The Bells', has caused a great deal of controversy among (some) fans, and in my opinion quite wrongly. I think the ultimate direction of the character arc of Daenerys has been trailed right from the beginning. To start off with, I'll make a very simple point - if you weren't expecting something like this, you weren't watching when Dickon Tarly got royally toasted! This has always ...
Fri, 12:56: RT @CatrinNye: Parenting tips from the cat... Fri, 16:05: RT @DavidHenigUK: Of all the Brexit tropes the idea that no-deal means certainty must be one of the most inaccurate. Fri, 17:11: Brexit mess is a 'crushing disaster' for UK business, says CBI chief #TakingBackControl Fri, 18:22: Dark Lord of Derkholm, by Diana Wynne Jones Sat, 09:19: RT @tconnellyRTE: Brexit: the EU looks on in "suspended disbelief" Here's my take on the latest plot twists, and why Europe is bracing itse... Sat, 09:31: RT @DPhinnemore: "But anything in the [Withdrawal Agreement] bill which seeks to alter ...
Snapshot from BBC4's "Storyville – Brexit: Behind Closed Doors" If you haven't already watched it, it's very much worth watching BBC 4's "Storyville – Brexit: Behind closed doors" made by Belgian filmmaker Lode Desmet. He had behind-the-scenes access to Guy Verhofstadt and his family and team during the two years of the Brexit negotiations. (Guy Verhofstadt is the Brexit co-ordinator for the European Parliament). Part 1 is available for the next 20 days on BBC iPlayer here. Part 2 is available for 21 days here. It's a beautifully made and fascinating documentary. I particularly liked the way that they showed ...
Jeremy Corbyn may well have pulled the plug on talks with the Tories over how to deliver Brexit, but just how far they had come in achieving that aim has been revealed by a leaked document highlighted by Evening Standard. The Standard says that the two parties were discussing a plan to block a second referendum and stage "preferential votes" in the Commons designed to allow Britain to leave the EU on July 31: The plan involves: Free votes for MPs in which they would rank in order of preference five different forms of customs arrangements with the EU, ranging ...