Hello! I'm Mark Pack, author of 101 Ways To Win An Election, and the maintainer of the largest database of national voting intention polls in the UK, stretching back to 1943. Welcome to a round-up of the latest voting intention figures from each of the polling firms who are currently active in Britain. The Lib Dem rise is continuing, up to second in the latest European elections polls. For general election polls based on fieldwork in May, the party is on between 11% and 18%, a range well above anything seen since the early part of the coalition years. (Scroll ...
Vince Cable visits Gibraltar ahead of EU Elections Vince Cable, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, is visiting Gibraltar today as part of the Liberal Democrats' EU Election campaign. Mr Cable will be meeting trade unions and businesses from both sides of the border as well as Gibraltarian politicians, including the Chief Minister of Gibraltar. Ahead of the visit, Vince Cable said: The folly of Brexit could hardly be more starkly obvious or more keenly felt than in Gibraltar. By leaving the European Union, we enable Spain to make ever more outrageous demands about Gibraltar with no British voice at the ...
Gateshead Lib Dem exec was held on Wednesday evening. We had a good discussion about the local election campaign and we provisionally agreed six more target wards. But the evening went to Dave Fawcett who was attending his last meeting as local party secretary. He stood down from the post he has held for many years due to health issues. We presented him with an engraved tankard and some bottles
OK so this is mostly diesel locomotive porn. But it is also a reminder that Kettering Town used to be a serious club and that the nationalised British Rail was good at adapting to exceptional demand - much better than the privatised railways appear to be. On 28 January 1989 Kettering were drawn away to Charlton Athletic in the fourth round of the FA Cup. To cater for fans, British Rail laid on four extra trains. Mind you, it sounds as though the shuttle to Corby was cancelled to make room for the added workings. There is no footbridge in ...
Sad news from Shropshire and the Shropshire Star: Stiperstones Church of England Primary School is set to shut, with children being moved to Norbury or Chirbury. The move came about after the federation in charge of the school said it was struggling with funding. The plan is set to be signed off by Shropshire Council's cabinet at at meeting on May 22.Back in 2011 I covered the campaign to save the school. Visiting the village that August I wrote that the school was: convinced that its future is safe because it is entering a federation with the school at Chirbury. ...
At the start of the month I blogged about Bishops' Castle residents' plans to block the main road to Shrewsbury as a protest against proposed cuts to the service. That protest duly took place today. More than 70 people - an impressive turnout - blocked the A488 and the Shropshire Star had photographs. The organiser, Sarah Wilkinson, told the paper: "It is imperative that this service is maintained. If people lose it not only will those who rely on a bus service have to move, they may also lose their jobs. If they do not have a car they will ...
From the Awkward Squad website: Calder's Law states that every lib dem leadership election mirrors Steel vs Pardoe: a boring, centrist, reliable, safe-pair-of-hands Steel, vs an exciting, radical, a bit risky Pardoe. Nine times out of ten the Steel wins. This t-shirt is for those of us who mourn the tendency of our party towards centrism, and is available in black, white, grey, and tie-dye for those who don't remember the seventies because they were there, man, and really DID vote Pardoe.Strictly speaking, it is Calder's Sixth Law of Politics, but I am immensely flattered. I was all set to ...
Voting Liberal Democrat in the European Parliament elections? If so, thank you! It's a vital extra step in the battle to stop Brexit and it's great to see so many people switching over to back the Lib Dems. And here are four simple things you can do to make your vote even more powerful. Show people your support on Facebook The more people see that others are voting Lib Dem, the more likely they are to vote Lib Dem themselves. You can show your support by sharing this post on Facebook right away. Tell the party you're voting Lib Dem ...
This post contains spoilers for the first episode of the BBC’s Years And Years.
Second paragraph of third chapter: The two of them preceded Querida and Barnabas up the straight drive (for, despite working until after midnight, Derk had not found room to make the drive wander as he wanted) and to the enormous terrace, where they politely bowed the two wizards up the steps. It was perhaps unfortunate that the moving around of the garden had resulted in the clump of man-eating orchids arriving at a bed just beside these steps. They made a dart at Querida as she passed, all several dozen yellow blooms at once. Querida turned and looked at them. ...
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia: We'll never stop fighting for equali...
Six years ago, when I was Equalities Minister, I was due to attend a celebration of International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). My colleague, Lynne Featherstone, who was instrumental to the Same Sex Marriage Bill, had worked up a document that called for action on LGBT+ rights and which was to be signed by a dozen European Ministers at this event. In the months leading up to it, the Conservatives were copied in on the different versions and didn't say a word. So we all thought they were fine with it all. But then, suddenly, just three days ...
In the New Statesman, Ed Davey writes that knife crime must be treated as a public health and education issue and that Sajid Javid's punitive approach will not work. First he outlines the problems with Javid's Knife Crime Protection Orders: I can't imagine what it is about the experience of ASBOs makes Javid think they'll work for knife crime. In some communities, ASBOs were seen as a "badge of honour". Many young people openly flouted them. The threat of prison simply doesn't work as a deterrent for a lot of young people. Even worse, ASBOs consumed a lot of police ...
The Patchwork Foundation was founded in 2013 to encourage Young people from marginalised and minority backgrounds to get involved in public life and make politics more accessible. Over the years it has grown from strength to strength and is something I am incredibly proud to be a part of. Patchwork runs the Masterclass Programme, the MP of the Year Awards and the #GetInvolved programme as well as other events and sessions throughout the year. As part of the #GetInvolved programme we take groups of young people aged from 18-30 to the three main party conferences every Autumn and this is ...
Thu, 12:37: RT @campbellclaret: 18 years ago today I got a call from @johnprescott 'Hiya ... I've just thumped a bloke.' I said 'what sort of bloke?' '... Thu, 12:40: RT @Cdbrow1: @scalzi I understand the Writers have launched a petition for Season 8 to be viewed by different fans... Thu, 12:56: Susan Sontag was true author of ex-husband's book, biography claims https://t.co/2UaCZLOBvd Extraordinary story. Thu, 16:05: RT @AOC: Abortion bans aren't just about controlling women's bodies. They're about controlling women's sexuality. Owning women. From limi... Thu, 17:11: Britain's Busineses Have Already Lost, Brexit or No Brexit https://t.co/iCBVHlBvEQ #TakingBackControl Thu, ...
So I have actually been out in public wearing this. And people are It's the most on message I've been in years. The t-shirts were designed by the amazing Jennie Rigg and are available here. They are good quality and I ordered mine last weekend and it arrived on Tuesday. Any money Jennie makes from the site gets put into Pride materials for LGBT+ Lib Dems – although it does cost her to run the site as well. But that cause is particularly apt on the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. * Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal ...
The vast Maghull East urban extension (presently high grade agricultural land) site as seen from Poverty Lane, Maghull The Liverpool Echo has the article on its website – see link below I wonder where this is heading and will Sefton Council take the same approach to these developers as Liverpool City Council seems to be doing? It feels like a long time now since Sefton Council picked the vast Maghull East site for an urban extension to the Town on what is presently high grade agricultural land. And it was a hugely controversial move which created a significant environmental ...
The Lib Dems overtake Labour in a poll for the first time since 2010 - the zero percent strategy kic...
To an outside observer, the political strategy being pursued by the Labour leader's office appears to be shockingly idiotic. They are advocating going ahead with what would be a reasonably hard Brexit, but not one that any self-identified hard Brexiteer would be happy with. To boot, it is mostly built around things that are either logically impossible or have been or definitely would be rejected by the EU. This week, Corbyn went on TV and said that if he became prime minister, the UK would leave the EU no matter what; as night follows day, the Lib Dems overtake them ...
Well there's a headline that I didn't foresee me writing just 4 weeks ago! True its only one poll but it's by no means an outlier. A number of polls recently have shown Lib Dems moving up through the teens ... Continue reading →
A Merseyrail train passes the former Maghull Signal Box @1990. The last track plan, from the now demolished box, is now on display as part of the Frank Hornby Trust's exhibition area within the Town's Meadows Leisure Center – Copyright Noted HSG Take a while to sit back to look at this video on You Tube, it's surprising what has changed since 1990 just using Maghull Station as an example:- Maghull Station in 1991 looking south – the old semaphore signals are of course long gone – Copyright Noted HSG At 17 minutes and 25 seconds on the video ...
We always knew the opposition motions would be defeated, even though they got support from several Conservatives. The focus was therefore on strengthening the Conservative motion through a cross party amendment. In a second article today, I will report on the meeting itself. This article publishes the two amendments and one motion that were discussed in the council chamber. Amendment to Motion 4 from the Lib Dem Group This amendment to the original Tory motion was accepted unanimously. Recognising that there are three motions and one public petition, we seek to amend Motion 4 to ensure that the council treats ...
The astonishing volatility of the opinion polls was demonstrated again this morning after the Times published the results of a survey showing the Liberal Democrats in second place for Thursday's European poll, behind the Brexit Party and ahead of Labour. The Tories were trailing in fifth place with the support of just 9% of those asked. In Wales the Conservatives are in even more dire straits. A Welsh poll published yesterday put them in sixth position on 7%, with only Change UK trailing in their wake. The paper says that the Liberal Democrats appear to be picking up support from ...
The most recent YouGov opinion poll puts us in second place in the European elections ahead of Labour. From a sample of over 7000 people, YouGov (for The Times) found:: Second place! [IMG: πΊπ»] [IMG: πΊπ»] [IMG: πΊπ»] YouGov/The Times Euro mega poll BXP 35% (+1) Lib Dems 16% (+1) Lab 15% (-1) Greens 10% (-1) Tories 9% (-1) CUK 5% (nc) UKIP 3% (nc) YouGov interviewed 7,192 between Sunday and Yesterday. #RemainBacklash #VoteLibDem @LibDems [IMG: πΆ] [IMG: πΆ] [IMG: πΆ] — Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP [IMG: πΆ] (@agcolehamilton) May 17, 2019 From The Times (£) The Lib Dems appear to ...
Today is IDAHOBIT: the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.It's a day in which we make a stand against intolerance and prejudice. It's also a day in which we raise awareness of the ongoing violence and repression LGBT+ communities experience worldwideMy friend Mathew Hulbert has written this for the occasion, which for me perfectly outlines why we need to mark the day - and why resisting homophobia, biphobia, intersexism and transphobia cannot be something that happens once a year. A day.A single day.24 hours where we take a stand.Against Homophobia. Against Biphobia. Against Transphobia.Against hate.A day where we ...
Lib Dems demand same-sex marriage for Northern Ireland on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia Today on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Liberal Democrats have demanded that the Government legislate for same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland. Responding to reports that the Conservative Government, propped up by the anti-equal marriage party the DUP, is considering legislating to allow longer licensing hours for the Open Golf Championship taking place in Northern Ireland this July, Alistair Carmichael said: It is ridiculous that the Conservatives would even consider legislating for the British Open to have slightly longer licensing hours while they ...